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Created October 18, 2017 21:13
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args@{ pkgs, ... }:
with builtins;
with (import <nixpkgs> { });
# defines
#org-build = (import ../../../nix-hm-org-build) args;
org-build = (fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "dustinlacewell";
repo = "nix-hm-org-build";
rev = "c1e604690191ef616837d4b8c35f8e6110bc89ae";
sha256 = "03037zcliyvz7xig35wszaczswcwzl730rwdpqqg61mm0g6aiij9";
}) args;
# provides org-export.export
org-export = (import ../../../nix-hm-org-export) args;
# org-export = (fetchFromGitHub {
# owner = "dustinlacewell";
# repo = "nix-hm-org-export";
# rev = "master";
# }) args;
# export to Github Pages
export = org-export.export {
source = ./;
user = "dustinlacewell";
repo = "emacs.d";
token = getEnv "EMACS_D_GITHUB_TOKEN";
in {
# import org-build to load its Options
imports = [ org-build.module ];
# ensure that emacs gets installed
programs.emacs = { enable = true; };
# compile init.el from = { enable = true; source = ./; };
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