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Last active April 26, 2020 11:28
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Save dustinknopoff/f110d6a247a3881d49bba6ef125997d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
my Brewfile
echo "Brewfile"
cd ~
brew bundle dump --force
echo 'cask_args appdir: "/Applications"' >> ~/Brewfile
bat ~/Brewfile > ~/Documents/dotfiles/init/Brewfile
mackup backup
git add -A; git commit -m "latest update"; git push
tap "filosottile/musl-cross"
tap "heroku/brew"
tap "homebrew/bundle"
tap "homebrew/cask"
tap "homebrew/cask-fonts"
tap "homebrew/core"
tap "neovim/neovim"
tap "redox-os/gcc_cross_compilers"
tap "sbdchd/skim"
tap "sergiobenitez/osxct"
brew "ack"
brew "gdbm"
brew "libffi"
brew "openssl"
brew "readline"
brew "sqlite"
brew "python"
brew "automake"
brew "bash-completion"
brew "bat"
brew "bison"
brew "chruby"
brew "cmake"
brew "cmark"
brew "cocoapods", link: false
brew "coreutils"
brew "ctags"
brew "exiftool"
brew "fd"
brew "fdupes"
brew "ffmpeg"
brew "findutils"
brew "fish"
brew "flow"
brew "fswatch"
brew "fzf"
brew "fzy"
brew "gcc@4.9"
brew "libxml2"
brew "python@2"
brew "git"
brew "gpatch"
brew "gradle"
brew "gtksourceview"
brew "hub"
brew "i386-elf-gcc"
brew "jq"
brew "lcdf-typetools"
brew "libyaml"
brew "m-cli"
brew "mackup"
brew "mas"
brew "maven"
brew "mongodb"
brew "mono"
brew "moreutils", link: false
brew "mosh"
brew "mysql"
brew "neovim"
brew "nnn"
brew "node"
brew "nvm"
brew "opam"
brew "pandoc"
brew "parallel"
brew "pipenv"
brew "pkg-config"
brew "podofo", link: false
brew "postgis"
brew "qemu"
brew "redis"
brew "ripgrep"
brew "rlwrap"
brew "ruby"
brew "ruby-install"
brew "shellcheck"
brew "the_silver_searcher"
brew "thefuck", link: false
brew "tldr"
brew "tmux"
brew "tokei"
brew "tree"
brew "uncrustify"
brew "vim"
brew "wget"
brew "yarn"
brew "youtube-dl"
brew "zplug"
brew "zsh"
brew "filosottile/musl-cross/musl-cross"
brew "heroku/brew/heroku"
brew "sbdchd/skim/skim"
cask "airtable"
cask "alacritty"
cask "alfred"
cask "appcleaner"
cask "bartender"
cask "bettertouchtool"
cask "brave-browser"
cask "chromedriver"
cask "clion"
cask "dash"
cask "discord"
cask "dropbox"
cask "duet"
cask "encryptme"
cask "figma"
cask "firefox"
cask "flume"
cask "flux"
cask "font-courier-prime"
cask "font-courier-prime-medium-and-semi-bold"
cask "font-courier-prime-sans"
cask "font-fira-code"
cask "font-ia-writer-duospace"
cask "font-inter-ui"
cask "font-noto-sans-display"
cask "font-optician-sans"
cask "font-sans-forgetica"
cask "google-chrome"
cask "google-cloud-sdk"
cask "handbrake"
cask "hyper"
cask "icloud-control"
cask "iina"
cask "intellij-idea"
cask "istat-menus"
cask "iterm2"
cask "java"
cask "karabiner-elements"
cask "keyboard-maestro"
cask "macdown"
cask "mactex-no-gui"
cask "muzzle"
cask "ngrok"
cask "opera"
cask "osxfuse"
cask "postman"
cask "pycharm"
cask "qlcolorcode"
cask "qlmarkdown"
cask "qlstephen"
cask "qlvideo"
cask "quicklook-csv"
cask "quicklook-json"
cask "quicklookase"
cask "sketch"
cask "skype"
cask "transmission"
cask "vagrant"
cask "visual-studio-code"
cask "vivaldi"
cask "vlc"
cask "webstorm"
cask "whatsapp"
cask "wkhtmltopdf"
cask "xquartz"
cask "zeplin"
mas "1Password 7", id: 1333542190
mas "Affinity Designer", id: 824171161
mas "Airmail", id: 918858936
mas "Bumpr", id: 1166066070
mas "Drafts", id: 1435957248
mas "FlowVella", id: 890553471
mas "iBooks Author", id: 490152466
mas "iMovie", id: 408981434
mas "Keynote", id: 409183694
mas "Numbers", id: 409203825
mas "Pages", id: 409201541
mas "Paste", id: 967805235
mas "PiPifier", id: 1160374471
mas "Reeder", id: 880001334
mas "Slack", id: 803453959
mas "The Unarchiver", id: 425424353
mas "Things", id: 904280696
mas "uBlock", id: 1385985095
mas "Unsplash Wallpapers", id: 1284863847
mas "Xcode", id: 497799835
cask_args appdir: "/Applications"
xcode-select --install
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew update
brew upgrade
brew install mas
# Log in to the mac app store to be able to install mac app store apps in this script as well
brew bundle ./init/Brewfile
brew cleanup
mackup restore
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