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Created August 30, 2022 21:18
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(ns user.datafy-fs
"nav implementation for java file system traversals"
(:require [clojure.core.protocols :as ccp :refer [nav]]
[clojure.datafy :refer [datafy]]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[hyperfiddle.rcf :refer [tests]])
(:import [java.nio.file Path Paths Files]
[java.nio.file.attribute BasicFileAttributes FileTime]))
(defn get-extension [path]
(let [found (last (re-find #"(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$" path))
ext (and found (subs found 1))]
(or ext nil)))
(get-extension "") := nil
(get-extension ".") := nil
(get-extension "..") := nil
(get-extension "image") := nil
(get-extension "image.") := nil
(get-extension "image..") := nil)
(get-extension "image.png") := "png"
(get-extension "image.blah.png") := "png"
(get-extension "image.blah..png") := "png"))
" interop"
(def h ( "src/"))
(.getName h) := "src"
(.getPath h) := "src"
(.isDirectory h) := true
(.isFile h) := false
;(.getParent h) := nil -- ??
;(.getParentFile h) := nil -- ??
(-> (datafy :members keys)
(->> (seq (.listFiles h)) (take 1) first datafy)
(for [x (take 5 (.listFiles h))] (.getName x)))
(defn file-path [^File f]
(-> f .getAbsolutePath (java.nio.file.Paths/get (make-array String 0))))
(def p (file-path ( "src")))
(instance? Path p) := true
(-> (datafy Path) :members keys)
(-> p .getRoot str) := "/"
(-> p .getFileName str) := "src"
(-> p .getParent .getFileName str) := "photon"
(-> p .getParent .toFile .getName) := "photon"
#_(-> p .getParent .toFile datafy))
(defn path-attrs [^Path p]
(Files/readAttributes p BasicFileAttributes (make-array java.nio.file.LinkOption 0)))
(def attrs (path-attrs (file-path ( "src"))))
(instance? BasicFileAttributes attrs) := true
(.isDirectory attrs) := true
(.isSymbolicLink attrs) := false
(.isRegularFile attrs) := false
(.isOther attrs) := false)
(defn file-attrs [^File f] (path-attrs (file-path f)))
(file-attrs ( "src"))
; spec the data, not the object
(s/def ::name string?)
(s/def ::absolute-path string?)
(s/def ::modified inst?)
(s/def ::created inst?)
(s/def ::accessed inst?)
(s/def ::size string?)
(s/def ::kind qualified-keyword?) ; extension as well?
(s/def ::file (s/keys :opt [::name ::absolute-path ::modified ::created ::accessed ::size ::kind]))
(s/def ::children (s/coll-of ::file))
(def ... `...) ; define a value for easy test assertions
(extend-protocol ccp/Datafiable
(datafy [o] (-> o .toInstant java.util.Date/from)))
(extend-protocol ccp/Datafiable
(datafy [^File f]
; represent object's top layer as EDN-ready value records, for display
; datafy is partial display view of an object as value records
; nav is ability to resolve back to the underlying object pointers
; they compose to navigate display views of objects like a link
(let [attrs (file-attrs f)
n (.getName f)]
(as-> {::name n
::kind (cond (.isDirectory attrs) ::dir
(.isSymbolicLink attrs) ::symlink
(.isOther attrs) ::other
(.isRegularFile attrs) (if-let [s (get-extension n)]
(keyword (namespace ::foo) s)
() ::unknown-kind)
::absolute-path (-> f .getAbsolutePath)
::created (-> attrs .creationTime .toInstant java.util.Date/from)
::accessed (-> attrs .lastAccessTime .toInstant java.util.Date/from)
::modified (-> attrs .lastModifiedTime .toInstant java.util.Date/from)
::size (.size attrs)} %
(merge % (if (= ::dir (::kind %))
{::children (lazy-seq (.listFiles f))
::parent `...}))
(with-meta % {`ccp/nav
(fn [xs k v]
(case k
; reverse data back to object, to be datafied again by caller
::modified (.lastModifiedTime attrs)
::created (.creationTime attrs)
::accessed (.lastAccessTime attrs)
::children (some-> v vec)
::parent (-> f file-path .getParent .toFile)
; careful, calling seq loses metas on the underlying
(def h ( "src/"))
(type h) :=
"(datafy file) returns an EDN-ready data view that is one layer deep"
(datafy h)
:= #:user.datafy-fs{:name "src",
:absolute-path _,
:size _,
:modified _,
:created _,
:accessed _,
:kind ::dir,
:children _
:parent ...})
"datafy of a directory includes a Clojure coll of children, but child elements are native file
(as-> (datafy h) %
(nav % ::children (::children %))
(datafy %)
(take 2 (map type %)))
:= []
"nav to a leaf returns the native object"
(as-> (datafy h) %
(nav % ::modified (::modified %)))
(type *1) := java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime
"datafy again to get the plain value"
(type (datafy *2)) := java.util.Date)
(as-> (datafy h) %
(nav % ::children (::children %))
(datafy %) ; can skip - simple data
(nav % 0 (% 0))
(datafy %)
#_(s/conform ::file %))
:= #:user.datafy-fs{:name "hyperfiddle",
:absolute-path _,
:size _,
:modified _,
:created _,
:accessed _,
:kind ::dir,
:children _
:parent ...})
"nav into children and back up via parent ref"
(def m (datafy h))
(::name m) := "src"
(as-> m %
(nav % ::children (::children %))
(datafy %) ; dir
(nav % 0 (get % 0)) ; first file in dir
(datafy %)
(nav % ::parent (::parent %)) ; dir (skip level on way up)
(datafy %)
(::name %))
:= "src")
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