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Created December 7, 2011 17:43
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sneak preview of ruby wrapperfor pulp api
$ ruby -rrubygems repositories.rb
Pulp examples: Repositories
This will do a simple workflow through the management of repositories via the PULP Api using our ruby wrapper.
It will either use the test_pulp.yml file in this directory or use the PULP_YML environment variable, so you can set it to your own.
The test_pulp.yml file assumes that you have a pulp server running on localhost with username and password set to admin.
It will:
* Basic operations:
* list all existing repositories
* create a repository from the offical pulp repository for RHEL 6 - with a random prefix
* list all x86_64 repositories via a search filter
* relist all repositories
* run a sync on the created repository and wait till the sync finished
* make a clone of said repository
* list all repositories
* Additional Operations:
* unpublish the cloned repository
* Adjust the name of the created repository
* Add a note to the created repository
* Update this note
* Delete the note
* Add a group to the cloned repository
* Remove that group
* Add a filter to the cloned repository
* Remove that filter
* Republish the cloned repository
* Cleanup operations
* Delete the cloned repository
* Delete the created repository
* Print all repositories
Do you like to start? (y/n)
| id | name | arch | source | release | last_sync | publish |
Creating repository
| id | name | arch | source | release | last_sync | publish |
| "pulp-rhel6-x86_64-TMXWESOI | "Example Rep | "x86_64" | {"url"=>"htt | nil | nil | true |
All x86_64 repos:
| id | name | arch | source | release | last_sync | publish |
| "pulp-rhel6-x86_64-TMXWESOI | "Example Rep | "x86_64" | {"url"=>"htt | nil | nil | true |
Starting repo sync
Syncing enqueued with task id: fb8f5a73-20f9-11e1-bcac-002713b51654 and arguments: ["pulp-rhel6-x86_64-TMXWESOI"]
Task is in state running - Will wait for 30s and recheck
Task finished with state: finished
Cloning repository
Cloning with task id: 0e15ccba-20fa-11e1-b614-002713b51654 and arguments: ["clone-pulp-rhel6-x86_64-TMXWESOI"]
Task is in state running - Will wait for 30s and recheck
Task finished with state: finished
| id | name | arch | source | release | last_sync | publish |
| "pulp-rhel6-x86_64-TMXWESOI | "Example Rep | "x86_64" | {"url"=>"htt | nil | "2011-12-07T | true |
| "clone-pulp-rhel6-x86_64-TM | "Clone of pu | "x86_64" | {"url"=>"fil | nil | "2011-12-07T | true |
Unpublish the cloned repository
| id | name | arch | source | release | last_sync | publish |
| "pulp-rhel6-x86_64-TMXWESOI | "Example Rep | "x86_64" | {"url"=>"htt | nil | "2011-12-07T | true |
| "clone-pulp-rhel6-x86_64-TM | "Clone of pu | "x86_64" | {"url"=>"fil | nil | "2011-12-07T | false |
Adjust name: Example Repository for pulp on RHEL 6 x86_64
New name: Some other name
Managing notes
Current notes: {}
Current notes: {"test_note"=>"foo"}
Updated notes: {"test_note"=>"foo 2"}
Delete note
Current notes: {}
Managing groups
Current groups: []
Current groups: ["test_group"]
Delete groups
Current groups: []
Managing filters
Init filter
Current filters: []
Adding filter 'wildcard'
Current filters: ["wildcard"]
Delete filter
Current filters: []
Republish the cloned repository
| id | name | arch | source | release | last_sync | publish |
| "pulp-rhel6-x86_64-TMXWESOI | "Some other | "x86_64" | {"url"=>"htt | nil | "2011-12-07T | true |
| "clone-pulp-rhel6-x86_64-TM | "Clone of pu | "x86_64" | {"url"=>"fil | nil | "2011-12-07T | true |
Deleting repository
| id | name | arch | source | release | last_sync | publish |
base = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".."))
$LOAD_PATH << File.join(base, "lib")
$LOAD_PATH << File.join(base, "examples")
puts <<EOS
Pulp examples: Repositories
This will do a simple workflow through the management of repositories via the PULP Api using our ruby wrapper.
It will either use the test_pulp.yml file in this directory or use the PULP_YML environment variable, so you can set it to your own.
The test_pulp.yml file assumes that you have a pulp server running on localhost with username and password set to admin.
It will:
* Basic operations:
* list all existing repositories
* create a repository from the offical pulp repository for RHEL 6 - with a random prefix
* list all x86_64 repositories via a search filter
* relist all repositories
* run a sync on the created repository and wait till the sync finished
* make a clone of said repository
* list all repositories
* Additional Operations:
* unpublish the cloned repository
* Adjust the name of the created repository
* Add a note to the created repository
* Update this note
* Delete the note
* Add a group to the cloned repository
* Remove that group
* Add a filter to the cloned repository
* Remove that filter
* Republish the cloned repository
* Cleanup operations
* Delete the cloned repository
* Delete the created repository
* Print all repositories
Do you like to start? (y/n)
exit 1 unless STDIN.gets.chomp == 'y'
ENV['PULP_YML'] ||= File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_pulp.yml'))
require 'pulp'
def field_sizes
@field_sizes ||='id' => 27)
def fields
@fields ||= ['id', 'name', 'arch', 'source', 'release', 'last_sync', 'publish']
def pretty_table_row(obj = nil)
'| ' + fields.collect{|field| sprintf("%0-#{field_sizes[field]}s", (obj ? obj.send(field).inspect : field).to_s[0..field_sizes[field]-1]) }.join(' | ') + ' |'
def print_repos(repos=Pulp::Repository.all)
header = pretty_table_row
[header,header.gsub(/./, '-'), repos.collect{|r| pretty_table_row(r) },header.gsub(/./, '-')].flatten.join("\n")
puts print_repos
random_id = "pulp-rhel6-x86_64-#{8.times.collect{|a| (65 + rand(25)).chr}.join('')}"
puts "Creating repository"
repo = Pulp::Repository.create(
:id => random_id,
:name => 'Example Repository for pulp on RHEL 6 x86_64',
:arch => 'x86_64',
:feed => "",
:relative_path => "pulp_test/#{random_id}",
:sync_schedule => ''
puts print_repos
puts "All x86_64 repos:"
puts print_repos(Pulp::Repository.find_by_arch('x86_64'))
puts "Starting repo sync"
task = repo.sync
puts "Syncing enqueued with task id: #{} and arguments: #{task.args.inspect}"
while ['waiting','running'].include?(task.refresh.state) do
puts "Task is in state #{task.state} - Will wait for 30s and recheck"
sleep 30
puts "Task finished with state: #{task.state}"
if task.exception
puts "The following exception occured: #{task.exception}"
puts "Cloning repository"
task = repo.clone(
:clone_id => "clone-#{random_id}",
:clone_name => "Clone of #{random_id}",
:feed => 'parent'
puts "Cloning with task id: #{} and arguments: #{task.args.inspect}"
while ['waiting','running'].include?(task.refresh.state) do
puts "Task is in state #{task.state} - Will wait for 30s and recheck"
sleep 30
puts "Task finished with state: #{task.state}"
if task.exception
puts "The following exception occurred: #{task.exception}"
clone_repo = Pulp::Repository.get("clone-#{random_id}")
puts print_repos
puts "Unpublish the cloned repository"
clone_repo.update_publish(:state => false)
puts print_repos
puts "Adjust name: #{}" = 'Some other name'
puts "New name: #{}"
puts "Managing notes"
puts "---------------"
puts "Current notes: #{repo.notes.inspect}"
puts "Current notes: #{repo.notes.inspect}"
repo.update_note('test_note','foo 2')
puts "Updated notes: #{repo.notes.inspect}"
puts "Delete note"
puts "Current notes: #{repo.notes.inspect}"
puts "Managing groups"
puts "---------------"
puts "Current groups: #{repo.groupid.inspect}"
repo.add_group(:addgrp => 'test_group')
puts "Current groups: #{repo.groupid.inspect}"
puts "Delete groups"
repo.remove_group(:rmgrp => 'test_group')
puts "Current groups: #{repo.groupid.inspect}"
puts "Managing filters"
puts "----------------"
puts "Init filter"
filter = nil
rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound => e
filter = Pulp::Filter.create(:id => 'wildcard', :description => 'discard everything', :type => 'blacklist', :package_list => '*')
puts "Current filters: #{clone_repo.filters.inspect}"
puts "Adding filter 'wildcard'"
clone_repo.add_filters(:filters => ['wildcard'])
puts "Current filters: #{clone_repo.filters.inspect}"
puts "Delete filter"
clone_repo.remove_filters(:filters => ['wildcard'])
puts "Current filters: #{clone_repo.filters.inspect}"
if filter
puts "Removing filter as it have been created by us"
puts "Republish the cloned repository"
clone_repo.update_publish(:state => true)
puts print_repos
puts "Deleting repository"
puts print_repos
puts "Finished..."
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