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Forked from umbertogriffo/Kmeans
Created June 4, 2016 13:26
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Step by step Code Tutorial on implementing a basic k-means in Spark in order to cluster a geo-located devices


* Download dataset at:


* Follow the well-comented code kmeans.scala

Main Steps of algorithm:

  • Choose K random geo-located points as starting centers
  • Find all points closest to each center
  • Find the new center of each cluster
  • Loop until the total distance between one iteration's points and the next is less than the convergence distance specified
package LearningScala.LearningScala.local.kmeans
object kmeans {
// Find K Means of device status locations
// Input data: file(s) with device status data (delimited by ',')
// including latitude (4th field) and longitude (5th field) of device locations
// (lat,lon of 0,0 indicates unknown location)
import scala.math.pow
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
// The squared distances between two points
def distanceSquared(p1: (Double, Double), p2: (Double, Double)) = {
pow(p1._1 - p2._1, 2) + pow(p1._2 - p2._2, 2)
// The sum of two points
def addPoints(p1: (Double, Double), p2: (Double, Double)) = {
(p1._1 + p2._1, p1._2 + p2._2)
// for a point p and an array of points, return the index in the array of the point closest to p
def closestPoint(p: (Double, Double), points: Array[(Double, Double)]): Int = {
var index = 0
var bestIndex = 0
var closest = Double.PositiveInfinity
for (i <- 0 until points.length) {
val dist = distanceSquared(p, points(i))
if (dist < closest) {
closest = dist
bestIndex = i
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Set Windows System property
//System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "c:/winutil/");
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("First Scala app").setMaster("local[*]")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
// The device status data file(s)
val filename = "loudacre/*"
// K is the number of means (center points of clusters) to find
val K = 5
// ConvergeDist -- the threshold "distance" between iterations at which we decide we are done
val convergeDist = .1
// Parse the device status data file into pairs
val fileRdd = sc.textFile(filename)
val pairLatLongRdd = => line.split(',')).map(pair => (pair(3).toDouble, pair(4).toDouble)).filter(point => !((point._1 == 0) && (point._2 == 0))).
for ((a, b) <- pairLatLongRdd.take(2)) {
println("Lat: " + a + " Long : " + b);
//start with K randomly selected points from the dataset as center points
var kPoints = pairLatLongRdd.takeSample(false, K, 42)
println("K Center points initialized :");
for ((a, b) <- kPoints) {
println("Lat: " + a + " Long : " + b);
// loop until the total distance between one iteration's points and the next is less than the convergence distance specified
var tempDist = Double.PositiveInfinity
while (tempDist > convergeDist) {
// For each key (k-point index), find a new point by calculating the average of each closest point
// for each point, find the index of the closest kpoint.
// map to (index, (point,1)) as follow:
// (1, ((2.1,-3.4),1))
// (0, ((5.1,-7.4),1))
// (1, ((8.1,-4.4),1))
val closestToKpointRdd = => (closestPoint(point, kPoints), (point, 1)))
// For each key (k-point index), reduce by sum (addPoints) the latitudes and longitudes of all the points closest to that k-point, and the number of closest points
// E.g.
// (1, ((4.325,-5.444),2314))
// (0, ((6.342,-7.532),4323))
// The reduced RDD should have at most K members.
//val pointCalculatedRdd = closestToKpointRdd.reduceByKey((v1, v2) => ((addPoints(v1._1, v2._1), v1._2 + v2._2)))
val pointCalculatedRdd = closestToKpointRdd.reduceByKey { case ((point1, n1), (point2, n2)) => (addPoints(point1, point2), n1 + n2) }
// For each key (k-point index), find a new point by calculating the average of each closest point
// (index, (totalX,totalY),n) to (index, (totalX/n,totalY/n))
//val newPointRdd = => (center._1, (center._2._1._1 / center._2._2, center._2._1._2 / center._2._2))).sortByKey()
val newPoints = { case (i, (point, n)) => (i, (point._1 / n, point._2 / n)) }.collectAsMap()
// calculate the total of the distance between the current points (kPoints) and new points (localAverageClosestPoint)
tempDist = 0.0
for (i <- 0 until K) {
// That distance is the delta between iterations. When delta is less than convergeDist, stop iterating
tempDist += distanceSquared(kPoints(i), newPoints(i))
println("Distance between iterations: " + tempDist);
// Copy the new points to the kPoints array for the next iteration
for (i <- 0 until K) {
kPoints(i) = newPoints(i)
// Display the final center points
println("Final center points :");
for (point <- kPoints) {
// take 10 randomly selected device from the dataset and recall the model
val deviceRdd = => line.split(',')).map(pair => (pair(1), (pair(3).toDouble, pair(4).toDouble))).filter(device => !((device._2._1 == 0) && (device._2._2 == 0))).
var points = deviceRdd.takeSample(false, 10, 42)
for ((device, point) <- points) {
val k = closestPoint(point, kPoints)
println("device: " + device + " to K: " + k);
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