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Last active December 17, 2015 11:59
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monadic logging across queries that can fail with scalaz
import scalaz._
import scalaz.std.list.listMonoid
import scalaz.std.option.optionInstance
object ApiEndpoints extends Controller with Auth with ServiceAuthConfig {
import play.api.Play.current
private implicit val skillPayloadFmt = Json.format[UserSkillPicker]
case class UserSkillPicker(id: String,
name: String,
enabled: Boolean)
// a value of generic type A, along with out of band logger that accumulates List[String]
type MyLogger[+A] = WriterT[scalaz.Id.Id, List[String], A]
// provide fake monoid to make it compile... i dont think it gets used
implicit object monoid extends Monoid[Throwable] {
def zero: Throwable = new Exception
def append(v1: Throwable, v2: => Throwable): Throwable = ???
// play http entry point for a JSON resource - responds to GET /api/list-skills-user-picker
// performs two queries, parses them into a single payload, renders http response
def listSkillsUserPicker = authorizedAction(NormalUser) { user => implicit request =>
val x: EitherT[MyLogger, Throwable, List[UserSkillPicker]] = DB.withConnection { dbconn =>
val a: EitherT[MyLogger, Throwable, List[UserSkillPicker]] =
for {
allSkills: Map[String, Skill] <- SkillsMapping.all(dbconn) // query can fail
userSkills: Map[String, Skill] <- SkillsMapping.forUser(dbconn, user) // query can fail
} yield {
// simple functional transform to build some arbitrary payload
// only gets called if both calls succeeded{ case (id, skill) =>
val enabled = userSkills.contains(id)
UserSkillPicker(id,, enabled)
val it = // wtf ?
val logs: List[String] = it._1
val results: Throwable \/ List[UserSkillPicker] = it._2
val log: String = logs.mkString("\n")
results match {
case -\/(e) => InternalServerError("exception: %s\nlogs: %s".format(e.toString, log))
case \/-(v) => Ok("success!\nobject: %s\nlogs: %s".format(Json.toJson(v).toString, log))
object SkillsMapping {
val mappingWithId =
get[String]("") ~
get[String]("") ~
get[String]("skills.description") map {
case id~name~desc => id -> Skill(name, desc)
// the return type includes logs, as well as either a throwable or a result
def all(dbconn: java.sql.Connection): EitherT[MyLogger, Throwable, Map[String, Skill]] = {
val query = "SELECT, FROM skills"
def results: Throwable \/ Map[String, Skill] = Try(SQL(query).as(mappingWithId *)(dbconn).toMap) match {
case Failure(e) => \/.left(e)
case Success(v) => \/.right(v)
val resultsWithLog: EitherT[MyLogger, Throwable, Map[String, Skill]] =
for {
r <- EitherT[MyLogger, Throwable, Map[String, Skill]](Writer(List("running query: %s".format(query)), results))
_ <- EitherT[MyLogger, Throwable, Int](Writer(List("got results: %s".format(results.toString)), \/.right(0)))
} yield r
def forUser(dbconn: java.sql.Connection, userId: String): EitherT[MyLogger, Throwable, Map[String, Skill]] = {
val query =
SELECT,, skills.description FROM skills
INNER JOIN skillsets
ON = skillsets.skill_id AND skillsets.user_id = {userId}
def results: Throwable \/ Map[String, Skill] = Try(SQL(query).on('userId -> userId).as(mappingWithId *)(dbconn).toMap) match {
case Failure(e) => \/.left(e)
case Success(v) => \/.right(v)
val resultsWithLog: EitherT[MyLogger, Throwable, Map[String, Skill]] =
for {
r <- EitherT[MyLogger, Throwable, Map[String, Skill]](Writer(List("running query: %s".format(query)), results))
_ <- EitherT[MyLogger, Throwable, Int](Writer(List("got results: %s".format(results.toString)), \/.right(0)))
} yield r
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