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Created October 12, 2021 15:16
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Generate the PANTHER slim given a list of IBDs in GAF format
from ontobio.ontol_factory import OntologyFactory
from ontobio.assoc_factory import AssociationSetFactory
from import GraphRenderer, OboFormatGraphRenderer
from import GafParser
from ontobio.util.go_utils import GoAspector
import argparse
import json
import os
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-c', '--usage_count_constraint')
parser.add_argument('-g', '--gaf_file')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--use_cache', action='store_const', const=True)
parser.add_argument('-w', '--ontology_file')
RELATIONS = ["subClassOf","BFO:0000050"]
GAF_FILE = "/Users/ebertdu/Downloads/ancestor_node_association.paint.gaf"
OUTFILE = "panther_slim_shared.obo"
def get_aspect(go_term, go_ontology):
aspect = GO_ASPECT_LKP.get(go_term)
if aspect is None:
aspect = GoAspector(go_ontology).go_aspect(go_term)
GO_ASPECT_LKP[go_term] = aspect
return aspect
def dump_to_json(filename, terms):
with open(filename, "w+") as f:
def get_from_json(json_file):
with open(json_file) as f:
terms = json.loads(
print("File '{}' used to load term count dictionary - {} keys loaded".format(json_file, len(terms)))
return terms
def term_usage_count(term, associations):
usage_count = 0
for a in associations:
if a["object"]["id"] == term:
usage_count += 1
return usage_count
def get_common_terms(ontology, gaf_file, usage_count_constraint=5, regen_cache=True):
terms = {}
tmp_terms_fname = "/tmp/{}.json".format(os.path.basename(gaf_file))
assocs = GafParser().parse(gaf_file, skipheader=True)
if not regen_cache and os.path.isfile(tmp_terms_fname):
terms = get_from_json(tmp_terms_fname)
for a in assocs:
# These counts will be overwritten, just initializing term keys at this point
if a["object"]["id"] not in terms:
terms[a["object"]["id"]] = 1
terms[a["object"]["id"]] += 1
cached_counts = {}
prog_counter = 0
print("{} terms to go through".format(len(terms)))
for t in terms:
prog_counter += 1
# print("Currently on {}".format(prog_counter))
if t in cached_counts:
t_count = cached_counts[t]
t_count = term_usage_count(t, assocs)
cached_counts[t] = t_count
desc_terms = ontology.subontology(ontology.descendants(t), relations=RELATIONS).nodes()
t_asp = get_aspect(t, ontology)
for dt in desc_terms:
dt_asp = get_aspect(dt, ontology)
if dt_asp != t_asp: # Don't cross the aspects!
if dt in cached_counts:
d_count = cached_counts[dt]
d_count = term_usage_count(dt, assocs)
cached_counts[dt] = d_count
t_count += d_count
terms[t] = t_count
# Cache terms
dump_to_json(tmp_terms_fname, terms)
common_terms = {}
for t in terms:
if terms[t] >= usage_count_constraint:
common_terms[t] = terms[t]
return common_terms
def fill_in_relations(subontology, ontology_orig):
for term in subontology.nodes():
for ancestor in subontology.nodes():
if term == ancestor:
sub_ancestors = subontology.subontology(subontology.ancestors(term) + [term])
orig_ancestors = ontology_orig.subontology(ontology_orig.ancestors(term) + [term])
for rel in ['subClassOf','BFO:0000050']:
rel_sub_ancestors = sub_ancestors.ancestors(term, relations=[rel])
rel_orig_ancestors = orig_ancestors.ancestors(term, relations=[rel])
if ancestor not in rel_sub_ancestors and ancestor in rel_orig_ancestors:
subontology.graph.add_edge(ancestor, term, pred=rel)
return subontology
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parser.parse_args()
USAGE_COUNT_CONSTRAINT = int(args.usage_count_constraint)
GAF_FILE = args.gaf_file
OUTFILE = args.outfile
regen_cache = None
regen_cache = True
if args.use_cache:
regen_cache = False
# ont = OntologyFactory().create("/Users/ebertdu/Downloads/go.owl")
ont = OntologyFactory().create(args.ontology_file)
# aset = AssociationSetFactory().create(ont, file=GAF_FILE)
common_terms = get_common_terms(ont, GAF_FILE, USAGE_COUNT_CONSTRAINT, regen_cache)
print("Grabbed {} common terms".format(len(common_terms)))
all_terms = []
term_to_ancestors = {}
for t in common_terms:
subont = ont.subontology(ont.ancestors(t), relations=RELATIONS)
term_to_ancestors[t] = subont.nodes() # Keep ancestor list in case we want to only include common ancestors
for n in subont.nodes():
if n not in all_terms:
print("Grabbed all ancestors")
shared_ancestors = []
for t in common_terms:
for anc in term_to_ancestors[t]:
## x-y term matrix checking for shared ancestors in multiple ancestor sets
for other_t in common_terms:
if other_t == t:
if anc in term_to_ancestors[other_t]:
all_terms = set(shared_ancestors + list(common_terms.keys()))
print("Filtered for shared ancestors only")
print("{} terms included in panther_slim".format(len(all_terms)))
hierarchy_ont = ont.subontology(all_terms, relations=RELATIONS)
# hierarchy_ont = fill_in_relations(hierarchy_ont, ont)
with open(OUTFILE, "w+") as term_file:
for t in all_terms:
term_file.write(t + "\n")
# Write out obo file from here instead of owltools
# renderer = GraphRenderer.create("obo")
# renderer.outfile = OUTFILE
# renderer.write(hierarchy_ont)
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