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Last active April 21, 2018 06:12
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  • Save dungwinux/fa8820586caec4670b96c1a2da25f9fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Make gif with ffmpeg and gifski
@echo off
set _excode=
REM Check commands if available
where ffmpeg.exe
set ffmpeg_check=%errorlevel%
where gifski.exe
set gifski_check=%errorlevel%
IF %ffmpeg_check% NEQ 0 echo Missing ffmpeg
IF %gifski_check% NEQ 0 echo Missing gifski
If %ffmpeg_check% NEQ 0 (
IF %gifski_check% NEQ 0 (
exit /B 1
REM Check input
set fname=%1
set filename=%~nx1
set filenamewithoutext=%~n1
echo %1
echo %filename%
echo %filenamewithoutext%
If [%1] EQU [] (
echo Drag a movie file to this bat
exit /B 1
IF NOT EXIST %fname% (
echo File Not Found
exit /B 1
REM Process
set foldername=%filenamewithoutext%_%random%
md ".\%foldername%"
copy /Y %fname% ".\%foldername%"
echo Processing... %filename% to %filenamewithoutext%.gif
ffmpeg -i ".\%foldername%\%filename%" ".\%foldername%"\frame%%05d.png
IF %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
echo Error in ffmpeg
set _excode=1
gifski -o "%filenamewithoutext%.gif" ".\%foldername%"\frame*.png
IF %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
echo Error in gifski
set _excode=1
echo DONE!
rmdir /S /Q ".\%foldername%"
exit /B %_excode%
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