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Created August 5, 2021 21:59
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Liferay - ADT Navigation Widget Template Data Discovery
<#assign page_name = themeDisplay.getLayout().name
site_home = themeDisplay.getLayout().getLayoutSet().getGroup().friendlyURL
site_id = themeDisplay.getLayout().getLayoutSet().groupId
site_name = themeDisplay.getLayout().getLayoutSet().getGroup().name
site_logo_id = themeDisplay.getLayout().getLayoutSet().logoId
site_logo = themeDisplay.getCompanyLogo()
site_logo_description = "Go to the " + site_name + " homepage"
page_logo_description = "Go to the " + page_name + " homepage"
full_templates_path = themeDisplay.getPathThemeTemplates()
<#if entries?has_content>
<#list entries as navigationEntry>
<#list navigationEntry.getChildren() as childEntry>
<li>Child Name: ${childEntry.getName()}</li>
<li>Child URL: ${childEntry.getURL()}</li>
<#list childEntry?keys as c>
<#assign childTarget = "_self" />
<#list childEntry.expandoAttributes?values as v>
<#list v as field>
<#if field?contains("_") >
<#assign childTarget = field />
<button class="btn btn-unstyled" aria-label="times" type="sumbit"><@clay["icon"] symbol="search" /></button>
<@liferay.user_personal_bar />
<#assign myHash = themeDisplay />
<#list myHash?keys as k>
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