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Bootstrapping Account app...
Starting saasmega_kafka_n_zk_1
Building accounts_api
Step 1 : FROM docker/saas-python-base:1.2.2
# Executing 3 build triggers...
Step 1 : COPY requirements.txt /home/docker/
---> Using cache
Step 1 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
---> Using cache
python /tmp/
A vs B:
{'A': 'B', 'A1': 'B1', 'A2': 'B1', 'A3': 'B2', 'X': 'X', 'Y': 'X', 'Z': 'Y'}
................................ def is_tree_dirty():
................................ output = $(git status)
................................ if "working directory clean" in output:
................................ return '{BOLD_INTENSE_GREEN}'
................................ else:
................................ return '{BOLD_INTENSE_RED}'
~/d/highland 469-nginx-routing $ $FORMATTER_DICT['git_status'] = is_tree_dirty
~/d/highland 469-nginx-routing $ $PROMPT = '{BLUE}{short_cwd}{git_status}{curr_branch} {NO_COLOR}{prompt_end} '
15:13:45 @xalbo | "ba'o citka => ca co'e ba'o lo nu citka" That's wrong, and backwards.
15:14:00 ldleworker | how so
15:14:09 ldleworker | "we are in the aftermath of eating"
15:14:24 ldleworker | "the now as an aftermath of eating"
15:14:29 @xalbo | That's not what {ca co'e ba'o lo nu citka} means.
15:15:23 @xalbo | So {ca co'e ba'o lo nu citka} means that the aftermath of what we're doing now is
| the eating, not that now is the aftermath of the eating.
I actually meant "the now *has* an aftermath of eating", that is, eating will be the aftermath of what we're doing now.
def setup_golang():
$GOPATH = join($HOME, "go/")
$GOSRC = join($GOPATH[0], "src/")
$GOBIN = join($GOPATH[0], "bin/")
aliases['go'] = (
"""docker run --rm
-e GOPATH=/gopath
-v $GOPATH:/gopath
-v $PWD:/app
def update(**kwargs):
where = kwargs.pop('where')
updates = ", ".join(["{} = {}".format(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()])
return "update build_requests set {} where {}".format(updates, where)
I put on the headset. All I see is blackness. Then quickly fades
in a scene that causes my eyes to slightly cross as they focus on
all of the new objects around me. I'm /in/ a spaceship. I don't
mean I see a picture of what it is like to be inside of a
spaceship - I am really there. The hull of the ship and the
smattering of instruments and panels that line its insides are
all jutting out at me. But not like in those 3D movies you've
seen where it looks like there are flat cut-out billboards of
things at various distances from you. As I move my head around I
can inspect all sides of these solid stable beautifully textured
12:37:47 ldlework | But I think I can take a whack at that too
12:37:57 ldlework | There is a sense in which behaviors of systems can emerge
12:38:24 ldlework | That is, no where in the parts that make up the system is there any
| evidence that explains the behavior, and yet, the higher-order behavior
| always arises
12:38:27 ldlework | Consider chemistry
12:38:58 ldlework | Chemistry is a bunch of descriptions describing the interactions of atomic
| particles
12:39:17 ldlework | The rules governing individual atomic particles say nothing about how they
| should interact
load = BasicLoader
read = MarkdownReader
render = Jinja2Renderer
write = AttrWriter
core = load('content/post') | read() | PathMetadata() | CategoryPlugin() | TagsPlugin()
post_pipeline = core | render('theme/post.html') | write('posts/{category}/{slug}/index.html')
category_pipeline = core | render('theme/category.html') | write('posts/{category}/index.html')
tags_pipeline = core | render('theme/tags.html') | write('posts/tags/{tag}/index.html')
content_types = {
'post': {
# load any file from `content/post`
'loader': blot.loaders.BasicLoader('content/post'),
# get content and metadata for each markdown file
'reader': blot.readers.MarkdownReader(),
'processors': [
# add info about source path to asset