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Last active September 19, 2022 07:56
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ICES Desktop Windows IDE project steps

ICES Desktop Windows IDE project steps

1st TRY
2nd TRY
3rd TRY
4th TRY

1st TRY

Basic Java JNI Project

As a basis we take Application with JNI Library from Nokee. Download GroovyDSL extract to a folder. Move the folder to Empty VSCode. I am using Java 18 therefore I need to VSCode promts me to upgrade to Gradle 7.3.1 Gradle Projects->jvm-application-with-jni-library->Tasks->Build Gradle Projects->jvm-application-with-jni-library->Tasks->Application->Run

KFR library

Move downladed forlder with kfr cloned library to Empty VSCode CMake will promt for build environment. Select the appropriate (Clang) CMake -> Build All Projects (Icon) Create subfolder dependencies/kfr in jni-library folder of the above JNI project Copy the *.lib and *.h files and include subfolder from kfrlib folder to above newly created folder

2nd TRY

Create Java Project in Visual Studion Code

  1. Show All Commands Java: Create Java Project
  2. Select project type: Gradle
  3. In Select Target Folder Window create a folder for workspace
  4. Select build script DSL : Groovy
  5. Input name of the project

Test what has been created

  1. Gradle Projects under project select Tasks->build->build
  2. Gradle Projects under project select Tasks->application->run
  3. Should show in terminal "Hello World!"

CMake support

  1. First create source cpp folder under app/src/main
  2. Adjust Workspace settings for CMake : Show All Commands Preferences: Open User Settings in Extensions under CMake Tools adjust

CMake: Build Directory ${workspaceFolder}/build* to ${workspaceFolder}/app/build CMake: Source Direcory ${workspaceFolder} to ${workspaceFolder}/app/src/main/cpp

  1. Show All Commands CMake: Quick Start
  2. Enter name of the project
  3. Create an executable

Test what has been created

  1. Show ALl Commands CMake: Configure, CMake: Build, CMake: Debug
  2. Shoud show in terminal "Hello World"!

Create JavaFX Modular project with Gradle

Following instructions


KFR will be included in CMake project which was set up previously Cometa needs C++14 therefore we need to add this to CMakeLists.txt


And for KFR these lines needs to be added to CMakeLists.txt

add_subdirectory (C:/Users/msd/DSP/kfr kfr)

include_directories("C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-")
include_directories("C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-")

# Specifies libraries CMake should link to your target library. You
# can link multiple libraries, such as libraries you define in this
# build script, prebuilt third-party libraries, or system libraries.

target_link_libraries(kfr INTERFACE)

3rd TRY

Basic IDE setup

Apache NetBeans IDE is used. C/C++ plugin is needded. Following this YouTube tutorial. Everything is explained in the video. At the end of the video the guy says Eclipse is better due to outdated C/C++ plugin for NetBeans

4th TRY

Basic IDE setup

After browsing on Google I found this YouTube turorial. It is an Eclipse project. Just follow all the steps.

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