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Created April 23, 2015 20:56
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Octopus Deploy MSDeploy Azure Webjob
"Id": "ActionTemplates-162",
"Name": "Web Deploy - Publish WebJob (MSDeploy)",
"Description": "Ensures that the Web Deploy 3.5 is installed on the system. The installer is downloaded from if required.",
"ActionType": "Octopus.Script",
"Version": 1,
"Properties": {
"Octopus.Action.Script.ScriptBody": "[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(\"Microsoft.Web.Deployment\")\n\n# A collection of functions that can be used by script steps to determine where packages installed\n# by previous steps are located on the filesystem.\n \nfunction Find-InstallLocations {\n $result = @()\n $OctopusParameters.Keys | foreach {\n if ($_.EndsWith('].Output.Package.InstallationDirectoryPath')) {\n $result += $OctopusParameters[$_]\n }\n }\n return $result\n}\n \nfunction Find-InstallLocation($stepName) {\n $result = $OctopusParameters.Keys | where {\n $_.Equals(\"Octopus.Action[$stepName].Output.Package.InstallationDirectoryPath\", [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)\n } | select -first 1\n \n if ($result) {\n return $OctopusParameters[$result]\n }\n \n throw \"No install location found for step: $stepName\"\n}\n \nfunction Find-SingleInstallLocation {\n $all = @(Find-InstallLocations)\n if ($all.Length -eq 1) {\n return $all[0]\n }\n if ($all.Length -eq 0) {\n throw \"No package steps found\"\n }\n throw \"Multiple package steps have run; please specify a single step\"\n}\n\nfunction Test-LastExit($cmd) {\n if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {\n Write-Host \"##octopus[stderr-error]\"\n write-error \"$cmd failed with exit code: $LastExitCode\"\n }\n}\n\n$stepName = $OctopusParameters['WebDeployPackageStepName']\n$jobType = $OctopusParameters['JobTriggerType']\n$jobName = $OctopusParameters['JobName']\n\n$stepPath = \"\"\nif (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($stepName)) {\n Write-Host \"Finding path to package step: $stepName\"\n $stepPath = Find-InstallLocation $stepName\n} else {\n $stepPath = Find-SingleInstallLocation\n}\n\n$destinationPath = \"$websiteName\\App_Data\\jobs\\$jobType\\$jobName\"\n\nWrite-Host \"Package was installed to: $stepPath\"\n\nWrite-Host \"Package will be deployed to: $destinationPath\"\n\nWrite-Host \"##octopus[stderr-progress]\"\n \nWrite-Host \"Publishing WebJob\"\n\n$websiteName = $OctopusParameters['WebsiteName']\n$publishUrl = $OctopusParameters['PublishUrl']\n\n$destBaseOptions = new-object Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentBaseOptions\n$destBaseOptions.UserName = $OctopusParameters['Username']\n$destBaseOptions.Password = $OctopusParameters['Password']\n$destBaseOptions.ComputerName = \"https://$publishUrl/msdeploy.axd?site=$websiteName\"\n$destBaseOptions.AuthenticationType = \"Basic\"\n\n$syncOptions = new-object Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentSyncOptions\n$syncOptions.WhatIf = $false\n$syncOptions.UseChecksum = $true\n\n$deploymentObject = [Microsoft.Web.Deployment.DeploymentManager]::CreateObject(\"contentPath\", $stepPath)\n\n$deploymentObject.SyncTo(\"contentPath\", $destinationPath, $destBaseOptions, $syncOptions)\n"
"SensitiveProperties": {},
"Parameters": [
"Name": "PublishUrl",
"Label": "Publish Url",
"HelpText": "Publish url to use when publishing the website.",
"DefaultValue": null,
"DisplaySettings": {}
"Name": "WebsiteName",
"Label": "Website Name",
"HelpText": "Website name to use when publishing the website.",
"DefaultValue": null,
"DisplaySettings": {}
"Name": "Username",
"Label": "Username",
"HelpText": "Username to use when authenticating with the HTTPS server.",
"DefaultValue": null,
"DisplaySettings": {}
"Name": "Password",
"Label": null,
"HelpText": "Password to use when authenticating with the HTTPS server. You should create a sensitive variable in your project variables, and then bind this value.",
"DefaultValue": null,
"DisplaySettings": {}
"Name": "WebDeployPackageStepName",
"Label": "Package step name",
"HelpText": "Name of the previously-deployed package step that contains the files that you want to deploy.",
"DefaultValue": null,
"DisplaySettings": {}
"Name": "JobTriggerType",
"Label": "WebJob Trigger Type",
"HelpText": null,
"DefaultValue": "continuous",
"DisplaySettings": {
"Octopus.ControlType": "Select",
"Octopus.SelectOptions": "continuous|Runs Continuously\ntriggered|On Demand"
"Name": "JobName",
"Label": "WebJob Name",
"HelpText": null,
"DefaultValue": null,
"DisplaySettings": {
"Octopus.ControlType": "SingleLineText"
"LastModifiedOn": "2015-04-23T20:26:12.703+00:00",
"LastModifiedBy": "Dustinc@sp.lan",
"$Meta": {
"ExportedAt": "2015-04-23T20:55:33.112Z",
"OctopusVersion": "",
"Type": "ActionTemplate"
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