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Created January 13, 2018 18:15
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Python-QSTK Portfolio Analyzer
# QSTK Imports
import QSTK.qstkutil.qsdateutil as du
import QSTK.qstkutil.tsutil as tsu
import QSTK.qstkutil.DataAccess as da
# Third Party Imports
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
from scipy.optimize import minimize
' Reads data from Yahoo Finance
' @param li_startDate: start date in list structure: [year,month,day] e.g. [2012,1,28]
' @param li_endDate: end date in list structure: [year,month,day] e.g. [2012,12,31]
' @param ls_symbols: list of symbols: e.g. ['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM']
' @returns d_data: dictionary structure of data mapped to keys e.g. 'open', 'close'
def readData(li_startDate, li_endDate, ls_symbols):
#Create datetime objects for Start and End dates (STL)
dt_start = dt.datetime(li_startDate[0], li_startDate[1], li_startDate[2]);
dt_end = dt.datetime(li_endDate[0], li_endDate[1], li_endDate[2]);
#Initialize daily timestamp: closing prices, so timestamp should be hours=16 (STL)
dt_timeofday = dt.timedelta(hours=16);
#Get a list of trading days between the start and end dates (QSTK)
ldt_timestamps = du.getNYSEdays(dt_start, dt_end, dt_timeofday);
#Create an object of the QSTK-dataaccess class with Yahoo as the source (QSTK)
c_dataobj = da.DataAccess('Yahoo', cachestalltime=0);
#Keys to be read from the data
ls_keys = ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'actual_close'];
#Read the data and map it to ls_keys via dict() (i.e. Hash Table structure)
ldf_data = c_dataobj.get_data(ldt_timestamps, ls_symbols, ls_keys);
d_data = dict(zip(ls_keys, ldf_data));
return [d_data, dt_start, dt_end, dt_timeofday, ldt_timestamps];
' Calculate Portfolio Statistics
' @param na_normalized_price: NumPy Array for normalized prices (starts at 1)
' @param lf_allocations: allocation list
' @return list of statistics:
' (Volatility, Average Return, Sharpe, Cumulative Return)
def calcStats(na_normalized_price, lf_allocations):
#Calculate cumulative daily portfolio value
#row-wise multiplication by weights
na_weighted_price = na_normalized_price * lf_allocations;
#row-wise sum
na_portf_value = na_weighted_price.copy().sum(axis=1);
#Calculate daily returns on portfolio
na_portf_rets = na_portf_value.copy()
#Calculate volatility (stdev) of daily returns of portfolio
f_portf_volatility = np.std(na_portf_rets);
#Calculate average daily returns of portfolio
f_portf_avgret = np.mean(na_portf_rets);
#Calculate portfolio sharpe ratio (avg portfolio return / portfolio stdev) * sqrt(252)
f_portf_sharpe = (f_portf_avgret / f_portf_volatility) * np.sqrt(250);
#Calculate cumulative daily return
#...using recursive function
def cumret(t, lf_returns):
if t==0:
return (1 + lf_returns[0]);
return (cumret(t-1, lf_returns) * (1 + lf_returns[t]));
f_portf_cumrets = cumret(na_portf_rets.size - 1, na_portf_rets);
return [f_portf_volatility, f_portf_avgret, f_portf_sharpe, f_portf_cumrets, na_portf_value];
' Simulate and assess performance of multi-stock portfolio
' @param li_startDate: start date in list structure: [year,month,day] e.g. [2012,1,28]
' @param li_endDate: end date in list structure: [year,month,day] e.g. [2012,12,31]
' @param ls_symbols: list of symbols: e.g. ['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM']
' @param lf_allocations: list of allocations: e.g. [0.2,0.3,0.4,0.1]
' @param b_print: print results (True/False)
def simulate(li_startDate, li_endDate, ls_symbols, lf_allocations, b_print):
start = time.time();
#Check if ls_symbols and lf_allocations have same length
if len(ls_symbols) != len(lf_allocations):
print "ERROR: Make sure symbol and allocation lists have same number of elements.";
#Check if lf_allocations adds up to 1
sumAllocations = 0;
for x in lf_allocations:
sumAllocations += x;
if sumAllocations != 1:
print "ERROR: Make sure allocations add up to 1.";
#Prepare data for statistics
d_data = readData(li_startDate, li_endDate, ls_symbols)[0];
#Get numpy ndarray of close prices (numPy)
na_price = d_data['close'].values;
#Normalize prices to start at 1 (if we do not do this, then portfolio value
#must be calculated by weight*Budget/startPriceOfStock)
na_normalized_price = na_price / na_price[0,:];
lf_Stats = calcStats(na_normalized_price, lf_allocations);
#Print results
if b_print:
print "Start Date: ", li_startDate;
print "End Date: ", li_endDate;
print "Symbols: ", ls_symbols;
print "Volatility (stdev daily returns): " , lf_Stats[0];
print "Average daily returns: " , lf_Stats[1];
print "Sharpe ratio: " , lf_Stats[2];
print "Cumulative daily return: " , lf_Stats[3];
print "Run in: " , (time.time() - start) , " seconds.";
#Return list: [Volatility, Average Returns, Sharpe Ratio, Cumulative Return]
return lf_Stats[0:3];
' Optimize portfolio allocations to maximise Sharpe ratio
' @param li_startDate: start date in list structure: [year,month,day] e.g. [2012,1,28]
' @param li_endDate: end date in list structure: [year,month,day] e.g. [2012,12,31]
' @param ls_symbols: list of symbols: e.g. ['GOOG','AAPL','GLD','XOM']
' @param s_precision: true - precise optimization; false - 10% increments & positive weights
def optimize(li_startDate, li_endDate, ls_symbols, b_precision):
start = time.time();
#Prepare data for statistics
ld_alldata = readData(li_startDate, li_endDate, ls_symbols);
d_data = ld_alldata[0];
#Get numpy ndarray of close prices (numPy)
na_price = d_data['close'].values;
#Normalize prices to start at 1 (if we do not do this, then portfolio value
#must be calculated by weight*Budget/startPriceOfStock)
na_normalized_price = na_price / na_price[0,:];
if b_precision:
#Precise optimization:
#Define objective function (sharpe ratio)
def objective_sharpe(x):
return simulate(li_startDate, li_endDate, ls_symbols, x)[2];
#Work on this later...
#Imprecise optimization (required in Homework 1)
#Using backtracking and permutation
#Permutation function
def all_perms(elements):
if len(elements) <=1:
yield elements;
for perm in all_perms(elements[1:]):
for i in range(len(elements)):
#nb elements[0:1] works in both string and list contexts
yield perm[:i] + elements[0:1] + perm[i:];
#Backtracking function results in list of integers that sum to 10
global li_sol, li_valid, i_sum, i_numEls;
TARGET = 10;
li_sol = [0] * len(ls_symbols);
#li_sol = [0] * TARGET;
li_valid = [];
i_sum = 0;
i_numEls = 0;
def back(lastEl):
global li_sol, li_valid, i_sum, i_numEls;
if i_numEls >= len(ls_symbols):
if i_sum == TARGET:
for i in range(lastEl, TARGET + 1 - i_sum):
i_sum += i;
li_sol[i_numEls] = i;
i_numEls += 1;
i_sum -= i;
i_numEls -= 1;
#Convert to float array that sum to 1
global lf_valid;
lf_valid = [];
for i in li_valid:
lf_valid.append([j/10.0 for j in i]);
#Calculate Sharpe ratio for each valid allocation
f_CurrMaxSharpe = 0.0;
for allocation in lf_valid:
t_Stats = calcStats(na_normalized_price, allocation);
if t_Stats[2] > f_CurrMaxSharpe:
lf_CurrStats = t_Stats
f_CurrMaxSharpe = t_Stats[2];
lf_CurrEffAllocation = allocation;
#Plot portfolio daily values over time period
#Obtain benchmark $SPX data
d_spx = readData(li_startDate, li_endDate, ["$SPX"])[0];
na_spxprice = d_spx['close'].values;
na_spxnormalized_price = na_spxprice / na_spxprice[0,:];
lf_spxStats = calcStats(na_spxnormalized_price, [1]);
plt.plot(ld_alldata[4], lf_spxStats[4]); #SPX
plt.plot(ld_alldata[4], lf_CurrStats[4]); #Portfolio
plt.axhline(y=0, color='r');
plt.legend(['$SPX', 'Portfolio']);
plt.ylabel('Daily Value');
plt.savefig('chart.pdf', format='pdf');
#Print results:
print "Start Date: ", li_startDate;
print "End Date: ", li_endDate;
print "Symbols: ", ls_symbols;
print "Optimal Allocations: ", lf_CurrEffAllocation;
print "Volatility (stdev daily returns): " , lf_CurrStats[0];
print "Average daily returns: " , lf_CurrStats[1];
print "Sharpe ratio: " , lf_CurrStats[2];
print "Cumulative daily return: " , lf_CurrStats[3];
print "Run in: " , (time.time() - start) , " seconds.";
Actual Implementation Starts:
startDate = [2011,1,1];
endDate = [2011,12,31];
simulate(startDate,endDate,['AAPL', 'GLD', 'GOOG', 'XOM'], [0.4, 0.4, 0.0, 0.2], True);
optimize(startDate,endDate,['AAPL', 'GLD', 'GOOG', 'XOM'], False);
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