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Created October 5, 2017 09:54
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import com.dd.plist.*
import org.edx.builder.TaskHelper
// Dependencies
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.googlecode.plist:dd-plist:1.16'
apply plugin: 'edxapp'
edx {
platform = IOS
// Configuration
def workspace = 'edX.xcworkspace'
def scheme = 'edX'
class IOSHelper {
// Environment Variable Conveniences
// Only valid when our task is invoked by an Xcode build
def getInfoPlistPath() {
def env = System.getenv()
return env['INFOPLIST_PATH']
def getBuiltProductsPath() {
def env = System.getenv()
return env['BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR']
def getWrapperName() {
def env = System.getenv()
return env['WRAPPER_NAME']
def getBuiltInfoPlistPath() {
return builtProductsPath + '/' + infoPlistPath
def getBundleConfigPath() {
return builtProductsPath + '/' + wrapperName + '/config.plist'
// Saves our loaded and processed config YAML
// to a Plist in the app bundle
def saveProcessedConfig(config, toPath) {
def plist = [:]
for(c in config) {
plist[c.key] = c.value
// Save entire config
PropertyListParser.saveAsXML(NSObject.wrap(plist), new File(toPath))
// Modify Info.plist for specific services
def readInfoPlist() {
// The configuration library doesn't know how to read
// binary plists so make sure it's an xml one
['plutil', '-convert', 'xml1', builtInfoPlistPath].execute().waitFor()
def plist = PropertyListParser.parse(new File(builtInfoPlistPath)).toJavaObject()
return plist
def writeInfoPlist(plist) {
PropertyListParser.saveAsXML(NSObject.wrap(plist), new File(builtInfoPlistPath))
// Restore to binary for runtime performance
['plutil', '-convert', 'binary1', builtInfoPlistPath].execute().waitFor()
def addURLScheme(scheme, plist) {
def body = [
'CFBundleTypeRole' : 'Editor',
'CFBundleURLSchemes' : [scheme]
def existing = plist['CFBundleURLTypes']
if(existing) {
// make sure we don't add it more than once
def found = false
for(entry in existing){
def schemes = entry['CFBundleURLSchemes']
if(schemes && schemes.contains(scheme)){
found = true
if(!found) {
def types = new ArrayList((ArrayList)existing)
plist['CFBundleURLTypes'] = types
else {
plist["CFBundleURLTypes"] = [body]
def addFacebookConfig(config, plist) {
def facebook = config['FACEBOOK'] ?: [:]
def key = facebook['FACEBOOK_APP_ID']
if(!key) {
plist["FacebookAppID"] = key
def scheme = "fb" + key
addURLScheme(scheme, plist)
def addFabricConfig(config, plist) {
def fabric = config['FABRIC'] ?: [:]
def key = fabric['FABRIC_KEY']
if(!key) {
def body = [
'APIKey' : key,
'Kits' : [
'KitInfo' : [],
'KitName' : 'Crashlytics'
plist["Fabric"] = body
def addGoogleConfig(config, plist) {
def google = config['GOOGLE'] ?: [:]
def key = google['GOOGLE_PLUS_KEY']
if(!key) {
// Google login schemes are the reverse DNS of the api key
def scheme = key.tokenize('.').reverse().join('.')
addURLScheme(scheme, plist)
// Tasks
task printBuildEnvironment(type : Exec) {
def arguments = [
'-workspace', workspace,
'-scheme', scheme,
commandLine arguments
task uploadDebuggingSymbols << {
def taskHelper = new TaskHelper()
def config = taskHelper.loadConfig(project)
def fabric = config['FABRIC'] ?: [:]
def key = fabric['FABRIC_KEY']
def secret = fabric['FABRIC_BUILD_SECRET']
def srcroot = System.getenv()['SRCROOT']
if(key && secret && srcroot) {
[srcroot + "/Pods/Fabric/Fabric.framework/run", key, secret].execute().waitFor()
task applyConfig << {
def taskHelper = new TaskHelper()
def config = taskHelper.loadConfig(project)
def helper = new IOSHelper()
// Save all keys to config.plist
helper.saveProcessedConfig(config, helper.bundleConfigPath)
// Save specific fields to Info.plist
def plist = helper.readInfoPlist()
helper.addFacebookConfig(config, plist)
helper.addFabricConfig(config, plist)
helper.addGoogleConfig(config, plist)
// double check that the config file actually got made
def check = ["[", "-f", helper.bundleConfigPath, "]"].execute()
def result = check.exitValue()
assert result == 0
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '2.2.1'
def testBuildArguments(workspace, scheme, OS, record) {
def args = [
'xcodebuild', '-workspace', workspace, '-scheme', scheme, '-sdk', 'iphonesimulator', '-destination', 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 5s,OS=' + OS, 'test'
if(record) {
return args
def RTLSchemeForScheme(scheme) {
return scheme + '-RTL'
def operatingSystems = ["currentOS": "10.0", "previousOS": "9.0"]
def directions = ["LTR": scheme, "RTL": RTLSchemeForScheme(scheme)]
def commands = ["test" : ["record" : false], "recordSnapshots": ["record" : true]]
for(OS in operatingSystems) {
for(direction in directions) {
for(command in commands) {
def record = command.value["record"]
def task = project.task(type: Exec, command.key + direction.key.capitalize() + OS.key.capitalize()) {
commandLine testBuildArguments(workspace, direction.value, OS.value, record)
task test(dependsOn: tasks.findAll { task ->'test')}) {}
task recordSnapshots(dependsOn: tasks.findAll { task ->'recordSnapshots')}) {}
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