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Created December 29, 2022 10:44
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public version on 2022-12-29
tap "alexanderwillner/tap"
tap "apparition47/tap"
tap "charmbracelet/tap"
tap "cuelang/tap"
tap "dagger/tap"
tap "dart-lang/dart"
tap "dokku/repo"
tap "earthly/earthly"
tap "elastic/tap"
tap "federico-terzi/espanso"
tap "filosottile/musl-cross"
tap "helix-editor/helix"
tap "heroku/brew"
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/cask"
tap "homebrew/cask-fonts"
tap "homebrew/cask-versions"
tap "homebrew/core"
tap "homebrew/services"
tap "jameslittle230/stork-tap"
tap "jmacdonald/amp"
tap "khanhas/tap"
tap "lukakerr/things"
tap "michaeleisel/zld"
tap "mongodb/brew"
tap "nats-io/nats-tools"
tap "neovim/neovim"
tap "redox-os/gcc_cross_compilers"
tap "rigellute/tap"
tap "sass/sass"
tap "sbdchd/skim"
tap "sergiobenitez/osxct"
tap "souffle-lang/souffle"
tap "swiftwasm/tap"
tap "terrastruct/d2"
tap "unisonweb/unison"
tap "universal-ctags/universal-ctags"
# Search tool like grep, but optimized for programmers
brew "ack"
# GNU database manager
brew "gdbm"
# Library for command-line editing
brew "readline"
# Record and share terminal sessions
brew "asciinema"
# Portable Foreign Function Interface library
brew "libffi"
# Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
brew "python@3.9"
# Improved shell history for zsh and bash
brew "atuin"
# Tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
brew "automake"
# Programmable completion for Bash 3.2
brew "bash-completion"
# Clone of cat(1) with syntax highlighting and Git integration
brew "bat"
# Double-entry accounting tool that works on plain text files
brew "beancount"
# Parser generator
brew "bison"
# C/C++ and Java libraries for Unicode and globalization
brew "icu4c"
# Zstandard is a real-time compression algorithm
brew "zstd"
# Powerful, enterprise-ready, open source web server with automatic HTTPS
brew "caddy"
# Manage compile and link flags for libraries
brew "pkg-config"
# CloudFlare's PKI toolkit
brew "cfssl"
# Ruby environment tool
brew "chruby"
# Cross-platform make
brew "cmake"
# Strongly specified, highly compatible implementation of Markdown
brew "cmark"
# YAML Parser
brew "libyaml"
# Powerful, clean, object-oriented scripting language
brew "ruby"
# Dependency manager for Cocoa projects
brew "cocoapods"
# C library SSHv1/SSHv2 client and server protocols
brew "libssh"
# Emulator for x86 and PowerPC
brew "qemu"
# Container runtimes on MacOS (and Linux) with minimal setup
brew "colima"
# GNU File, Shell, and Text utilities
brew "coreutils"
# Get, unpack, build, and install modules from CPAN
brew "cpanminus"
# Securely send things from one computer to another
brew "croc"
# Modern diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams
brew "d2"
# Generate Dash documentation from HTML files
brew "dashing"
# Secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript
brew "deno"
# Load/unload environment variables based on $PWD
brew "direnv"
# Perl lib for reading and writing EXIF metadata
brew "exiftool"
# Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
brew "fd"
# Identify or delete duplicate files
brew "fdupes"
# OpenType text shaping engine
brew "harfbuzz"
# NaCl networking and cryptography library
brew "libsodium"
# OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine
brew "tesseract"
# Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
brew "ffmpeg"
# Fully featured Firefox Send client
brew "ffsend"
# Collection of GNU find, xargs, and locate
brew "findutils"
# User-friendly command-line shell for UNIX-like operating systems
brew "fish"
# Free Loseless Image Format
brew "flif"
# Static type checker for JavaScript
brew "flow"
# Fast and simple Node.js version manager
brew "fnm"
# Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats
brew "imagemagick"
# Generate pixel-perfect macOS folder icons in the native style
brew "folderify"
# Distributed software configuration management
brew "fossil"
# Monitor a directory for changes and run a shell command
brew "fswatch"
# Command-line fuzzy finder written in Go
brew "fzf"
# Fast, simple fuzzy text selector with an advanced scoring algorithm
brew "fzy"
# WebDriver <-> Marionette proxy
brew "geckodriver"
# GitHub command-line tool
brew "gh"
# Distributed revision control system
brew "git"
# Enable transparent encryption/decryption of files in a git repo
brew "git-crypt"
# Syntax-highlighting pager for git and diff output
brew "git-delta"
# Render markdown on the CLI
brew "glow"
# GNU implementation of the famous stream editor
brew "gnu-sed"
# X.509 and CMS library
brew "libksba"
# Passphrase entry dialog utilizing the Assuan protocol
brew "pinentry"
# GNU Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) package
brew "gnupg"
# Apply a diff file to an original
brew "gpatch"
# Open-source build automation tool based on the Groovy and Kotlin DSL
brew "gradle"
# Gorgeous metric visualizations and dashboards for timeseries databases
brew "grafana"
# Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs
brew "graphviz"
# GNU grep, egrep and fgrep
brew "grep"
# Make JSON greppable
brew "gron"
# Text view with syntax, undo/redo, and text marks
brew "gtksourceview"
# Open-source video transcoder available for Linux, Mac, and Windows
brew "handbrake", link: false
# Post-modern modal text editor
brew "helix"
# Easy plain text accounting with command-line, terminal and web UIs
brew "hledger"
# User-friendly cURL replacement (command-line HTTP client)
brew "httpie"
# Add GitHub support to git on the command-line
brew "hub"
# Configurable static site generator
brew "hugo"
# Command-line benchmarking tool
brew "hyperfine"
# Get events and tasks from the macOS calendar database
brew "ical-buddy"
# Time series, events, and metrics database
brew "influxdb"
# Install and debug iPhone apps from the command-line
brew "ios-deploy"
# Extract Digicam setting info from EXIF JPEG headers
brew "jhead"
# Lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
brew "jq"
# Handy way to save and run project-specific commands
brew "just"
# Selection-based modal text editor
brew "kakoune"
# Development kit for the Java programming language
brew "openjdk"
# Statically typed programming language for the JVM
brew "kotlin"
# Manipulate OpenType and multiple-master fonts
brew "lcdf-typetools"
# Command-line, double-entry accounting tool
brew "ledger"
# Access DVDs as block devices without the decryption
brew "libdvdcss"
# GNOME XML library
brew "libxml2"
# Next-gen compiler infrastructure
brew "llvm"
# Clone of ls with colorful output, file type icons, and more
brew "lsd"
# Package manager for the Lua programming language
brew "luarocks"
# Text-based web browser
brew "lynx"
# Swiss Army Knife for macOS
brew "m-cli"
# Keep your Mac's application settings in sync
brew "mackup"
# Move files and folders to the trash
brew "macos-trash"
# Securely transfers data between computers
brew "magic-wormhole"
# Mac App Store command-line interface
brew "mas"
# Java-based project management
brew "maven"
# Create modern online books from Markdown files
brew "mdbook"
# Unified display of technical and tag data for audio/video
brew "media-info"
# Ultra relevant, instant and typo-tolerant full-text search API
brew "meilisearch"
# High performance static file server
brew "miniserve"
# Simple tool to make locally trusted development certificates
brew "mkcert"
# Modern Linker
brew "mold"
# Collection of tools that nobody wrote when UNIX was young
brew "moreutils"
# Remote terminal application
brew "mosh"
# Read, create, and modify MP4 files
brew "mp4v2"
# Mongrel of mail user agents (part elm, pine, mush, mh, etc.)
brew "mutt"
# General-purpose lossless data-compression library
brew "zlib"
# Open source relational database management system
brew "mysql"
# Lightweight cloud messaging system
brew "nats-server"
# Ambitious Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility
brew "neovim", args: ["HEAD"]
# Utility for managing network connections
brew "netcat"
# HTTP(S) server and reverse proxy, and IMAP/POP3 proxy server
brew "nginx"
# Tiny, lightning fast, feature-packed file manager
brew "nnn"
# Platform built on V8 to build network applications
brew "node"
# Modern shell for the GitHub era
brew "nushell"
# OCaml package manager
brew "opam"
# Swiss-army knife of markup format conversion
brew "pandoc"
# Highly capable, feature-rich programming language
brew "perl"
# Pinentry for GPG on Mac
brew "pinentry-mac"
# Python dependency management tool
brew "pipenv"
# Execute binaries from Python packages in isolated environments
brew "pipx"
# Tool for managing OCI containers and pods
brew "podman"
# Library to work with the PDF file format
brew "podofo"
# PDF rendering library (based on the xpdf-3.0 code base)
brew "poppler"
# Object-relational database system
brew "postgresql@14"
# Framework for managing multi-language pre-commit hooks
brew "pre-commit"
# Autonomous mail processor
brew "procmail"
# Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
brew "python@3.8"
# Rsync for cloud storage
brew "rclone"
# Persistent key-value database, with built-in net interface
brew "redis"
# Fast, efficient and secure backup program
brew "restic"
# Search tool like grep and The Silver Searcher
brew "ripgrep"
# Wrapper around ripgrep that adds multiple rich file types
brew "ripgrep-all"
# Readline wrapper: adds readline support to tools that lack it
brew "rlwrap"
# Install Ruby, JRuby, Rubinius, TruffleRuby, or mruby
brew "ruby-install"
# Used as a compiler wrapper and avoids compilation when possible
brew "sccache"
# Static analysis and lint tool, for (ba)sh scripts
brew "shellcheck"
# Autoformat shell script source code
brew "shfmt"
# Cross-shell prompt for astronauts
brew "starship"
# Manage Git commits as a stack of patches
brew "stgit"
# ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog interpreter
brew "swi-prolog"
# Formatting tool for reformatting Swift code
brew "swiftformat"
# User interface to the TELNET protocol
brew "telnet"
# Code-search similar to ack
brew "the_silver_searcher"
# Programmatically correct mistyped console commands
brew "thefuck"
# Terminal multiplexer
brew "tmux"
# Manage complex tmux sessions easily
brew "tmuxinator"
# Program that allows you to count code, quickly
brew "tokei"
# Upgrade all the things
brew "topgrade"
# Display directories as trees (with optional color/HTML output)
brew "tree"
# Build, bundle & ship your Rust WASM application to the web
brew "trunk"
# Source code beautifier
brew "uncrustify"
# File synchronization tool
brew "unison"
# Syntax-aware linter for prose
brew "vale"
# Vi 'workalike' with many additional features
brew "vim"
# Image processing library
brew "vips"
# Pager/text based browser
brew "w3m"
# Internet file retriever
brew "wget"
# Graphical network analyzer and capture tool
brew "wireshark", link: false
# Generate your Xcode project from a spec file and your folder structure
brew "xcodegen"
# Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
brew "xxhash"
# JavaScript package manager
brew "yarn"
# Download YouTube videos from the command-line
brew "youtube-dl"
# Fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in
brew "zola"
# Next-generation plugin manager for zsh
brew "zplug"
# UNIX shell (command interpreter)
brew "zsh"
# Simple read-only comand-line interface to your Things 3 database
brew "alexanderwillner/tap/"
# Dagger is a programmable deployment system.
brew "dagger/tap/dagger"
# Distributed search & analytics engine
brew "elastic/tap/elasticsearch-full"
# Cross-platform Text Expander written in Rust
brew "federico-terzi/espanso/espanso"
# Everything you need to get started with Heroku
brew "heroku/brew/heroku"
# Command-line tool to customize Spotify client
brew "khanhas/tap/spicetify-cli"
# A faster version of ld, Apple's linker
brew "michaeleisel/zld/zld"
# NATS utility
brew "nats-io/nats-tools/nats"
# Stylesheet Preprocessor
brew "sass/sass/sass"
# Fuzzy finder written in Rust
brew "sbdchd/skim/skim"
# The Unison Language and Codebase Manager.
brew "unisonweb/unison/unison-language"
# Maintained ctags implementation
brew "universal-ctags/universal-ctags/universal-ctags", args: ["HEAD"]
# Application launcher and productivity software
cask "alfred"
# Application uninstaller
cask "appcleaner"
# Multi-track audio editor and recorder
cask "audacity"
# Menu bar icon organizer
cask "bartender"
# Tool to customize input devices and automate computer systems
cask "bettertouchtool"
# 3D creation suite
cask "blender"
# Web browser focusing on privacy
cask "brave-browser"
# E-books management software
cask "calibre"
# Automated testing of webapps for Google Chrome
cask "chromedriver"
# C and C++ IDE
cask "clion"
# Color picker
cask "colorpicker-skalacolor"
# API documentation browser and code snippet manager
cask "dash"
# Voice and text chat software
cask "discord"
# App to build and share containerized applications and microservices
cask "docker"
# Google Chromium, sans integration with Google
cask "eloston-chromium"
# Collaborative team software
cask "figma"
# Utility for customizing which browser to start
cask "finicky"
# Web browser
cask "firefox"
# Screen color temperature controller
cask "flux"
# Font with greater legibility and readability for low vision readers
cask "font-atkinson-hyperlegible"
cask "font-courier-prime"
cask "font-courier-prime-medium-and-semi-bold"
cask "font-courier-prime-sans"
# Free monospaced font with programming ligatures
cask "font-fira-code"
# Developer targeted fonts with a high number of glyphs
cask "font-hack-nerd-font"
cask "font-ia-writer-duospace"
cask "font-ia-writer-mono"
cask "font-ia-writer-quattro"
# Developer targeted fonts with a high number of glyphs
cask "font-im-writing-nerd-font"
cask "font-inter"
# Sans-serif, slab-serif, monospace and quasi‑proportional typeface family
cask "font-iosevka"
# Sans-serif, slab-serif, monospace and quasi‑proportional typeface family
cask "font-iosevka-slab"
cask "font-manrope"
cask "font-noto-sans-display"
cask "font-optician-sans"
cask "font-recursive"
cask "font-sans-forgetica"
# Advanced, open source, hyperrealistic, multilingual typewriter font
cask "font-tt2020"
# Web browser
cask "google-chrome"
# Light, Electron-based Wrapper around GraphiQL
cask "graphiql"
# Desktop automation application
cask "hammerspoon"
# Open-source video transcoder
cask "handbrake"
# Free and open-source media player
cask "iina"
# HTTP and GraphQL Client
cask "insomnia"
# Java IDE by JetBrains
cask "intellij-idea"
# System monitoring app
cask "istat-menus"
# Automation software
cask "keyboard-maestro"
# Host-based application firewall
cask "little-snitch"
# Silence embarrassing notifications while screensharing
cask "muzzle"
# Calculator and converter application
cask "numi"
# Knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files
cask "obsidian"
# Web browser
cask "opera"
# Modern and intuitive HTTP Debugging Proxy app
cask "proxyman"
# QuickLook generator for Markdown files
cask "qlmarkdown"
cask "qlplayground"
# Thumbnails, static previews, cover art and metadata for video files
cask "qlvideo"
# QuickLook plugin for CSV files
cask "quicklook-csv"
# QuickLook plugin for JSON files
cask "quicklook-json"
# QuickLook plugin for PPM, PGM, PFM and PBM files
cask "quicklook-pfm"
# QuickLook generator for Adobe Swatch Exchange files
cask "quicklookase"
# Automatically hides or quits apps after periods of inactivity
cask "quitter"
# Control your tools with a few keystrokes
cask "raycast"
# Move and resize windows using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas
cask "rectangle"
# Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
cask "secretive"
# Menu bar customization tool
cask "swiftbar"
# Enables you to control your computer with voice, eye tracking, or noises
cask "talon"
# Automatic time and productivity tracking app
cask "timing"
# Git client focusing on power and productivity
cask "tower"
# Open-source BitTorrent client
cask "transmission"
# Virtual machines UI using QEMU
cask "utm"
# Development environment
cask "vagrant"
# Open-source code editor
cask "visual-studio-code"
# Web browser with built-in email client focusing on customization and control
cask "vivaldi"
# Multimedia player
cask "vlc"
# Network protocol analyzer
cask "wireshark"
# HTML to PDF renderer
cask "wkhtmltopdf"
# Open-source version of the X.Org X Window System
cask "xquartz"
# Video communication and virtual meeting platform
cask "zoom"
mas "1Password for Safari", id: 1569813296
mas "Bear", id: 1091189122
mas "Boop", id: 1518425043
mas "Bumpr", id: 1166066070
mas "Cascadea", id: 1432182561
mas "ColorSlurp", id: 1287239339
mas "Developer", id: 640199958
mas "DevSwatch", id: 1477857867
mas "DuckDuckGo Privacy for Safari", id: 1482920575
mas "Encrypto", id: 935235287
mas "FlowVella", id: 890553471
mas "iA Writer", id: 775737590
mas "iMovie", id: 408981434
mas "Keynote", id: 409183694
mas "MindNode", id: 1289197285
mas "Muse", id: 1501563902
mas "Numbers", id: 409203825
mas "Pages", id: 409201541
mas "Paste JSON as Code • quicktype", id: 1330801220
mas "Pastebot", id: 1179623856
mas "PDF Expert", id: 1055273043
mas "PiPifier", id: 1160374471
mas "Prime Video", id: 545519333
mas " for Safari", id: 957810159
mas "Reeder", id: 1529448980
mas "Slack", id: 803453959
mas "The Unarchiver", id: 425424353
mas "Things", id: 904280696
mas "WhatsApp", id: 1147396723
mas "Xcode", id: 497799835
cask_args appdir: "/Applications"
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