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Last active July 28, 2022 17:42
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Causal GO-CAMs-to-genes list query
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX gomodel: <>
PREFIX causally_upstream_of_or_within: <>
PREFIX causally_upstream_of_or_within_negative_effect: <>
PREFIX causally_upstream_of_or_within_positive_effect: <>
PREFIX causally_upstream_of: <>
PREFIX causally_upstream_of_negative_effect: <>
PREFIX causally_upstream_of_positive_effect: <>
PREFIX regulates: <>
PREFIX negatively_regulates: <>
PREFIX positively_regulates: <>
PREFIX directly_regulates: <>
PREFIX directly_positively_regulates: <>
PREFIX directly_negatively_regulates: <>
PREFIX directly_activates: <>
PREFIX indirectly_activates: <>
PREFIX directly_inhibits: <>
PREFIX indirectly_inhibits: <>
PREFIX transitively_provides_input_for: <>
PREFIX immediately_causally_upstream_of: <>
PREFIX directly_provides_input_for: <>
SELECT ?gocam ?title (GROUP_CONCAT(distinct ?gp_label;separator=",") as ?gp_labels) (GROUP_CONCAT(distinct ?gptype;separator=",") as ?gptypes) (GROUP_CONCAT(distinct ?taxon;separator=",") as ?taxons) (GROUP_CONCAT(distinct ?taxon_label;separator=",") as ?taxon_labels) ?modelstate
VALUES ?causal { causally_upstream_of_or_within: causally_upstream_of_or_within_negative_effect: causally_upstream_of_or_within_positive_effect:
causally_upstream_of: causally_upstream_of_negative_effect: causally_upstream_of_positive_effect: regulates:
negatively_regulates: positively_regulates: directly_regulates: directly_positively_regulates: directly_negatively_regulates:
directly_activates: indirectly_activates: directly_inhibits: indirectly_inhibits: transitively_provides_input_for:
immediately_causally_upstream_of: directly_provides_input_for: }
GRAPH ?gocam {
?gocam gomodel:graphType gomodel:noctuaCam .
?ind1 ?causal ?ind2 .
?ind2 ?causal ?ind3 .
GRAPH ?gocam {
?gp1 a ?gptype .
?gocam rdf:type owl:Ontology .
?gocam <> ?taxon .
?gocam <> ?modelstate .
?gocam dc:date ?date .
?gocam dc:title ?title
?ind1 rdf:type MF: .
?ind2 rdf:type MF: .
?ind3 rdf:type MF: .
?gptype <> ?gp_label .\
?gptype <> <> .
FILTER(contains(?gp_label, " ") = false) .
?taxon rdfs:label ?taxon_label .
FILTER(?gptype != owl:NamedIndividual) .
# FILTER(?gocam = gomodel:5ce58dde00001215) .
FILTER(?modelstate = "production") .
GROUP BY ?gocam ?title ?modelstate
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