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Created April 1, 2014 03:38
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Save duqcyxwd/9907264 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Git Set up


Check SSH Key

cat $HOME/.ssh/

Who am I

java -jar /proj/lterbsSwdi/ltegit_admin/jenkins-cli.jar -s who-am-i

Set up Git Configuration


1. Set your git user name
    git config --global $user
2. Set your git email
    git config --global
3. Add a little color
    git config --global color.status auto
    git config --global color.diff auto
4. For color, you may need to add this to your .cshrc.user file
    setenv LESS '-M -I -R'
5. Set your merge tool
    git config --global merge.tool kdiff3


  1. Add the git module, and some other modules in your $HOME/.cshrc.user (or your .modules file) module add git module add kdiff3
  2. Start a fresh shell, or issue the following command in your current shell source ~/.cshrc.user
  3. Check that the above modules are added module list

Setup your editor

Procedure: xemacs

To setup xemacs as your editor
git config --global core.editor "xemacs"

Procedure: gvim

To setup gvim as your editor
git config --global core.editor "gvim -f"

See Also
• pagers
Your pager is the command that git will use to send its command output.
Use one of the following procedures:

Procedure: cat

If you want all info to be output in the shell set:
git config --global core.pager "cat"
Next: If you use this you need to use limiting flags on some command to avoid getting too much info. Ex: git log -n 5

Procedure: less

To be able to see coloured SHA1 tags instead of ESC codes (for example in git log) set
git config --global core.pager "less -r"
The less utility is a vast improvement over the default pager more. It can be configured using the LESS environment variable. Here is a example configuration. If you configure the git core.pager to use less, you will probably prefer to use --QUIT-AT-EOF instead of --quit-at-eof.
For cshell:
setenv PAGER less
setenv LESS "--ignore-case --quit-at-eof --LONG-PROMPT --squeeze-blank-lines --HILITE-UNREAD --search-skip-screen --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS"
For bash:
export PAGER=less|export LESS="--ignore-case --quit-at-eof --LONG-PROMPT --squeeze-blank-lines --HILITE-UNREAD --search-skip-screen --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS"
The last option is necessary on the 2100 Phoenix pool.
Next: Continue.

Git Commands

Git Gerrit

Git Aliases source

source /proj/lterbsSwdi/ltegit_admin_jenkins/aliases/.gitaliases
source /lteworkspace/eyonduu/lrat/gitenv.csh


push to Gerrit

git push origin personal/eyonduu/GitCert/Warrior
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/personal/eyonduu/GitCert/Warrior


list of repo: grr -l

Git Command


git log --grep=<pattern>
git log -1
git log -1 master
git log --oneline

git log | grep CXP | head
git config --list

Branch delete

git branch -D <branch>

Git gui gitk

- gitk --all
- git gui

merge multiple commit

b0 49687a0a646954afdf3f4dae1f914ea793341ea2

$ git rebase -i 49687a0a646954afdf3f4dae1f914ea793341ea2
pick 033beb4 b1
squash d426a8a b2

reverse commit

  1. Recommit git commit --amend
  2. Delete recent git reset --hard HEAD~1 git reset --hard HEAD~
  3. keep changes but cancel commit git reset HEAD~1


gitk --unnittest/unnittest.php //Check the change of single file. 
git branch --remotes/-r
git branch -r | fgrep task | wc -l
git branch -a
gas alias|grep git
git diff --cached ?? 

git Stash

git stash 
git stash list
git stash apply <stash@{2}>
git stash drop
git stash apply --index 
git config --global alias.stash-unapply '!git stash show -p | git apply -R'
git stash-unapply


find . | wc -l
find ../suites -type f -name '*.erl' >> ~/Run_tests/files.txt

shell Command

- less <fileName>
ssh eselivm2v382l -l eyonduu // server for Git.... I guess

git log | grep CXP | head
ll | grep cshrc

!! // repleat last

wc byte/words/line count

sed -i '/pattern/d' filename
grep -v "pattern" filename > filename2; mv filename2 filename

setenv MY_GIT_TOP `top`

` is not '

find ../suites -type f -name '*.erl' >> ~/Run_tests/files.txt

shell vi module

- bindkey -v
- bindkey "^R" i-search-back

Key binding Action

- Ctrl-r    History reverse search

- Ctrl-a    Jump to BOL
- Ctrl-e    Jump to EOL
- Ctrl-l    Clear terminal

- Ctrl-k    Delete from cursor to EOL
- Ctrl-w    Delete word left from cursor
- Ctrl-u    Delete from BOL to cursor
- Ctrl-y    Paste content of the kill ring undo

- Ctrl-p    Previous command in history
- Ctrl-n    Next command in history

- Ctrl-f    Move forward a char
- Ctrl-b    Move backward a char
- Alt-f    Move forward a word
- Alt-b    Move backward a word

- Ctrl-d    Delete char under cursor
- Alt-d    Delete afterward word

- *Alt-u    Uppercase word at cursor*
- *Alt-l    Lowercase word at cursor*

- Shift-PgUp    Scroll screen up
- Shift-PgDn    Scroll screen down

Task commands

- jobs - an alternate way of listing your own processes  -l
- ps - list the processes running on the system
- kill %# / PID - send a signal to one or more processes (usually to "kill" a process)
- bg $%#- put a process in the background
- fg %1 - put a process in the forground

check disk size

df <dir>  // report file system disk space usage
    -h //human readable
du  <dir> --max-depth=1 -h // estimate file space usage
free -l -t

ssh transfer file sftp

- ssh <Host>
- sftp <Host>
- mget * //copy it to current file Directory
- help

NX Client Server Host pool

Clear-Case: Git:



gas: aliased to alias|grep git // Check alias
alias good-node-check '/proj/lterbsLablogOT/eyonduu/Sample_Script/good_node_check'


chmod 777


:<C-n> <C-p> auto complete
:enew new file
:set guifont=


  • :so ~/.vimrc
  • :BundleInstall / :PluginInstall


:Syntax On
:set number / set nonumber        Line Number:
:set ruler                        ruler

open buffer

:ls      give a list of current open file
:bp      previous buffer
:bn      next buffer
:bn      (n a number) move to nth buffer
:b         with tab-key providing auto-completion (awesome !!)
:bd     (delete buffer)


:e Home/eyonduu/Desktop
:E Explore directory of current file
:e! //reopen th file

:[N]Explore[!]  [dir]... Explore directory of current file      *:Explore*
:[N]Hexplore[!] [dir]... Horizontal Split & Explore             *:Hexplore*
:Rexplore            ... Return to Explorer                     *:Rexplore*
:[N]Sexplore[!] [dir]... Split&Explore current file's directory *:Sexplore*
:Texplore       [dir]... Tab              & Explore             *:Texplore*
:[N]Vexplore[!] [dir]... Vertical   Split & Explore             *:Vexplore*


  • zc 折叠

  • zC 对所在范围内所有嵌套的折叠点进行折叠

  • zo 展开折叠

  • zO 对所在范围内所有嵌套的折叠点展开

  • zm 关闭所有折叠

  • zM 关闭所有折叠及其嵌套的折叠

  • zr 打开所有折叠

  • zR 打开所有折叠及其嵌套的折叠

  • zd 删除当前折叠

  • zE 删除所有折叠

  • [z 到当前打开的折叠的开始处。

  • ]z 到当前打开的折叠的末尾处。

  • zj 向下移动。到达下一个折叠的开始处。关闭的折叠也被计入。

  • zk 向上移动到前一折叠的结束处。关闭的折叠也被计入。


  • ]]: go to next header.
  • [[: go to previous header. Contrast with ]c.
  • ][: go to next sibling header if any.
  • []: go to previous sibling header if any.
  • ]c: go to Current header.
  • ]u: go to parent header (Up).

Visual Block edit

^ → 到行头
<C-v> → 开始块操作
<C-d> → 向下移动 (你也可以使用hjkl来移动光标,或是使用%,或是别的)
I-- [ESC] → I是插入,插入“--”,按ESC键来为每一行生效。

宏 Ma

宏录制: qa 操作序列 q, @a, @@
qa 把你的操作记录在寄存器 a。
于是 @a 会replay被录制的宏。
@@ 是一个快捷键用来replay最新录制的宏。


Example: qaYpq→ qa 开始录制 Yp 复制行. 增加1. q 停止录制. @a → 在1下面写下 2 @@ → 在2 正面写下3 现在做 100@@ 会创建新的100行,并把数据增加到 103.


J → 把所有的行连接起来(变成一行)
< 或 > → 左右缩进
= → 自动给缩进 (陈皓注:这个功能相当强大,我太喜欢了)


:split → 创建分屏 (:vsplit创建垂直分屏)
<C-w><dir> : dir就是方向,可以是 hjkl 或是 ←↓↑→ 中的一个,其用来切换分屏。
<C-w>_ (或 <C-w>|) : 最大化尺寸 (<C-w>| 垂直分屏)
<C-w>+ (或 <C-w>-) : 增加尺寸


cs f s

gd will take you to the local declaration.
gD will take you to the global declaration.
g* search for the word under the cursor (like *, but g* on 'rain' will find words like 'rainbow').
g# same as g* but in backward direction.
gg goes to the first line in the buffer (or provide a count before the command for a specific line).
G goes to the last line (or provide a count before the command for a specific line

Linux Command


  1. find find dir/ -iname "Full name" find . -name 'my*' -ls find . -iname git

    find . -iname vi -maxdepth 1 -ls // find file in current folder

    iname: case careless

  2. whereis

    whereis命令只能用于程序名的搜索,而且只搜索二进制文件(参数-b)、man说明文件(参数-m)和源代码文件(参数-s)。如果省略参数,则返回所有信息。 whereis命令的使用实例:   $ whereis grep

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