This bookmarklet toggles between HackerNews pages and Cheeuan's HackerWeb interface. If you're not on either then it acts a a bookmark to HackerWeb.
If you edit this, use something like bookmarkleter to convert it into a bookmarklet.
if ( /https?:\/\/news\.ycombinator\.com\/item\?id=(\d+)/.test(location) ) {
location = '' + RegExp.$1;
else if ( /http:\/\/cheeaun\.github\.io\/hackerweb\/#\/item\/(\d+)/.test(location) ) {
location = '' + RegExp.$1;
else {
location = '';
Create a bookmark to HackerNews then edit it and paste the following into the URL/address field:
Domain has changed from to To avoid the redirect the bookmarklet should be: