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Created August 8, 2011 06:50
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function buildmessage(params){
var boundary = 'sAxIqse3tPlHqUIUI9ofVlHvtdt3tpaG'
// var body = [
// "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;boundary="+boundary ,
// "Content-Length:" +params.content.length,
// "--"+boundary,
// "Content-Disposition: form-data, file=" + params.file,
// "--"+boundary,
// "Content-Type: application/octet-stream",
// params.content
// ].join('\r\n');
body = '\
--6ac6f72b1bcb4fe49a1162138b4c83a5 \
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="test.txt" \
Content-Type: text/plain \
test file \
--6ac6f72b1bcb4fe49a1162138b4c83a5-- \
return body
//return body
var _ajaxSendFileContents = function(message, file, content ) {
var _xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// var params = {};
// //for (i in message.parameters) {
// // params[message.parameters[i][0]] = message.parameters[i][1];
// //}
// params.file = file
//// params.content = content ;
//// params.extra='';
//// params = $.extend(params,message.parameters)
_xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(_xhr.status == 200 && _xhr.readyState == 4){
// var parameterString= '' ;"POST", message.action, true);
// count = 0
// for ( i in params) {
// if (i.indexOf('oauth') != -1 ){
// parameterString += (count > 0 ? ",":"")
// i + "="
// encodeURI(params[i]);
// } count +=1 ;
// }
// // parameterString = "OAuth realm='''" + parameterString
_xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','multipart/form-data; boundary=6ac6f72b1bcb4fe49a1162138b4c83a5')
// _xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization','OAuth file="test.txt",oauth_consumer_key="g82gi74es4x7s6m",oauth_nonce="2992320",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_timestamp="1298007098",oauth_token="fkrwme74smqyltg",oauth_version="1.0"')
// _xhr.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
// //_xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8");
// // _xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", parameterString);
// // console.log(parameterString);
// // set the necessary request headers
//// parameterString[parameterString - 1] = ''
//// message.action+='?'+parameterString;
//// message.action=message.action;
//// console.log(message.action) ;
body = buildmessage(params)
function escapePath(p) {
return encodeURIComponent(p)
.replace(/%2F/g, '/')
.replace(/\)/g, '%29')
.replace(/\(/g, '%28');
var dropbox = {
setup: function() {
this._consumerKey = '53rzw7i7ip4bsgl';
this._consumerSecret = 'wwsshz3w95utgtg';
this._requestCounter = $.now();
authenticate: function(email, password, callback) {
var that = this;
this._request("/token", {
sendAuth: false,
success: function(data) {
console.log("authentication response", data);
that._accessToken = data.token;
that._accessTokenSecret = data.secret;
if (callback) {
error: function() {
console.error("authentication error", arguments);
}, {
email: email,
password: password
getInfo: function(callback) {
this._request("/account/info", {
success: function(data) {
console.log("account info", data);
if (callback) {
error: function() {
console.log("account info error", arguments);
getFiles: function(path,callback) {
this._request("/files/dropbox/"+path, {
success: function(data) {
console.log("account info", data);
if (callback) {
error: function() {
console.log("account info error", arguments);
putFiles: function(file,callback) {
// data: {file:file}
// });
this._request("/files/dropbox", {method:"POST",file:file.fileName,extra:file,subdomain:'api-content'}, {
success: function() {
console.log("post info" );
if (callback) {
error: function() {
getMetadata: function(path,callback) {
success: function(data) {
console.log("account info", data);
if (callback) {
error: function() {
console.log("Meta data error", arguments);
_request: function(path, params, data) {
var requestId = "dropboxjsonp" + (this._requestCounter++);
params = $.extend({}, {
subdomain: "api", // some methods need
apiVersion: "0",
sendAuth: true,
method: "GET",
success: $.noop,
error: $.noop
}, params || {});
if (params.sendAuth && !this._accessToken) {
throw "Authenticated method called before authenticating";
var url = "https://" + params.subdomain + "" + params.apiVersion + escapePath(path);
var message = {
action: url,
method: params.method,
parameters: {
oauth_consumer_key: this._consumerKey,
oauth_signature_method: "HMAC-SHA1",
callback: requestId
$.extend(message.parameters, data);
if (params.sendAuth) {
message.parameters.oauth_token = this._accessToken;
var oauthBits = {
consumerSecret: this._consumerSecret
if (params.sendAuth) {
oauthBits.tokenSecret = this._accessTokenSecret;
OAuth.SignatureMethod.sign(message, oauthBits);
if (params.method == "POST"){
test = true ;
_ajaxSendFileContents(message, params.extra.file);
escaping path after oauth signature has been made
var url = "https://" + params.subdomain + "" + params.apiVersion + escapePath(path);
if (typeof test=="undefined"){
dataType: "jsonp",
method: params.method,
url: url,
data: OAuth.getParameterMap(message.parameters),
jsonpCallback: requestId,
success: params.success ,
error: params.error
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