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Created August 31, 2012 03:34
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This is the Processing code needed to drive the robot arm
Planar Robotic Arm Visualizer
by Dustyn Roberts 20120622
modified by David Cummings 20120830
import processing.serial.*;
float a1 = 198; // shoulder-to-elbow "bone" length from Solidworks (mm)
float a2 = 220; // elbow-to-wrist "bone" length from Solidworks (mm) - longer c bracket
boolean elbowup = false; // true=elbow up, false=elbow down
int Xoffset = 425;
int Yoffset = 425;
float theta1 = 0.0; // target angles as determined through inverse kinematics
float theta2 = 0.0;
float c2 = 0.0; // is btwn -1 and 1
float s2 = 0.0;
float joint1X;
float joint1Y;
float joint2X;
float joint2Y;
Serial myPort;
void setup() {
size(850, 650, P3D);
background(157, 6, 50);
myPort = new Serial(this, "COM28", 9600);
void draw() {
background(123, 82, 171);
rotateX(PI); // make the y axis point up
translate(Xoffset, -Yoffset); // lower down the arm and move it to the middle so we can see it
// figure out the joint angles needed to get to mouseX, mouseY position
get_angles(mouseX-Xoffset, -mouseY+Yoffset);
//figure out the joint coordinates of joint1 to draw link 1
line(0.0, 0.0, joint1X, joint1Y);
line(joint1X, joint1Y, joint2X, joint2Y);
// print out the x and y values of the end effector
// Given target(Px, Py) solve for theta1, theta2 (inverse kinematics)
void get_angles(float Px, float Py) {
// first find theta2 where c2 = cos(theta2) and s2 = sin(theta2)
c2 = (pow(Px, 2) + pow(Py, 2) - pow(a1, 2) - pow(a2, 2))/(2*a1*a2); // is btwn -1 and 1
if (elbowup == false) {
s2 = sqrt(1 - pow(c2, 2)); // sqrt can be + or -, and each corresponds to a different orientation
else if (elbowup == true) {
s2 = -sqrt(1 - pow(c2, 2));
theta2 = degrees(atan2(s2, c2)); // solves for the angle in degrees and places in correct quadrant
// now find theta1 where c1 = cos(theta1) and s1 = sin(theta1)
theta1 = degrees(atan2(-a2*s2*Px + (a1 + a2*c2)*Py, (a1 + a2*c2)*Px + a2*s2*Py));
void get_xy() {
joint1X = a1*cos(radians(theta1));
joint1Y = a1*sin(radians(theta1));
joint2X = a1*cos(radians(theta1)) + a2*cos(radians(theta1+theta2));
joint2Y = a1*sin(radians(theta1)) + a2*sin(radians(theta1+theta2));
// github testing
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ghost commented Apr 27, 2017

this is helpful, thank you!

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