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Last active October 18, 2022 08:04
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Set environment variables for current shell to enable or disable proxy.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
## date: 2022-01-19
## author:
## desc: unset environment variables for current shell to disable proxy
## usage: proxy-close
set -euo pipefail
function warning_ln() {
# usage: warning_ln "warning message"
printf "\033[1;32;33m%s\n\033[m" "${1}"
function info_ln() {
# usage: info_ln "info message"
printf "\033[1;32;32m%s\n\033[m" "${1}"
echo "unset http_proxy
unset https_proxy
unset ftp_proxy
unset no_proxy" >/tmp/proxy_env
if [ -n "$(command -v xclip)" ]; then
info_ln "Run the following command (paste directly from clipboard):"
echo "source /tmp/proxy_env"
echo "source /tmp/proxy_env && env | grep -E \"proxy|PROXY\"" | xclip
echo "source /tmp/proxy_env && env | grep -E \"proxy|PROXY\"" | xclip -sel clip
warning_ln "xclip is required but not installed, try run 'sudo apt-get install -y xclip'"
info_ln "Run the following command:"
echo "source /tmp/proxy_env"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
## date: 2022-01-19
## author:
## desc: set environment variables for current shell to enable proxy
## usage: proxy-open [PROXY_IP:PROXY_PORT]
set -euo pipefail
function warning_ln() {
# usage: warning_ln "warning message"
printf "\033[1;32;33m%s\n\033[m" "${1}"
function info_ln() {
# usage: info_ln "info message"
printf "\033[1;32;32m%s\n\033[m" "${1}"
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
echo "export http_proxy=\"http://${proxy_addr}\"
export https_proxy=\"http://${proxy_addr}\"
export ftp_proxy=\"http://${proxy_addr}\"
export no_proxy=\"localhost,,::1\"" >/tmp/proxy_env
if [ -n "$(command -v xclip)" ]; then
info_ln "Run the following command (paste directly from clipboard):"
echo "source /tmp/proxy_env"
echo "source /tmp/proxy_env && env | grep -E \"proxy|PROXY\"" | xclip
echo "source /tmp/proxy_env && env | grep -E \"proxy|PROXY\"" | xclip -sel clip
warning_ln "xclip is required but not installed, try run 'sudo apt-get install -y xclip'"
info_ln "Run the following command:"
echo "source /tmp/proxy_env"
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