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Created March 31, 2023 18:27
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remark markdown extension (2018)
(ns contrib.ui.remark
;["@hyperfiddle/remark-generic-extensions/lib/browser.min" :as remark-generic-extensions] ; works in node
; Refrain from contrib imports so this is more suitable for userland
[prop-types] ; used as js/propTypes.object
;[remark] ; works in node
;[remark-react] ; works in node
(def propTypes
(exists? js/propTypes) js/propTypes
(exists? js/require) (set! js/propTypes (or (js/require "prop-types")
(throw (js/Error. "require('prop-yypes') failed"))))
:else (throw (js/Error. "js/propTypes is missing"))))
(def remark ; todo need browser shim for path (path-browserify)
(exists? js/remark) js/remark
(exists? js/require) (set! js/remark (or (js/require "remark")
(throw (js/Error. "require('remark') failed"))))
:else (throw (js/Error. "js/remark is missing"))))
(def remark-react ; todo npm deps chokes on hast-util-sanitize/lib/github.json
(exists? js/remarkReact) js/remarkReact
(exists? js/require) (set! js/remarkReact (or (js/require "remark-react")
(throw (js/Error. "require('remark-react') failed"))))
:else (throw (js/Error. "js/remarkReact is missing"))))
(def remark-generic-extensions
(exists? js/remarkGenericExtensions) js/remarkGenericExtensions
(exists? js/require) (set! js/remarkGenericExtensions (or (js/require "@hyperfiddle/remark-generic-extensions/lib/browser")
(throw (js/Error. "require('remark-generic-extensions') failed"))))
:else (throw (js/Error. "js/remarkGenericExtensions is missing"))))
(defn adapt-props [props]
(-> props (dissoc :content :argument) ; need children downstack
(clojure.set/rename-keys {:className :class})))
(defn- extension [k f]
{:display-name (str "markdown-" (name k))
:context-types #js {:ctx js/propTypes.object}
:reagent-render (fn [{:keys [content argument] :as props}]
(let [ctx (goog.object/get (.-context (reagent.core/current-component)) "ctx")
content (if-not (= content "undefined") content)
argument (if-not (= argument "undefined") argument)]
(f k content argument (adapt-props props) ctx)))}))
(defn- remark-instance! [extensions]
(let [extensions (reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
(assoc acc k (reagent.core/reactify-component
(extension k v))))
(empty extensions)
(-> (js/remark)
(.use js/remarkGenericExtensions
{"elements" (into {} (map vector
(keys extensions)
(repeat {"html" {"properties" {"content" "::content::"
"argument" "::argument::"}}})))}))
(.use js/remarkReact (clj->js
{"sanitize" false
"remarkReactComponents" extensions}))
(exists? js/remarkComments) (.use js/remarkComments #js {"beginMarker" "" "endMarker" ""})
(exists? js/remarkToc) (.use js/remarkToc)))))
; remark creates react components which don't evaluate in this stack frame
; so dynamic scope is not helpful to communicate values to remark plugins
; Reagent + react-context:
(defn remark! [& [extensions]]
(let [remark-instance (remark-instance! extensions)]
{:display-name "markdown"
(fn [value & [?ctx]]
(when-not (clojure.string/blank? value)
(-> remark-instance
(.processSync value #js {"commonmark" true})
(fn []
(this-as this
(let [[_ value ?ctx] (reagent.core/argv this)]
#js {:ctx ?ctx})))
:child-context-types #js {:ctx js/propTypes.object}})))
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