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Alex Burka durka

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durka /
Last active October 19, 2020 23:15 — forked from anonymous/
Rust macro that splits a list of expressions in half (at compile time)
/// strategy:
/// - first copy the list of exprs -- the copy will just be used as a counter
/// - then, starting with all the exprs in a "left" list and an empty "right" list:
/// - move one expr at a time from "left" to "right", and decrement the counter _twice_
/// - when the counter is zero, the halving is complete
/// - if there were an odd number of exprs, a compile error tells you about it
/// the macro is in continuation passing style, so you pass in a macro invocation and it will be called
/// twice, first with the "left" and then with the "right" (enclosed in square brackets) inserted as the last argument
macro_rules! halve {
// internal rules
durka / index.html
Created March 4, 2020 04:15 — forked from darwin/index.html
Welcome to comix!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<style>.cmx-user-scene4 .cmx-text-border .cmx-path {stroke: orange}</style>
<div style="max-width:1200px; -webkit-transform:rotate(0deg)">
<scene id="scene1">
<drawing t="translate(0,31)">
durka /
Created February 21, 2018 23:39 — forked from anonymous/
How to get around lockstep iteration restrictions
#![feature(trace_macros)] trace_macros!(true);
macro_rules! doc_items {
(@distribute $docs:tt $($item:item)*) => {
$(doc_items!(@output $docs $item);)*
(@output [$($doc:expr),*] $item:item) => {
durka /
Last active July 21, 2018 20:26 — forked from Yatekii/
let (device, factory) =
if let Ok((d, f)) = panic::catch_unwind(|| { gfx_device_gl::create(epoxy::get_proc_addr) }) {
(d, f)
} else {
return "ERROR";
macro_rules! siaf {
(|$($parm:ident),* $(,)*| $body:expr) => {{
/* ensure no captures */ let closure: fn($($parm: _),*)->_ = |$($parm),*| $body;
fn compute_g(a: i32, b: i32, c: i32) -> i32 {
let d = siaf!(|a, b| a + c);
let (e, f) = siaf!(|d| (d - 1, d + 1));
durka /
Created October 30, 2017 20:31 — forked from anonymous/
Hygiene-based ident generator
#![feature(trace_macros)] trace_macros!(true);
/// Given N tokens, recurses N times to generate N unique identifiers
/// then calls you back at the given macro
macro_rules! idents {
// finished recursing, do the callback
(@rec [] -> $ids:tt $mac:ident!($($params:tt)*)) => {
$mac!($($params)* $ids)
// consume one token and generate one identifier
warning: unreachable pattern
--> src/
66 | / handle_login! {
67 | | #[get("/<date>/<flow>/<idx>")]
68 | | pub fn episode/episode_login(user: User, users: State<ActiveUsers>, date: Datestamp, flow: Option<FlowType>, idx: u32) -> Template {
69 | | let flow = flow.ok_or(ErrorKind::BadParam("invalid flow type"))?;
... |
132 | | }
133 | | }
durka /
Created June 20, 2017 23:38 — forked from anonymous/
gensym macro
/// This auxiliary macro generates an ident for each argument passed to it,
/// and then calls another macro back with the generated idents.
macro_rules! gensym {
// base case: we send all the collected idents back to the other macro
(@go $callback:ident ($($args:tt)*) ($($i:ident)*)) => {
$callback!($($args)* $($i)*)
// recursion: here, we add in a new ident named "x" (but distinct from every other "x")
(@go $callback:ident $args:tt ($($i:ident)*) $head:tt $($tail:tt)*) => {
durka /
Last active May 4, 2017 00:52 — forked from anonymous/
Twixt construct from Nickle
macro_rules! twixt {
(($cond:expr; $after:expr) { $($body:tt)* } else { $($els:tt)* }) => {{
if $cond {
struct Doop;
impl Drop for Doop { fn drop(&mut self) { $after; } }
let _d = Doop;
} else {
durka /
Last active March 23, 2017 18:26 — forked from barafael/
Confused about error handling
use std::process::Command;
fn main() {
println!("{}", git_name().unwrap_or("".to_string()));
pub fn git_name() -> Option<String> {
if let Ok(output) = Command::new("git")