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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Boolean encoding of Virtual Machine placement problem
let mkBoolLe coeffs args k = context.MkPBLe(coeffs, args, k)
let assertHard (b: BoolExpr) = solver.Assert(b)
// Each server has fulfilled capability constraints
for j in 1..n do
let yj = ys.[j-1]
let capabilityJ = capabilities.[j-1]
let coeffs =
yield! requirements
yield -capabilityJ
let bs =
yield! xs |> (fun xi -> xi.[j-1])
yield yj
assertHard (mkBoolLe coeffs bs 0)
let serverNumGoal =
seq {
for j in 1..n ->
let yj = ys.[j-1]
assertSoft (-. yj) 1u "num_servers"
|> Seq.last
let costGoal =
seq {
for j in 1..n ->
let yj = ys.[j-1]
let cost = uint32 costs.[j-1]
assertSoft (-. yj) cost "costs"
|> Seq.last
match solver.Check() with
printfn "Number of servers: min --> %O" (solver.GetUpper(serverNumGoal))
printfn "Costs: min --> %O" (solver.GetUpper(costGoal))
| _ ->
printfn "Can't find a solution. Please recheck your constraints."
val problem : PlacementData = {DiskRequirement = [|100; 50; 15|];
ServerCapabilities = [|100; 75; 200|];
ServerDailyCosts = [|10; 5; 20|];}
Number of servers: min --> 1
Costs: min --> 20
let (=>.) x y = context.MkImplies(x, y)
let (&&.) x y = context.MkAnd(x, y)
let ( *. ) (x: IntNum) (y: ArithExpr) = context.MkMul(x, y)
let (~-.) (b: BoolExpr) = context.MkNot(b)
let (=.) (x: ArithExpr) (y: ArithExpr) = context.MkEq(x, y)
let (<=.) (x: ArithExpr) (y: ArithExpr) = context.MkLe(x, y)
let mkAtmost k bs =
context.MkAtMost(bs, uint32 k)
let mkAtLeast k bs =
let n = Array.length bs
context.MkAtMost( (~-.) bs, uint32 (n - k))
let assertHard (b: BoolExpr) = solver.Assert(b)
// Place each VM on exactly one server
for xi in xs do
assertHard (mkAtmost 1 xi &&. mkAtLeast 1 xi)
// A used server always has at least a VM on it
for j in 1..n do
let yj = ys.[j-1]
xs |> Array.iter (fun xi ->
let xij = xi.[j-1]
assertHard (yj =>. xij))
let xs =
for i in 1..m ->
[| for j in 1..n -> boolOf (sprintf "x_%i_%i" i j) |]
let ys =
[| for j in 1..n -> boolOf (sprintf "y_%i" j) |]
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