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Last active June 9, 2020 04:34
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-- Press a button to generate a random number between 1 and 6.
-- Read how it works:
import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Process
import Random
import Svg
import Svg.Attributes as A
import Task
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
, view = view
type alias Model =
{ dieFaces : (Int, Int)
, numDice : Int
init : () -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
init _ =
( Model (1, 1) 1
, Cmd.none
type Msg
= Roll Int Int
| NewFace Int Int (Int, Int)
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
Roll left num ->
case left of
0 -> ( model
, Cmd.none
otherwise -> ( Model (1, 1) num
, Random.generate (NewFace left num) dice
NewFace left num (add1, add2) ->
let (face1, face2) = model.dieFaces in
( Model ((modBy 6 (face1 + add1)) + 1, (modBy 6 (face2 + add2)) + 1 ) num
, waitRoll left model.numDice
waitRoll : Int -> Int -> Cmd Msg
waitRoll left num =
Process.sleep (toFloat (350 - (25 * left))) |> Task.perform (always <| (Roll (left - 1) num))
dice : Random.Generator (Int, Int)
dice =
Random.pair ( 0 4) ( 0 4)
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ die model.dieFaces model.numDice
, div [] []
, button [ onClick <| Roll 14 1] [ text "Roll 1 die" ]
, button [ onClick <| Roll 14 2] [ text "Roll 2 dice" ]
die : (Int, Int) -> Int -> Html Msg
die (roll1, roll2) numDice =
[ A.width "240"
, A.height "120"
, A.viewBox "0 0 240 120"
[ A.transform "translate (10 10)"
(dieBox "#de2424" :: (face roll1)),
[ A.transform "translate (130 10)"
, A.visibility <| display numDice
(dieBox "#245ade" :: (face roll2))
display num =
case num of
1 -> "hidden"
otherwise -> "visible"
dieBox fill =
[ A.x "0"
, A.y "0"
, A.width "100"
, A.height "100"
, A.rx "15"
, A.ry "15"
, A.fill fill
, A.stroke "black"
dots =
[ { x = "50", y = "50", cond = \x -> modBy 2 x == 1 }
, { x = "25", y = "25", cond = \x -> x /= 1 }
, { x = "75", y = "75", cond = \x -> x /= 1 }
, { x = "25", y = "50", cond = \x -> x == 6 }
, { x = "75", y = "50", cond = \x -> x == 6 }
, { x = "75", y = "25", cond = \x -> x > 3 }
, { x = "25", y = "75", cond = \x -> x > 3 }
face : Int -> List (Svg.Svg msg)
face roll = (dot roll) dots
dot roll d =
[ d.x
, d.y
, A.r (drawR <| d.cond <| roll)
drawR b =
case b of
True -> "8"
False -> "0"
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