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Forked from stephanlensky/lib220.d.ts
Last active April 5, 2021 23:55
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Ocelot IDE lib definition + IntelliSense unlock script
// lib220
* Pixel: The type of each element in a canvas.
* Each number in pixel represents R, G, B, respectively.
type Pixel = [number, number, number];
interface Canvas {
* The drawLine function draws a line on the canvas that stretches from a designated
* start point to a designated endpoint.
* @param x1 The location on the x-axis of the desired start point of the line
* @param y1 The location on the y-axis of the desired start point of the line
* @param x2 The location on the x-axis of the desired end point of the line
* @param y2 The location on the y-axis of the desired end point of the line
* @param color The desired color of the line given as a tri-color pixel
x1: number,
y1: number,
x2: number,
y2: number,
color: Pixel
): void;
* The drawArc function draws an arc of a designated color centered at a given point
* with a given radius. The function will start drawing the arc from the location
* startRadians to the location end Radians in a clockwise direction.
* @param x The location on the x-axis of the center of the desired arc
* @param y The location on the y-axis of the center of the desired arc
* @param radius The size of the radius of the desired arc
* @param startRadians The location on the unit circle of the start of the arc
* @param endRadians The location on the unit circle of the end of the arc
* @param color The desired color of the arc given as a tri-color pixel
x: number,
y: number,
radius: number,
startRadians: number,
endRadians: number,
color: Pixel
): void;
* The drawCircle function draws a circle of a designated color centered at a given
* point with a given radius.
* @param x The location on the x-axis of the center of the desired circle
* @param y The location on the y-axis of the center of the desired circle
* @param radius The size of the radius of the desired circle
* @param color The desired color of the arc given as a tri-color pixel
drawCircle(x: number, y: number, radius: number, color: Pixel): void;
* The drawFilledCircle function draws a circle of a designated color centered at a
* given point with a given radius.
* @param x The location on the x-axis of the center of the desired circle
* @param y The location on the y-axis of the center of the desired circle
* @param radius The size of the radius of the desired circle
* @param color The desired color of the arc given as a tri-color pixel
drawFilledCircle(x: number, y: number, radius: number, color: Pixel): void;
* The clear function clears the canvas.
clear(): void;
interface Image {
* The getPixel function is designed to access and get rgb channel data from a
* specified (x, y) location in an image. You can not directly change the value of
* the accessed pixel using getPixel.
* @param x the x coordinate of the pixel in the image
* @param y the y coordinate of the pixel in the image
getPixel(x: number, y: number): Pixel;
* The setPixel function is designed to access and alter rgb channel data from a
* specified (x, y) location in an image. You can directly change the value of the
* accessed pixel using setPixel by inputting a new pixel value.
* @param x the x coordinate of the pixel in the image
* @param y the y coordinate of the pixel in the image
* @param rgb the desired pixel values between 0 and 1 for the rgb channels
setPixel(x: number, y: number, rgb: Pixel): void;
* The copy function will create a shallow copy of a specified image.
copy(): Image;
* The show function will display a desired image on the canvas.
show(): void;
* The width of the canvas
width: number;
* The height of the canvas
height: number;
interface GetPropertyResult {
* Whether or not the property was found.
found: boolean;
* The value of the property, if that property was found.
value: any;
declare namespace lib220 {
* The newCanvas function is creates a blank white canvas and displays it in Ocelot.
* @param width the width of the desired canvas
* @param height the height of the desired canvas
function newCanvas(width: number, height: number): Canvas;
* The loadImageFromURL function imports an image to the workspace from a given url.
* @param url web link containing the storage location and data of a desired image.
function loadImageFromURL(url: string): Image;
* The createImage function will create a new image with a desired width, height,
* and fill of desired rgb channel pixel values.
* @param width the width of the desired image
* @param height the height of the desired image
* @param rgb the desired pixel values between 0 and 1 for the rgb channels
function createImage(width: number, height: number, rgb: Pixel): Image;
* loadJSONFromURL loads a JSON file from a given URL and returns the JSON file as
* a JavaScript object.
* @param url the url that directs to plain JSON text
function loadJSONFromURL(url: string): Object;
* Prompts for user input.
* @param message message displayed when prompting for user input
function input(message: string): string;
* Pauses the program for the specified amount of time.
* @param ms the amount of time in milleseconds for which to pause the program
function sleep(ms: number): void;
* getProperty takes in a parsed JSON object and the string name of an object member
* and returns another object. The returned object has two member variables, found and
* value, to indicate whether the property with the specified string was found in the
* object or not, and if so, to return its value.
* @param object object to get the property from
* @param prop a string that refers to the property of object
function getProperty(object: Object, prop: string): GetPropertyResult;
* setProperty takes in a parsed JSON object, the string name of an object member,
* and a value to set that member to.
* @param object object to set the property from
* @param prop a string that refers to the property of object
* @param value value to set the property to
function setProperty(object: Object, prop: string, value: any): void;
* The test function defines a test.
* @param description a description of what is being tested. It will be printed when
* that particular test fails
* @param f the function that is run when that paricular test is run
declare function test(description: string, f: () => void): void;
* The assert function is meant to be used within a test. It throws an exception if
* its input predicate is false.
* @param predicate predicate that you are checking
declare function assert(predicate: boolean): void;
import ocelot = lib220;
// Runtime
interface ArrayConstructor {
static create(length: number, init: any): any[];
declare function version(): { elementaryJS: string; ocelot: string };
// Oracle
type Hire = { company: number; candidate: number };
declare function hire(company: number, candidate: number): Hire;
declare function wheat1(companies: number[][], candidates: number[][]): Hire[];
declare function chaff1(companies: number[][], candidates: number[][]): Hire[];
type Offer = { from: number; to: number; fromCo: boolean };
type Run = { trace: Offer[]; out: Hire[] };
interface Oracle {
hire(company: number, candidate: number): Hire;
wheat1(companies: number[][], candidates: number[][]): Hire[];
chaff1(companies: number[][], candidates: number[][]): Hire[];
traceWheat1(companies: number[][], candidates: number[][]): Run;
traceChaff1(companies: number[][], candidates: number[][]): Run;
declare function require(module: string): Oracle | any;
// Parser
type Result<T> = { kind: "ok"; value: T } | { kind: "error"; message: string };
type Binop = "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "&&" | "||" | ">" | "<" | "===";
type Expr =
| { kind: "boolean"; value: boolean }
| { kind: "number"; value: number }
| { kind: "variable"; name: string }
| { kind: "operator"; op: Binop; e1: Expr; e2: Expr };
type Stmt =
| { kind: "let"; name: string; expression: Expr }
| { kind: "assignment"; name: string; expression: Expr }
| { kind: "if"; test: Expr; truePart: Stmt[]; falsePart: Stmt[] }
| { kind: "while"; test: Expr; body: Stmt[] }
| { kind: "print"; expression: Expr };
declare var parser: {
parseExpression(str: string): Result<Expr>;
parseProgram(str: string): Result<Stmt[]>;
type State = { [key: string]: number | boolean };
const modelUpdate=m=>{monaco.editor.setModelLanguage(m,"javascript");m.updateOptions({tabSize:4})};const configureEditor=async e=>{await e.model!==undefined&&e.model!==null;modelUpdate(e)};monaco.editor.onDidCreateEditor(configureEditor);monaco.editor.getModels().forEach(modelUpdate);var r=new XMLHttpRequest;"GET","");r.addEventListener("load",(()=>{monaco.languages.typescript.javascriptDefaults.addExtraLib(this.responseText)}));r.send();document.querySelector(".Index-jumboContent-3 div.Pane.vertical.Pane1").style.width="80%";
// ==UserScript==
// @name Ocelot IDE IntelliSense unlock
// @namespace
// @version 0.5
// @description Unlock IntelliSense feature of Monaco editor in Ocelot IDE. Forked from
// @author Dung Nguyen Tuan, Stephan Lensky
// @match
// @run-at document-end
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
// Kudos to Stephan Lensky for lib220 type defintion and the base of userscript.js
// Here I modified to make things run smoother
// Define global configuration for the script here
var config = {
tabSize: 4,
editorWidthPercent: 80,
var ocelotLib =
function main(config) {
// change the width of the editor
async function styleEditorPane(widthPercent) {
(await document.querySelector(
".Index-jumboContent-3 div.Pane.vertical.Pane1"
)) !== null;
var pane = document.querySelector(
".Index-jumboContent-3 div.Pane.vertical.Pane1"
if (pane !== null) { = widthPercent + "%";
// Update editor settings and change language model to JS
async function configureEditor(e) {
(await e.model) !== undefined && e.model !== null;
// apply any custom styles to the editor pane
// set the indentation length (in spaces)
e.model.updateOptions({ tabSize: config.tabSize });
* set the language of the editor to JS, instead of the default 'elementaryjs'
* this has a number of side-effects, including:
* - auto-closing pairs (parens, brackets, etc.)
* - autocomplete
monaco.editor.setModelLanguage(e.model, "javascript");
if (window.monaco === undefined) {
"window.monaco is undefined, cannot modify editor-specific parts"
var monaco = window.monaco;
// Apply the modification to DOM as defer script
function start(res) {
config._lib = res.responseText;
// Creating new Node
// It seems like there's no way other than using defer script
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.defer = true;
s.textContent = `(${main})(${JSON.stringify(config)})`;
var loc = document.body || document.head;
// Preload the library definition, then start adding it to the editor
method: "GET",
url: ocelotLib,
onload: start,
onerror: console.error,
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