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Last active January 19, 2024 14:49
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Git Cheat Sheet

Initialise a repository

git init


# Add
git add
git add .
git add ../somefile.go

# Reset change to previous committed state (changes will be gone, be careful!)
git checkout

# Check difference
git diff

# Check difference on file that has been in staging
git diff --staged

Push to remote

git push origin main --verbose


git checkout main
git merge --no-ff features # this will merge branch features into main

Undo last commit, but keep changes (not committed to remote)

git reset HEAD~1

Delete branch


git checkout main
git branch -d local_branch


git push origin --delete remote_branch

Git Flow

If there is branch divergent between local and remote:

$ git flow feature finish refactor-predictor
Branches 'feature/refactor-predictor' and 'origin/feature/refactor-predictor' have diverged.
And local branch 'feature/refactor-predictor' is ahead of 'origin/feature/refactor-predictor'.

It means we need to resolve both branch by pulling from the remote and push it to the remote again

# Update local feature/refactor-predictor branch
git pull origin feature/refactor-predictor

# Push changes to origin
git push origin feature/refactor-predictor

If there is branch divergent, but the local may be fast-forwarded, then to resolve this we can add additional step from above

Branches 'develop' and 'origin/develop' have diverged.
Fatal: And branch 'develop' may be fast-forwarded.
# Update local develop branch
git pull origin develop

# Push changes to origin
git push origin develop

# Fast-forward develop if needed
git checkout develop
git pull origin develop --ff-only
git push origin develop


Deleted a branch but it is still showing up when you use the tab completion

git fetch --prune

This command will update your local Git repository with the latest changes from the remote repository and also remove any references to deleted branches

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