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Last active February 20, 2022 02:06
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100 LOC crud app
"Concrete minimum viable crud app that demonstrates strong composition and real world edge cases"
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
#?(:clj [datomic.api :as d])
[hyperfiddle.api :as hf]
[hyperfiddle.photon :as p]
[hyperfiddle.photon-dom :as dom]
[hyperfiddle.html5 :as-alias html]))
(def fixtures
[[{:db/ident :person/name :db/valueType :db.type/string :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
{:db/ident :person/email :db/valueType :db.type/string :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one :db/unique :db.unique/identity}
{:db/ident :person/gender :db/valueType :db.type/ref :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
{:db/ident :person/shirt-size :db/valueType :db.type/ref :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}
{:db/ident :enum/class :db/valueType :db.type/keyword :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]
[{:enum/class :person/gender :db/ident :person/male}
{:enum/class :person/gender :db/ident :person/female}]
[{:db/ident :person/mens-small :person/gender :person/male :enum/class :person/shirt-size}
{:db/ident :person/mens-medium :person/gender :person/male :enum/class :person/shirt-size}
{:db/ident :person/mens-large :person/gender :person/male :enum/class :person/shirt-size}
{:db/ident :person/womens-small :person/gender :person/female :enum/class :person/shirt-size}
{:db/ident :person/womens-medium :person/gender :person/female :enum/class :person/shirt-size}
{:db/ident :person/womens-large :person/gender :person/female :enum/class :person/shirt-size}]
[{:person/email "" :person/gender :person/female :person/shirt-size :person/womens-large}
{:person/email "" :person/gender :person/male :person/shirt-size :person/mens-large}
{:person/email "" :person/gender :person/male :person/shirt-size :person/mens-medium}]])
; business rules, coded in simple Clojure
(defn includes-str? [v needle]
(clojure.string/includes? (.toLowerCase (str v)) (.toLowerCase (str needle))))
(defn persons [needle]
(d/q '[:find [?e ...] :in $ % ?needle :where
[?e :person/email ?email]
[(includes-str? ?email ?needle)]]
hf/*db* (or needle "")))
(defn genders [needle]
(filter #(includes-str? % needle) [:person/male :person/female]))
(defn shirt-sizes [gender needle]
(d/q '[:in $ % ?gender ?needle :find [?e ...] :where
[?e :enum/class :person/shirt-size]
[?e :person/gender ?gender]
[?e :db/ident ?ident]
[(includes-str? ?ident ?needle)]]
hf/*db* gender (or needle "")))
(defn email-taken? [email]
(some? (d/q '[:in ?x $ :find ?e . :where [?e :person/email ?x]] hf/*db* email)))
; streaming client/server application as an expression with strong composition, coded in Photon
; Amazingly, the compiler-managed network I/O is efficient and generates optimal request batching
(p/defn App [] ; stream function, receives hf/*db* from dynamic scope
(dom/h1 "hello world")
(let [needle (dom/input {::html/placeholder ""})]
(dom/tbody {:style load-mask}
(p/for [e (p/server (persons needle))]
(tr-form e
(td-field :person/name)
(td-field :person/email {::html/invalid (p/server (email-taken? (get (d/entity hf/*db* e) :person/email)))})
(td-field :person/gender {::options-fn (p/fn [needle] (genders needle))})
(td-field :person/shirt-size {::options-fn (p/fn [needle]
(let [gender (get (d/entity hf/*db* e) :person/gender)]
(shirt-sizes gender needle))))}))))
(catch p/Pending _ (dom/span "loading table"))))))))
; Above this point:
; 9 lines of imports
; 17 lines of data model and test data
; 22 lines of business rules
; 18 lines of explicit UI
; total = 66 LOC
; Below is streaming UI widget implementation, inlined here for your perusal.
; Composable UI functions come with Photon. These are true functions! Well, lifted async dataflow functions.
; p/defn essentially compiles Clojure forms into a dependency network, colors it into client and server portions,
; partitions and emits dataflow operations for said DAG that are supervised by Missionary, a functional effect system.
(p/defn typeahead-select [v {:keys [::options-fn]}]
(let [needle (dom/input {::html/placeholder ""})]
(dom/select v
(for [x (options-fn needle)] ; hf/*db* cannot be seen on options-fn interface
(dom/option x))
(catch p/Pending _ nil))))))) ; trap local pending state
; fields are async dataflow functions from signal-of-db to stream-of-edits,
; with dom input/output tie-ins by supervised side effect,
; typically emitting new values on the server, streaming through the client, parking until dom interaction, then
; emitting edit events out the return channel.
(p/defn td-field [a props]
(let [v (dom/td
(case (p/server (:db/valueType (d/entity hf/*db* a))) ; point query
:db.type/ref (typeahead-select (p/server (get (d/entity hf/*db* *e*) a)) props) ; point query
:db.type/string (dom/input (p/server (get (d/entity hf/*db* *e*) a))) ; point query
(dom/div "unknown type")))] ; don't query
[a v]))) ; fields emit stream of [a v] edits
(defmacro tr-form [e & body]
`(dom/tr ; a form is a list of fields related by entity
(p/for-by first [[a v] ~@body] ; fields emit [a v] edits
[:db/add ~e a v]))) ; forms emit global eav triples ready for database
(defn entrypoint [conn]
(p/run ; bootstrap client/server and establish websocket
(binding [hf/*user* ...]
(loop [db (d/db conn)] ; todo controlled server push
(let [tx (binding [hf/*db* db]
(binding [dom/*parent* (js/document.querySelector "#root")]
; App is an incrementally maintained stream-function
; from signal-of-db to stream-of-tx with mid-flight dom tie-ins
(println tx)
(recur (:db-after @(d/transact conn tx)))))))))
(d/create-database "datomic:mem://hello-world")
(def conn (d/connect "datomic:mem://hello-world"))
(doall (reduce (fn [_ tx] (d/transact conn tx)) fixtures))
; entrypoint runs process for side effect until cancelled
; todo each websocket session (browser tab) gets a reactor
(def cancel! (entrypoint conn))
; Once you understand the above, here is the easy declarative alternative for end-user programmers:
(p/defn App []
; this hypermedia DSL macroexpands to basically the Photon implementation seen above
{(persons .)
[(:person/name {::html/placeholder ""})
(:person/email {::html/invalid (p/server (email-taken? person/email))})
{(:person/gender {::hf/options (genders)
::hf/option-label :db/ident
::hf/render typeahead-select})
{(:person/shirt-size {::hf/options (shirt-sizes person/gender .)
::hf/option-label :db/ident
::hf/render typeahead-select})
; specs are used to auto-gen UI from business function parameter lists
(s/fdef persons :args (s/cat :needle string?) :ret (s/coll-of hf/ref?))
(s/fdef genders :ret (s/coll-of hf/ref?))
(s/fdef shirt-sizes :args (s/cat :gender hf/ref? :needle string?) :ret (s/coll-of hf/ref?))
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jcf commented Feb 6, 2022

This is mind blowing stuff! Congratulations to the Hyperfiddle team on building something quite extraordinary.

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