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Last active February 19, 2016 07:11
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scalikejdbc query example for a grid support filter, order by column and paging
* Query data for a grid support filter, order by column and paging.
* @param tableQuery
* @param session
* @return
def query(tableQuery: TableQueryDto)(implicit session: DBSession): TableData = {
var sql = select.from(User as u).toSQLSyntax
def buildFilter(filters: List[TableFilterDto]): SQLSyntax = filters match {
case head :: tails =>
val sql = head.field match {
case "id" => SQLSyntax.eq(, head.asLong)
case "fullName" =>, head.asLikeValue)
case "agencyId" => SQLSyntax.eq(u.agencyId, head.asLong)
case "nameOrEmail" => SQLSyntax.roundBracket(, head.asLikeValue), head.asLikeValue))
case _ => throw new Exception("Invalid filtering key: " + head.field)
case Nil => sqls"1 = 1"
if(tableQuery.filters.nonEmpty) {
sql = sql.append(SQLSyntax.where(buildFilter(tableQuery.filters)))
sql = sql.orderBy(u.selectDynamic(tableQuery.sortBy))
sql = if (tableQuery.sortAsc) sql.asc else sql.desc
val total = sql"select count(*) from ($sql) x".map(rs => rs.long(1)).single.apply().get
val users = sql"$sql limit ${tableQuery.numberOfRow} offset ${tableQuery.start}".map(User.create(u)).list().apply()
TableData(total, tableQuery.numberOfRow, Pickle.intoString(users))
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