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Last active May 20, 2024 14:48
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import { Machine } from "./machine";
import { Context, State } from "./models";
describe("Machine", () => {
describe("Machine.create(state)", () => {
test("it returns an instance of state machine", () => {
const machine = Machine.create({ value: "saying.hello", context: {} });
describe("machine.value", () => {
test("provides the current state value of the machine", () => {
const machine = Machine.create({ value: "saying.hello", context: {} });
describe("machine.context", () => {
test("provides the current context of the machine", () => {
const machine = Machine.create({ value: "saying.hello", context: { phrase: "howdy" } });
expect(machine.context).toEqual({ phrase: "howdy" });
describe("Sending messages", () => {
describe("machine.send(message)", () => {
test("allows a user to send messages used to update the machine", () => {
const initialState = { value: "initial", context: {} };
const machine = Machine.create(initialState);
const state = machine.send({ event: "anything", payload: {} });
describe("machine.registerUpdate(fn)", () => {
let machine: Machine<
"saying.hello" | "saying.goodbye",
{ phrase: string },
{ event: "poke"; payload: {} } | { event: "sayGoodbye"; payload: { phrase?: string } }
beforeEach(() => {
machine = Machine.create({
value: "saying.hello" as const,
context: { phrase: "hi there!" },
afterEach(() => {
machine = undefined as any;
test("accepts a function used interpret messages", () => {
machine.registerUpdate(({ event, payload }, state) => {
switch (event) {
case "sayGoodbye":
return {
value: "saying.goodbye",
context: { ...state.context, phrase: payload.phrase ?? "goodbye" },
return state;
machine.send({ event: "sayGoodbye", payload: {} });
expect(machine.context).toEqual({ phrase: "goodbye" });
test("a bad update cannot take down the system", () => {
let history: { value: string; context: { phrase: string } }[] = [];
machine.registerUpdate(({ event, payload }, state) => {
if (event === "sayGoodbye") {
return { value: "saying.goodbye", context: { phrase: payload.phrase ?? "whatevs" } };
} else {
return state;
machine.registerUpdate(({ event }, state) => {
if (event === "poke") {
throw Error("OOOOOOOOOOOO");
} else {
return state;
machine.subscribe(async (_, state) => {
machine.send({ event: "sayGoodbye", payload: { phrase: "later" } });
machine.send({ event: "poke", payload: {} });
machine.send({ event: "sayGoodbye", payload: { phrase: "buh bye" } });
{ value: "saying.goodbye", context: { phrase: "later" } },
{ value: "saying.goodbye", context: { phrase: "later" } },
{ value: "saying.goodbye", context: { phrase: "buh bye" } },
describe("Subscribing to updates", () => {
let machine: Machine<
{ count: number },
{ event: "increment"; payload: {} } | { event: "decrement"; payload: {} }
beforeEach(() => {
machine = Machine.create({ value: "counting", context: { count: 0 } });
machine.registerUpdate(({ event }, { context, ...state }) => ({
context: { count: context.count + (event === "increment" ? 1 : -1) },
afterEach(() => {
machine = undefined as any;
describe("machine.subscribe()", () => {
test("a user can subscribe to state updates", () => {
let history: { count: number }[] = [];
machine.subscribe(async (_, state) => {
machine.send({ event: "increment", payload: {} });
machine.send({ event: "increment", payload: {} });
machine.send({ event: "decrement", payload: {} });
machine.send({ event: "increment", payload: {} });
machine.send({ event: "decrement", payload: {} });
{ count: 1 },
{ count: 2 },
{ count: 1 },
{ count: 2 },
{ count: 1 },
test("rogue subscribers cannot bring down the machine", () => {
let history: Context[] = [];
const good = jest.fn(async (_: unknown, state: State<string, Context>) => {
const bad = jest.fn(async () => {
throw Error("Watch out!");
machine.send({ event: "increment", payload: {} });
machine.send({ event: "increment", payload: {} });
machine.send({ event: "increment", payload: {} });
expect(machine.context).toEqual({ count: 3 });
expect(history).toEqual([{ count: 1 }, { count: 2 }, { count: 3 }]);
describe("handling side effects", () => {
let machine: Machine<
"idle" | "loading" | "success" | "failure",
{ data?: string; error?: string },
| { event: "request"; payload: { what: string } }
| { event: "succeed"; payload: { data: string } }
| { event: "fail"; payload: { error: string } }
let history: { value: string; context: {} }[] = [];
beforeEach(() => {
machine = Machine.create({
value: "idle",
context: {},
machine.registerUpdate(({ event, payload }, state) => {
switch (event) {
case "request":
return { value: "loading", context: {} };
case "succeed":
return { value: "success", context: { ...state.context, data: } };
case "fail":
return { value: "failure", context: { ...state.context, error: payload.error } };
return state;
machine.subscribe(async (_, state) => {
afterEach(() => {
machine = undefined as any;
history = [];
describe("machine.registerEffect(effect)", () => {
test("effects can update state in response to a message", () => {
machine.registerEffect(async ({ event, payload }, send) => {
if (event === "request" && payload.what !== "oops") {
const data = `${payload.what.toUpperCase()}!!`;
send({ event: "succeed", payload: { data } });
} else if (event === "request") {
const error = "UH OH";
send({ event: "fail", payload: { error } });
machine.send({ event: "request", payload: { what: "wow" } });
machine.send({ event: "request", payload: { what: "oops" } });
{ value: "loading", context: {} },
{ value: "success", context: { data: "WOW!!" } },
{ value: "loading", context: {} },
{ value: "failure", context: { error: "UH OH" } },
test("effects can not bring down the system", () => {
machine.registerEffect(async ({ event, payload }, send) => {
if (event === "request" && payload.what === "oops") {
throw Error("oh no");
} else if (event === "request") {
const data = `${payload.what.toUpperCase()}!!`;
send({ event: "succeed", payload: { data } });
machine.send({ event: "request", payload: { what: "wow" } });
machine.send({ event: "request", payload: { what: "oops" } });
machine.send({ event: "request", payload: { what: "cool" } });
{ value: "loading", context: {} },
{ value: "success", context: { data: "WOW!!" } },
{ value: "loading", context: {} },
{ value: "loading", context: {} },
{ value: "success", context: { data: "COOL!!" } },
import type {
Context as TContext,
Message as TMessage,
State as TState,
} from "./models";
const reportError = console.error.bind(console); // TODO: Extract and report to datadog
export class Machine<
Value extends string,
Context extends TContext,
Message extends TMessage,
State extends TState<Value, Context> = TState<Value, Context>,
> {
private updates: Map<Symbol, Update<Message, State>> = new Map();
private subscribers: Map<Symbol, Callback<Message, State>> = new Map();
private effects: Map<Symbol, Effect<Message, State>> = new Map();
private constructor(private state: State) {}
get value() {
return this.state.value;
get context() {
return this.state.context;
static create = <
V extends string,
C extends TContext,
M extends TMessage,
S extends TState<V, C> = TState<V, C>,
state: S,
) => new Machine<V, C, M>(state);
private broadcast = async (message: Message, state: State) => {
const subscribers = [...this.subscribers.values()].map((callback) => callback(message, state));
Promise.allSettled(subscribers); // TODO: Error reporting for failed callbacks
private runEffects = async (message: Message) => {
const effects = [...this.effects.values()].map((effect) => effect(message, this.send));
Promise.allSettled(effects); // TODO: Error reporting for failed effects
private update = (message: Message, state: State): State => {
const updates = [...this.updates.values()];
return updates.reduce((stateAcc, fn) => {
let updatedState = stateAcc;
try {
updatedState = fn(message, stateAcc);
} catch (err) {
} finally {
return updatedState;
}, state);
registerEffect = (effect: Effect<Message, State>) => {
this.effects.set(Symbol(), effect);
return this;
registerUpdate = (update: Update<Message, State>) => {
this.updates.set(Symbol(), update);
return this;
subscribe = (callback: Callback<Message, State>) => {
this.subscribers.set(Symbol(), callback);
return this;
send = (message: Message) => {
this.state = this.update(message, this.state);
this.broadcast(message, this.state);
return this.state;
export type Context = Record<string, unknown>;
export type State<V extends string, C extends Context> = {
value: V;
context: C;
export type Message = {
event: string;
payload: Record<string, unknown>;
export type Update<M, S extends State<string, Context>> = (message: M, state: S) => S;
export type Effect<M, S extends State<string, Context>> = (
message: M,
send: (message: M) => S,
) => Promise<void>;
export type Callback<M extends Message, S extends State<string, Context>> = (
message: M,
state: S,
) => Promise<void>;
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