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Created February 13, 2015 11:40
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Perl script to report on password and account expirations from /etc/shadow (Linux)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use POSIX 'strftime';
use constant DATEFMT => "%Y-%m-%d";
use constant SHADOWFILE => "/etc/shadow";
use constant DAYSECS => 60 * 60 * 24;
sub datefmt($)
my $day = shift @_;
return strftime(DATEFMT, gmtime(DAYSECS * $day))
my $epoch_days = int(time / DAYSECS);
open(SHADOW, SHADOWFILE) or die("Cannot open shadow password file '" .
SHADOWFILE . "': $!\n");
my ($user,$pass,$change,$min,$max,$warn,$inactive,$expire,$reserved) =
# "Set the date... on which the user's account will no longer be accessible."
if ($expire ne "" and $epoch_days >= (0 + $expire))
my $expiration = $expire != 0 ? datefmt(0 + $expire) : $expire;
print "User account '$user' expired on $expiration\n";
if ($change ne "")
if ($change eq "0")
print "Password for '$user' must be changed immediately\n";
elsif ($max ne "")
# "When MAX_DAYS plus LAST_DAY is *less than* the current day,
# the user will be required to change his/her password"
# Use + 1 because we want to print the date of expiration, always use >=
my $expire_day = 0 + $change + $max + 1;
my $expiration = datefmt($expire_day);
if ($epoch_days >= $expire_day)
print "Password for '$user' expired $expiration";
if ($inactive ne "")
my $inactive_day = $expire_day + $inactive;
my $inactivity = datefmt($inactive_day);
if ($epoch_days >= $inactive_day)
print "and is invalid since $inactivity\n";
print "and must change by $inactivity\n";
print "\n";
if ($warn ne "" and $epoch_days >= ($expire_day - $warn))
print "Password for '$user' will expire $expiration\n";
if ($min ne "")
my $next_day = 0 + $change + $min;
if ($next_day > $expire_day)
$next_day = $expire_day
my $changeable = datefmt($next_day);
if ($epoch_days < $next_day)
print "User '$user' cannot change password until $changeable\n";
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