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Created November 19, 2021 10:40
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starship config
format = """
format = '\[[$symbol($profile)(\($region\))(\[$duration\])]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
# [azure]
# symbol = 'ﴃ '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
# symbol = '? '
format = '[  $duration]($style)'
min_time = 50
show_milliseconds = true
# [clojure]
# format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
# symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol$environment]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol$environment]($style)\]'
# symbol = '? '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
# symbol = '? '
format = "\b[](bg:$style)[$path](fg:white bg:$style)[$read_only](fg:$read_only_style bg:$style)[](fg:$style)"
style = '#4169e1'
read_only = ' '
truncation_symbol = '.../'
fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 1
format = '\[[$symbol$context]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)(🎯 $tfm)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version \(OTP $otp_version\))]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
# [fsharp]
# format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
# symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol$account(\($project\))]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = "\b[](fg:#4169e1 bg:$style)[$symbol$branch](fg:white bg:$style)[](fg:$style)"
style = '#f05133'
symbol = ' '
format = "\b[ ﰖ $hash](fg:white bg:$style)[](fg:$style)"
style = '#f05133'
format = "\b[ $ahead_behind](fg:white bg:$style)([| $conflicted$stashed](fg:white bg:$style))[](fg:$style)"
style = '#f05133'
ahead = '${count}⇡ '
behind = '${count}⇣ '
diverged = '${ahead_count}⇡${behind_count}⇣ '
conflicted = '${count}⚠ '
stashed = '${count} '
staged = '${count} ' # (+) new & modified fils in the staging area
deleted = '${count} ' # (-) deleted files in the staging area
renamed = '${count} ' # (») renamed files in the staging area
modified = '${count} ' # (~) modified files in the working directory
untracked = '${count}? ' # (?) untracked files in the working directory
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
# [haskell]
# format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
# symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = '⎈ '
symbol = ' '
format = "\b[@$hostname](fg:black bg:white)[](fg:white)"
# ssh_only = false
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
# symbol = '? '
disabled = false
format = '\[[$symbol$context(\($namespace\))]($style)\]'
symbol = '☸ '
"gke_(?P<project>[\\w-]+)_(?P<location>[\\w-]+)_(?P<cluster>[\\w-]+)" = "gke/$project/$cluster"
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol$state( \($name\))]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)(\($switch_indicator$switch_name\))]($style)\]'
# symbol = '? '
format = '\[[$symbol$cloud(\($project\))]($style)\]'
# symbol = '? '
format = '\[[$symbol$version]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
# symbol = '? '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
# symbol = '? '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
# symbol = '? '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = ' '
disabled = false
symbol = ' '
threshold = 1
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
symbol = 'ﯣ '
format = '\[[$symbol$workspace]($style)\]'
# symbol = '? '
# disabled = false
format = "[](bg:$style)[ $time](fg:white bg:$style)[](fg:$style)"
style = "#4169e1"
format = "[$user](fg:$style bg:white)[](fg:white)"
# show_always = true
style_root = "red"
style_user = "black"
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
# symbol = '? '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
# symbol = '? '
format = '\[[$symbol($version)]($style)\]'
# symbol = '⚡️ '
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