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Clear-WindowsInstallerPatchInfo; cleanly/safely remove files from c:\windows\installer
#based on
# -
# -
# -
function Get-WindowsInstallerPatchInfo {
Param ()
$msi = New-Object -ComObject 'WindowsInstaller.Installer'
<# didn't need this; all "methods" were actually properties
$msi | Add-Member -Name 'InvokeMethod' -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {
$type = $this.GetType();
$index = $args.Count -1 ;
$msi | Add-Member -Name 'GetProperty' -MemberType ScriptMethod -Value {
$type = $this.gettype();
$index = $args.count -1 ;
$products = $msi.GetProperty('Products')
if ($products) {
Write-Verbose "Product Count: $($products.Count)"
foreach ($productCode in $products) {
Write-Verbose "Product: $productCode"
$patches = $msi.GetProperty('Patches',$productCode)
if ($patches) {
foreach ($patchCode in $patches) {
Write-Verbose "Patch: $patchCode"
$location = $msi.GetProperty('PatchInfo', $patchCode, 'LocalPackage')
Write-Verbose "Location: $location"
if ($location) {
(New-Object -TypeName 'PSObject' -Property @{
ProductCode = $productCode
PatchCode = $patchCode
Location = $location
function Clear-WindowsInstallerPatchInfo {
Param ()
[string]$installDir = Join-Path -Path $env:windir -ChildPath 'Installer'
[PSObject[]]$installerInfo = Get-WindowsInstallerPatchInfo -Verbose
[string[]]$itemsOfInterest = $installerInfo | select-Object -ExpandProperty 'location'
[string[]]$guidsOfInterest = @($installerInfo | select-Object -ExpandProperty 'productCode') + @($installerInfo | select-Object -ExpandProperty 'patchCode')
[PSObject[]]$pathsAndActions = Get-ChildItem -Path $installDir -Recurse | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'FullName' | ForEach-Object {
[bool]$keepPath = if ($_ -in $itemsOfInterest) {
} else {
[string[]]$guids = [Regex]::Matches($_,'\{[0-9A-F]{8}\-([0-9A-F]{4}\-){3}[0-9A-F]{12}\}') | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value
if ($guids | Where-Object {$_ -in $guidsOfInterest}) {
} else {
(New-Object -TypeName 'PSObject' -Property @{
Path = $_
Keep = $keepPath
$pathsAndActions | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Keep) {
Write-Verbose "Keep $($_.Path)"
} else {
Write-Verbose "Remove $($_.Path)"
Remove-Item -Path $_.Path -Recurse -Force
Clear-WindowsInstallerPatchInfo -Verbose
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