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dunvi /
Last active December 14, 2015 11:39
Some tips for you guys

Getting started with a new project (for xcode)

1. Initialize the github repository FIRST

Go to GitHub and click the new repository button. Do this before creating an xcode project, hell, before even opening xcode. Trust me. No, seriously.

2. Clone the repository to the local computer

If you want to manually set up the repository (such as because you've already created the xcode project), this entire step is wrong.

dunvi / xcode.gitignore
Created February 21, 2013 22:39
The .gitignore I've been using for xcode. So far so good. Found through stackoverflow.
# .gitignore file for Xcode4 / OS X Source projects
# Version 2.0
# For latest version, see:
# 2013 updates:
# - fixed the broken "save personal Schemes"
# NB: if you are storing "built" products, this WILL NOT WORK,
dunvi / quickstart
Last active December 13, 2015 18:39
quickstart guide for greg
To get the whole thing ready for use:
git remote add origin git://
git pull origin
git add . (REVIEW THIS STEP)
git commit -m "add a message here"
git push origin
might have to type "git push origin master"
dunvi / gist:3910185
Created October 18, 2012 06:35
Floradex review report

Report from Floridex's proposed architecture review.


During the inspection of Floradex's proposed architecture (10-16-2012) the following issues were raised.

Missing schema


dunvi / gist:3897683
Created October 16, 2012 07:13
notes on Floradex architecture

The biggest issue, and one I wanted to bring up before going into a point-by-point discussion, is that the architecture is very unclear about this "wiki" that is repeatedly mentioned in the overview. Is there both a wiki and a separate, secondary database? Or is the SQLite database that is heavily discussed the database underlying the wiki? I felt this was very confusing.

If there is going to be some sort of wiki, what wiki software will be underlying it? Where will it be hosted? Who is allowed to edit it - s that part of the application? Your detailed component analysis only discussed the SQLite database, and said nothing about a wiki; I believe a lot more details are needed here.

And just as a quick heads up, did you choose SQLite because it is provided by the iOS SDK (out of box)? Did you research what other useful resources might be provided by the iOS SDK?

Now just going through the overview in order, some other major points:

  • Regarding your data:
dunvi /
Created October 1, 2012 06:00
final proposal

Final Proposal

Our plan is to create a continuous integration server.

A variety of continuous integration server options already exist, such as Jenkins, CruiseControl, and Buildbot, and these options and others satisfy many different user requirements. However, the field suffers from aging products and a high barrier to entry. Furthermore, the current options are all massive, complicated projects built for the intricate needs of big, diverse teams. This means that they are massively configurable, but also means that it takes a serious chunk of time to set up any project. For small teams, testing is already a major hurdle, and setting up a continuous integration server takes so much time and expertise that it is difficult to justify.

We intend to build Rosie as a better option for small teams. Continuous integration is one of the best forms of testing feedback out there, and it should be easier to start using for any project. We are looking to shed much of the weight in current continuous integration opti

dunvi / gist:3467583
Created August 25, 2012 16:27
irc discussion regarding poll overhaul thinking
<dunvi> so anyway
<dunvi> while you're here
<dunvi> question:
<dunvi> what happens
<dunvi> if someone makes a poll
<dunvi> and then copy pastes the code into a post to a journal that does not have the poll cap?
<Afuna> hmm. you know I don't know. I'm not sure if it strips it out, or if it just won't display it
<Afuna> and we have a warning
<dunvi> because this is relevant to how i'd really prefer to do this entire thing
<Afuna> I am pretty certain we check for it!
dunvi / gist:3278456
Created August 6, 2012 21:07
not exactly what i was looking for...
[17:06:56.845] (function () {
return self.cycle[i * 2];
},function () {
return self.cycle[i * 2 + 1];
})(function () {
return self.cycle[i * 2];
},function () {
return self.cycle[i * 2 + 1];
})(function () {
return self.cycle[i * 2];
dunvi / wohltempierte.hs
Created July 7, 2012 21:09
import Euterpea
-- praeludium 1 consists almost entirely of a repeating half-base sequence
-- therefore i will write a function that will accept 5 notes that define
-- that sequence. preferably i would be even cooler and write it to take in
-- a single chord that would be immediately interpreted to the correct sequence
-- but, ah well.
-- ghci> playA defPMap newCon praeludium1