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Created June 12, 2018 06:50
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GraphQL Shield Rules class
import { shield, and, or, not } from 'graphql-shield'
import {rules} from './rules'
export const permissions = shield({
Mutation: {
createResource: and( rules.isAuthenticated(), rules.hasRoles(["ADMIN", "USER"]), rules.hasScopes(["admin:god", "create:resource"]) ),
deleteResource: and( rules.isAuthenticated(), or( rules.hasRole("ADMIN"), rules.hasRole("EDITOR") ) )
}, {
import { rule } from 'graphql-shield'
import { getUserId } from '../../lib/utils'
import * as BBPromise from 'bluebird'
* Collection of useful methods for checking roles and role scopes from an authenticated user
class Rules {
* Check user roles against Prisma
* @param userId (string) User ID from Context
* @param role (string) Required Role
* @param context
private async _hasRole (userId:string, role:string, context:any) {
const checkIfUserHasRole = await context.prisma.query.users({ where: {
id: userId,
roles_some: {
console.log("HAS ROLE ", role, "?", checkIfUserHasRole.length > 0)
if(Object.keys(checkIfUserHasRole).length > 0) return true
return false
* Check scopes from user roles against Prisma
* @param userId (string) User ID from Context
* @param requiredScope (string)
* @param context
private async _hasScope (userId:string, requiredScope:string, context:any) {
const checkIfUserHasScope = await context.prisma.query.users({ where: {
id: userId,
roles_some: {
scopes_some: {
scope: requiredScope
console.log("HAS SCOPE ", requiredScope, "?", checkIfUserHasScope.length > 0)
if(Object.keys(checkIfUserHasScope).length > 0) return true
return false
* Check whether user is authenticated and if the user exists
isAuthenticated() {
return rule()(async ( parent, args, context, info ) => {
const id = getUserId(context)
if(!id) throw Error('User not found')
return await context.prisma.exists.User({ id })
* Check scopes from user roles in parallel
* @param scopes (string[])
hasScopes (scopes:string[]) {
return rule()(async ( parent, args, context, info) => {
const id = getUserId(context)
await BBPromise.all( (scope) => {
if(await this._hasScope(id, scope, context) === false) throw Error('User not found or does not have required permissions')
return true
return true
* Check if user is authenticated and has the required role scope
* @param scope (string)
hasScope (scope:string) {
return rule()(async ( parent, args, context, info) => {
const id = getUserId(context)
if ( await this._hasScope(id, scope, context) === false ) throw Error('User not found or does not have required permissions')
return true
* Check user roles in parallel
* @param roles (string[])
hasRoles (roles:string[]) {
return rule()(async ( parent, args, context, info) => {
const id = getUserId(context)
await BBPromise.all( (role) => {
if(await this._hasRole(id, role, context) === false) throw Error('User not found or doesn\'t have necessary authorization')
return true
return true
* Check if user is authenticated and has the required role
* @param role (string)
hasRole (role:string) {
return rule()(async ( parent, args, context, info) => {
const id = getUserId(context)
if(!await this._hasRole(id, role, context)) throw Error('User not found or doesn\'t have necessary authorization')
return true
export let rules = new Rules
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Hey @dukou, I see you've taken one interesting approach! I've never thought of anything like this.

I like the way you pull together all your rules in one class, really interesting. I am not the biggest fan of classes myself, but I see great benefit in how you do it. Would love to see more of this examples! 🎉 🙂

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