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Created December 27, 2018 07:00
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Script created for use on MotionEyeOs, to change configurations for day and night.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Script created for use on MotionEyeOs, to change configurations for day and night
# Crontab execute every 5 min
# 02,07,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47,52,57 * * * * /usr/bin/python /data/ >> /var/log/dayornight.log
from math import floor, ceil, pi, atan, tan, sin, asin, cos, acos
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from time import mktime
import sys
import time
import os
import os.path
import shutil
import subprocess
def get_sunrise(lat, lng, dt, utc_offset):
return sun_rise_set_calc(lat, lng, dt, utc_offset, True)
def get_sunset(lat, lng, dt, utc_offset):
return sun_rise_set_calc(lat, lng, dt, utc_offset, False)
def sun_rise_set_calc(lat, lng, dt, utc_offset, get_sunrise):
# by Ankit Haldar
dayOfYear = (floor(275*dt.month/9) - (floor((dt.month+9)/12) * (1+floor((dt.year-4*floor(dt.year/4)+2)/3))) + - 30)
d2r = pi/180
#convert the longitude to hour value and calculate an approximate time
lngH = lng/15
t = dayOfYear + ((6 if get_sunrise else 18) - lngH)/24
#m => Sun's mean anomaly
m = (0.9856 * t) - 3.289
#l => Sun's true longitude
l = m + (1.916 * sin(m*d2r)) + (0.020 * sin(2 * m*d2r)) + 282.634
l += -360 if l > 360 else 360 if l < 360 else 0
#ra = Sun's right ascension (right ascension value needs to be in the same quadrant as L)
ra = atan(0.91764 * tan(l*d2r))/d2r
ra += -360 if ra > 360 else 360 if ra < 360 else 0
ra += (floor(l/90) - floor(ra/90)) * 90
ra /= 15
#sinDec, cosDec => Sine and Cosine of Sun's declination
sinDec = 0.39782 * sin(l*d2r)
cosDec = cos(asin(sinDec))
#Sun's local hour angle
cosH = (cos(90.8333333333333*d2r) - (sinDec * sin(lat*d2r))) / (cosDec * cos(lat*d2r))
if get_sunrise and cosH > 1: print('the sun never rises on this location (on the specified date)'); sys.exit()
elif not get_sunrise and cosH < -1: print('the sun never sets on this location (on the specified date)'); sys.exit()
h = ((360 - (acos(cosH)/d2r)) if get_sunrise else (acos(cosH)/d2r))/15
#Local mean time of rising/setting
meanT = h + ra - (0.06571 * t) - 6.622
#adjust back to local standard time
local = meanT - lngH + utc_offset
local += 24 if local < 0 else -24 if local > 24 else 0
local *= 3600
def restart_MotionEye():
os.system("/etc/init.d/S84streameye restart")
os.system("/etc/init.d/S85motioneye restart")
def file_get_contents(path):
if not os.path.isfile(path): return ""
f = open(path, "r")
data =
return data
def file_put_contents(path, data):
f = open(path, "w")
if __name__ == '__main__':
debug = False
# Get yout lat/lng from
lat = -22.6823
lng = -59.1343
# Fine adjust: Set the time it takes after the sunrise or sunset, for light change to occur.
day_lightin_delay = 20 #min
day_lightout_delay = 20 #min
# For Telegram config change notifications
telegram_bot_api_token = ''
telegram_chat_id = ''
logStr = ''
ts_now = time.time()
utc_offset = ((datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_now) - datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts_now)).total_seconds())/60/60 # includes daylight saving time
#utc_offset = (-time.timezone)/60/60 # does not include daylight saving time
dt_now =
day_sunrise_secs = get_sunrise(lat, lng, dt_now, utc_offset)
day_sunset_secs = get_sunset(lat, lng, dt_now, utc_offset)
ts_day_start = mktime(datetime.strptime(datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_now).strftime("%Y-%m-%d 00:00"),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M").timetuple())
ts_day_sunrise = ts_day_start + day_sunrise_secs
ts_day_sunset = ts_day_start + day_sunset_secs
td_day_hours = timedelta(seconds = (ts_day_sunset - ts_day_sunrise))
ts_day_lightin = ts_day_sunrise + (day_lightin_delay * 60)
ts_day_lightout = ts_day_sunset + (day_lightout_delay * 60)
lastStateFile = '/var/spool/dayornightState'
lastState = file_get_contents(lastStateFile)
currentState = ''
if (ts_now >= ts_day_lightin and ts_now <= ts_day_lightout):
currentState = 'day'
currentState = 'night'
logStr = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_now).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
logStr += ' (daylight from '+datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_day_lightin).strftime("%H:%M")+' to '+datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_day_lightout).strftime("%H:%M")+') = '
if lastState != currentState:
logStr += lastState+' > '+currentState
logStr += currentState
if (debug):
print('-------------------------------\n{}\n-------------------------------'.format(datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_now).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")))
print('lat: {} lng: {}'.format(lat,lng))
print('utc_offset with daylight saving time: {}'.format(utc_offset))
print('day_sunrise: {}'.format(datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_day_sunrise).strftime("%H:%M")))
print('day_sunset: {}'.format(datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_day_sunset).strftime("%H:%M")))
print('hours of day: {:02d}:{:02d}'.format(td_day_hours.seconds/3600,td_day_hours.seconds%3600/60))
print('day_lightin: {}'.format(datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_day_lightin).strftime("%H:%M")))
print('day_lightout: {}'.format(datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_day_lightout).strftime("%H:%M")))
if lastState != currentState:
if (telegram_bot_api_token != '' and telegram_chat_id != ''):
telegram_cmd = 'curl -s -X POST "'+telegram_bot_api_token+'/sendMessage" -F chat_id='+telegram_chat_id+' -F text="'+logStr+'"'
telegram_cmd_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(telegram_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
(stdoutdata, stderrdata) = telegram_cmd_subprocess.communicate()
if (debug):
if os.path.isfile("/data/etc/thread-1.conf"):
if (lastState != ''):
shutil.copyfile("/data/etc/thread-1.conf", "/data/etc-"+lastState+"/thread-1.conf")
shutil.copyfile("/data/etc-"+currentState+"/thread-1.conf", "/data/etc/thread-1.conf")
print('updated config files, restarting motioneye...')
file_put_contents(lastStateFile, currentState)
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