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Last active October 19, 2016 16:56
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A Python script that uses the xlrd and openpyxl frameworks to read user defined cells from a selected Excel spreadsheet and append them to a seperate master workbook.
import shutil
import os
import xlrd
from xlrd import open_workbook
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import openpyxl
import glob
import datetime
files = glob.glob('*.xls')
filename = []
for i in files:
filename += [i]
filestring = filename[0]
### Open source workbook ###
workbook = open_workbook(filestring)
sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0)
### Read data from source column ###
# Initialise empty lists which will store values
worktick = []
ordernum = []
siteadd = []
locid = []
leadlen = []
def readsource(lst, colnum):
source = []
for i in range(sheet.nrows):
lstval = sheet.cell_value(i, colnum)
source += [lstval]
source = source[1:]
return source
# Function for reading data from a selected column (colnum) to a predefined list (lst)
worktick = readsource(worktick, 0)
ordernum = readsource(ordernum, 1)
siteadd = readsource(siteadd, 2)
locid = readsource(locid, 3)
leadlen = readsource(leadlen, 7)
### Open destination workbook ###
# masterdoc = 'C:\where\is\the\file'
masterdoc = 'Google docs Master Workbook.xlsx'
destwb = load_workbook(masterdoc)
ws =
# Find length of input row
rowx = 0
cell = ws['A1']
column_floor = []
while cell.value != None:
cell = ws.cell(0, 1 + rowx, 0)
rowx += 1
column_floor += [cell.value]
column_floor = len(column_floor) + 1
# column_floor is our start row value for writing source values
theday =
today = "%s-%s-%s" % (, theday.month, theday.year)
added = 'Added on: ' + today
### Write source values ###
def writeval(lst, colnum):
titlecell = ws.cell(0, column_floor-1, 0)
titlecell.value = added
for i, value in enumerate(lst):
newcell = ws.cell(0, column_floor + i, colnum)
newcell.value = value
writeval(worktick, 0)
writeval(ordernum, 1)
writeval(siteadd, 2)
writeval(locid, 3)
writeval(leadlen, 4)
### Save file ###
# Initialise variables
current = os.getcwd()
processed_path = current + os.sep + 'Processed' + os.sep
# Save our edited Master Workbook
# Save a copy of our edited Master Workbook, and move to a Backup dir
backupPath = current + os.sep + 'Backup' + os.sep + 'Backup' + today + 'Master Doc.xlsx')
# shutil.move('Backup Master Doc.xlsx', backupPath)
# Move our source workbook to a Processed dir
processed_path = current + os.sep + 'Processed' + os.sep
processedtag = 'Processed on ' + today + ' '
shutil.move(filestring, processed_path)
os.rename(processed_path + os.sep + filestring, processed_path + os.sep + filestring[:-4] + ' [' + processedtag + ']' + '.xls')
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