const url = require('url'); |
const axios = require('axios'); |
const qs = require('querystring') |
const WebSocket = require('ws'); |
// disable certificate verification |
const baseUrl = ''; |
const username = 'ubnt'; |
const password = 'Pa55w0rd'; |
(async () => { |
//console.error('Start'); |
const sessionCookie = await logon(baseUrl, username, password); |
//console.error('Logged on'); |
//console.error({ sessionCookie }); |
await refreshHostNames(sessionCookie) |
const { protocol, hostname } = url.parse(baseUrl) |
const wsproto = protocol == 'https:' ? 'wss:' : 'ws:'; |
const hostnameIsIp = (/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/).test(hostname) |
const ws = new WebSocket(`${wsproto}//${hostname}/ws/stats`, { |
servername: hostnameIsIp ? '' : undefined // suppress "[DEP0123] DeprecationWarning: Setting the TLS ServerName to an IP address is not permitted by RFC 6066. This will be ignored in a future version." |
}); |
ws.on('open', function open(x) { |
//console.error("Opening websocket"); |
const initMessage = JSON.stringify({ |
SUBSCRIBE: [{ name: "export" }], |
SESSION_ID: sessionCookie |
}); |
//console.error("Sending: ", initMessage); |
ws.send(initMessage.length + '\n' + initMessage, function (e) { |
if (e) |
console.error('init message error', e); |
}); |
//console.error('sent init message'); |
}); |
let messageLength = 0; |
let messageContent = ''; |
ws.on('message', async (data) => { |
if (messageLength == 0) { |
//console.log('... new msg'); |
const newlinepos = data.indexOf('\n'); |
messageLength = ~~data.slice(0, newlinepos); |
messageContent = data.slice(newlinepos + 1); |
} |
else |
{ |
//... append |
messageContent += data; |
} |
if (messageContent.length < messageLength) { |
// incomplete, wait for next part |
return; |
} |
await handleMessage(messageContent); |
try { |
await refreshHostNames(sessionCookie); |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('ERROR: refreshHostNames ', error); |
} |
messageLength = 0; |
messageContent = ""; |
}); |
ws.on('error', (code, reason) => { |
console.error('WS ERROR', { code, reason }); |
}) |
ws.on('close', (code, reason) => { |
console.error('WS CLOSE', { code, reason }); |
}) |
})(); |
const _hostnames = {}; |
let _messageCount = 0 |
async function handleMessage(messageContent) { |
// header row |
if (_messageCount++ == 0) { |
console.log('time,categoryName,appName,hostname,ip,tx_bytes,tx_rate,rx_bytes,rx_rate'); |
} |
/* { |
"export": { |
"": { |
"Google Static Content(SSL)|Network protocols": { |
"tx_bytes": "2355", |
"tx_rate": "0", |
"rx_bytes": "1500", |
"rx_rate": "0" |
}, |
"Youtube|Media streaming services": { |
"tx_bytes": "85079", |
"tx_rate": "0", |
"rx_bytes": "688716", |
"rx_rate": "0" |
}, |
}, |
... |
*/ |
//console.error(messageContent); |
const message = JSON.parse(messageContent); |
if (!message["export"]) |
return; |
const time = new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 19).replace('T', ' '); |
const exportItems = message['export']; |
for (const ip in exportItems) { |
const exportItem = exportItems[ip]; |
for (const appAndCategory in exportItem) { |
const stat = exportItem[appAndCategory] |
const hostname = _hostnames[ip] || ip; |
const [appName, categoryName] = appAndCategory.split(/\|/); |
console.log(`${time},${csvEncode(categoryName)},${csvEncode(appName)},${csvEncode(hostname)},${ip},${stat.tx_bytes},${stat.tx_rate},${stat.rx_bytes},${stat.rx_rate}`); |
} |
} |
} |
function csvEncode(str) { |
if (str == null) |
return ''; |
if (str.indexOf(",") > -1 || str.indexOf("\"") > -1) |
str = '"' + str.replace(/"/g, '""') + '"'; |
return str; |
} |
async function logon(baseUrl, username, password) { |
const form = { username: username, password: password }; |
const response = await axios.post(baseUrl, qs.stringify(form), { |
maxRedirects: 0, |
validateStatus: () => true // accept all certs |
}); |
if (!response.headers['set-cookie']){ |
throw new Error('Logon failed, please check username/password') |
} |
const cookies = response.headers['set-cookie'].reduce((obj, item) => { |
const [name, value] = item.split(/=/); |
obj[name] = value.split(/;/)[0]; |
return obj; |
}, {}); |
//console.log({cookies}); |
const sessionCookie = cookies['beaker.session.id']; |
return sessionCookie; |
} |
async function refreshHostNames(sessionCookie) { |
// only run every minute |
if ((new Date() - (refreshHostNames.lastUpdated || 0)) / 1000 < 60) |
return; |
//console.error('Refresh host names') |
const response = await axios.get(baseUrl.replace(/\/$/, '') + "/api/edge/data.json?data=dhcp_leases", { |
headers: { "Cookie": `beaker.session.id=${sessionCookie}` } |
}); |
//console.log("refreshHostNames:", response.data.output['dhcp-server-leases'].LAN); |
const leases = response.data.output['dhcp-server-leases'].LAN; |
for (const ip in leases) { |
_hostnames[ip] = leases[ip]['client-hostname'].replace(/\?/g, ''); |
} |
refreshHostNames.lastUpdated = new Date(); |
} |