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Created February 11, 2014 14:29
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namespace FSharpVSPowerTools.ProjectSystem
open System
open System.IO
open System.Diagnostics
open EnvDTE
open VSLangProj
open FSharp.CompilerBinding
open System.Reflection
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
module Reflection =
// Various flags configurations for Reflection
let staticFlags = BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Static
let instanceFlags = BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance
let ctorFlags = instanceFlags
let inline asMethodBase (a : #MethodBase) = a :> MethodBase
let (?) (o : obj) name : 'R =
// The return type is a function, which means that we want to invoke a method
if FSharpType.IsFunction(typeof<'R>) then
let argType, _resType = FSharpType.GetFunctionElements(typeof<'R>)
fun args ->
// We treat elements of a tuple passed as argument as a list of arguments
// When the 'o' object is 'System.Type', we call static methods
let methods, instance, args =
let typeInfo = o.GetType()
let args =
if argType = typeof<unit> then [||]
elif not (FSharpType.IsTuple(argType)) then [| args |]
else FSharpValue.GetTupleFields(args)
if (typeof<System.Type>).IsAssignableFrom(typeInfo) then
let methods = (unbox<Type> o).GetMethods(staticFlags) |> asMethodBase
let ctors =
(unbox<Type> o).GetConstructors(ctorFlags)
|> asMethodBase
Array.concat [ methods; ctors ], null, args
typeInfo.GetMethods(instanceFlags) |> asMethodBase, o,
// A simple overload resolution based on the name and number of parameters only
let methods =
[ for m in methods do
if m.Name = name && m.GetParameters().Length = args.Length then
yield m ]
match methods with
| [] -> failwithf "No method '%s' with %d arguments found" name args.Length
| _ :: _ :: _ ->
failwithf "Multiple methods '%s' with %d arguments found" name args.Length
| [ :? ConstructorInfo as c ] -> c.Invoke(args)
| [ m ] -> m.Invoke(instance, args))
|> unbox<'R>
// When the 'o' object is 'System.Type', we access static properties
let typ, flags, instance =
if (typeof<System.Type>).IsAssignableFrom(o.GetType()) then unbox o, staticFlags, null
else o.GetType(), instanceFlags, o
// Find a property that we can call and get the value
let prop = typ.GetProperty(name, flags)
if prop = null then failwithf "Property '%s' not found in '%s' using flags '%A'." name typ.Name flags
let meth = prop.GetGetMethod(true)
if prop = null then failwithf "Property '%s' found, but doesn't have 'get' method." name
meth.Invoke(instance, [||]) |> unbox<'R>
open Reflection
type internal ProjectSite(wrapped : obj) =
member __.SourceFilesOnDisk : string [] = wrapped?SourceFilesOnDisk()
member __.CompilerFlags : string [] = wrapped?CompilerFlags()
type internal ProvideProjectSite(wrapped : obj) =
member __.GetProjectSite() : ProjectSite = ProjectSite(wrapped?GetProjectSite())
open EnvDTE80
open Microsoft.VisualStudio
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop
type ProjectProvider(project : VSProject) =
do Debug.Assert(project <> null && project.Project <> null, "Input project should be well-formed.")
let getProperty (tag : string) =
let prop = try project.Project.Properties.[tag] with _ -> null
match prop with
| null -> null
| _ -> prop.Value.ToString()
let hierarchy =
let dte2 = Package.GetGlobalService(typedefof<SDTE>) :?> DTE2
use serviceProvider = new ServiceProvider(dte2 :?> IServiceProvider)
let solution = serviceProvider.GetService(typedefof<SVsSolution>) :?> IVsSolution
match solution.GetProjectOfUniqueName(project.Project.FullName) with
| VSConstants.S_OK, hierarchy ->
| _ -> null
/// Wraps the given string between double quotes
let wrap (s : string) = if s.StartsWith "\"" then s else String.Join("", "\"", s, "\"")
let currentDir = getProperty "FullPath"
let projectFileName =
let fileName = getProperty "FileName"
Debug.Assert(fileName <> null && currentDir <> null, "Should have a file name for the project.")
Path.Combine(currentDir, fileName)
member __.ProjectFileName = projectFileName
member __.TargetFSharpCoreVersion =
getProperty "TargetFSharpCoreVersion"
member __.TargetFramework =
match getProperty "TargetFrameworkVersion" with
| null | "v4.5" | "v4.5.1" -> FSharpTargetFramework.NET_4_5
| "v4.0" -> FSharpTargetFramework.NET_4_0
| "v3.5" -> FSharpTargetFramework.NET_3_5
| "v3.0" -> FSharpTargetFramework.NET_3_5
| "v2.0" -> FSharpTargetFramework.NET_2_0
| _ -> invalidArg "prop" "Unsupported .NET framework version"
member private __.References =
|> Seq.cast<Reference>
// Remove all project references for now
|> Seq.choose (fun r -> if r.SourceProject = null then Some(Path.Combine(r.Path, r.Name)) else None)
|> (fun name ->
let assemblyName = if name.EndsWith ".dll" then name else name + ".dll"
sprintf "-r:%s" (wrap assemblyName))
member this.CompilerOptions =
Debug.Assert(hierarchy <> null, "Should have a well-formed hierachy.")
let provideProjectSite = ProvideProjectSite(hierarchy :> obj)
let projectSite = provideProjectSite.GetProjectSite()
with e ->
Debug.WriteLine(sprintf "[Project System] %O exception occurs. Fall back to default compiler flags." e)
yield "--noframework"
yield "--debug-"
yield "--optimize-"
yield "--tailcalls-"
yield! this.References
member __.SourceFiles =
Debug.Assert(hierarchy <> null, "Should have a well-formed hierachy.")
let provideProjectSite = ProvideProjectSite(hierarchy :> obj)
let projectSite = provideProjectSite.GetProjectSite()
with e ->
Debug.WriteLine(sprintf "[Project System] %O exception occurs. Fall back to incomplete source file listing." e)
let projectItems = project.Project.ProjectItems
Debug.Assert(Seq.cast<ProjectItem> projectItems <> null && projectItems.Count > 0, "Should have file names in the project.")
|> Seq.cast<ProjectItem>
|> Seq.filter (fun item -> try item.Document <> null with _ -> false)
|> Seq.choose (fun item ->
// TODO: there should be a better way to get source files
let buildAction = item.Properties.["BuildAction"].Value.ToString()
if buildAction = "BuildAction=Compile" then Some item else None)
|> (fun item -> Path.Combine(currentDir, item.Properties.["FileName"].Value.ToString()))
|> Seq.toArray
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