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Last active May 27, 2022 07:29
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PyCon LT 2022 Keynote—“`int` is to `list` as `float` is to `tuple`”

int is to list as float is to tuple

Event: PyCon Lithuania

Date: Thu May 26, 2022

Speaker: James Powell

Twitter: @dontusethiscode

Disclaimer: this keynote is not about learning anything new.

→ “Tell me something interesting.”

Okay, so we all know…

print(f'{hash(-1) = }')

But this is a bit strange. It breaks the pattern…

    f'{hash(+3) = :>2}',
    # f'{hash(+2) = :>2}',
    # f'{hash(+1) = :>2}',
    # f'{hash( 0) = :>2}',
    # f'{hash(-1) = :>2}',
    # f'{hash(-2) = :>2}',
    # f'{hash(-3) = :>2}',
class T:
    def __hash__(self):
        return -1

obj = T()
print(f'{hash(obj) = }')

It’s a detail.

But from the details, we can always derive meaning… but sometimes we have to dig & dig & dig.


  • Objects/typeobject.c:7585
  • Python/bltinmodule.c:1567

This brings to our attention a very important question…

This is a case of an in·band vs out·of·band encoding problem.

  • “in·band”: use the same “channel” for data/structure or data/metadata
  • “out·of·band”: use distinct “channels” for data/structure or data/metadata

You’ve seen this before:

touch a b 'c d' e
# find -type f | xargs du
# find -type f -print0 | xargs -0 du

You have even seen solutions: · quoting/escaping

echo $PATH
mkdir a:b
touch a:b/c

chmod ugo+x a:b/c
export PATH="$PWD/a:b:$PATH"

c # doesn't work
mkdir a:b
docker -v a:b:/ab -it ubuntu:latest bash

Or other solutions:

  • partitioning
from numpy import array, nan

xs = array([0, 1, 2, nan])
    f'{xs       = }',
    f'{xs.dtype = }',
from numpy import array, nan, int64

xs = array([
    2 ** 53 + 0,
    2 ** 53 + 1,

    f'{xs                            = }',
    f'{xs % 1_000                    = }',
    f'{xs[:-1].astype(int64)         = }',
    f'{xs[:-1].astype(int64) % 1_000 = }',
from import array

xs = array([0, 1, 2], mask=[True, False, False])

print(f'{xs = }')
from pandas import array

xs = array([None, 1, 2], dtype='Int64')

print(f'{xs = }')
from pandas import Series, MultiIndex, date_range
from numpy.random import default_rng

rng = default_rng(0)

idx = MultiIndex.from_product([
    date_range('2000-01-01', periods=2),
], names=['date', 'entity'])[:-1]
s = Series(rng.integers(-10, +10, size=len(idx)), index=idx) #, dtype='Int64')
# s[-1] = 2**53 + 1

    # s.groupby(['date', 'entity']).sum().unstack(),
    # s.groupby(['date', 'entity']).sum().unstack().fillna(0).astype(int),
    # s.groupby(['date', 'entity']).sum().unstack(fill_value=0),
    # s.to_frame('value').pivot_table(
    #     index='date', columns='entity', values='value',
    #     aggfunc=sum, fill_value=0
    # ),
    sep='\n{}\n'.format('\N{box drawings light horizontal}' * 40)

You may even have seen this solution:

  • prefixing
touch a b c
xxh32sum a b c
    mkdir repo && cd repo
    git init .
    dd if=/dev/zero of=file bs=4K count=13
    git add file
    git commit -am 'first commit'
} >/dev/null 2>&1

du -b file
pigz -d < .git/objects/9e/5e017a1bc230b7f3f705e7411d8e095333ae4f | xxd -l 16

But once you see the problem, you can’t un·see it!

d = {}

# why `KeyError`?
print(f'{d[...] = }')
typeset -A arr
arr=( key1 value1 key2 '' )
for k in key1 key2 key3; do
    printf "\${arr[$k]} = %s\n" "${arr[$k]}"
d = {None: None}
def find(needle, haystack):
    for idx, x in enumerate(haystack):
        if x == needle:
            return True, idx
    return False, None
class Iter:
    def __iter__(self): = True
        return self
    def __next__(self):
        if not
            raise StopIteration() = False

it = Iter()
print(f'{[*it] = }')
from inspect import signature

@lambda f: [m := signature(f).parameters['missing'], setattr(f,, m.default), f][-1]
def find(needle, haystack, *, missing=object()):
    return missing

assert find(..., ...) is find.missing

But this goes even deeper…

What is the difference?

s = 'a,b,c'
xs = ['a', 'b', 'c']

This is ambiguous!

s = 'a,b,c,d'
xs = ['a', 'b', 'c,d']

How many steps…?

def f():
    raw_data = load_data()

    data = clean_data(raw_data)
    data = remove_outliers(data)

    results = process_data(data)

    report = generate_report(results)

from dis import dis
# dis(f)
def g():
    yield (raw_data := load_data())

    data = clean_data(raw_data)
    yield (data := remove_outliers(data))

    yield (results := process_data(data))

    yield (report := generate_report(results))

So str is to list as function is to generator

Isn’t the Xarray API great?

from xarray import DataArray
from numpy import linspace
from numpy.random import default_rng

rng = default_rng(0)

da = DataArray(
    data=(data := rng.integers(-10, +10, size=(3, 3))),
        'x': linspace(0, 10, data.shape[0]),
        'y': linspace(0, 10, data.shape[1]),

    # da.sel(x=[0, 10]),
    # da.interp(x=[0, 1, 2]),
    # da.interp(x=[0, 1, 2], method='linear'),
    sep='\n{}\n'.format('\N{box drawings light horizontal}' * 40)

method=… is a modality!

from xarray import DataArray
from numpy import linspace
from numpy.random import default_rng

rng = default_rng(0)

da = DataArray(
    data=(data := rng.integers(-10, +10, size=(3, 3))),
    dims=['x', 'method'],
        'x': linspace(0, 10, data.shape[0]),
        'method': linspace(0, 10, data.shape[1]),

    da.interp(x=[0, 1, 2], method=[0, 1, 2]),
    sep='\n{}\n'.format('\N{box drawings light horizontal}' * 40)
def f(data, *, mode): pass
@lambda coro: lambda *a, **kw: [ci := coro(*a, **kw), next(ci), lambda v=None: ci.send(v)][-1]
def coro(mode):
    while True:
        data = yield

Now, do bear in mind…

print(f'{hash(-1) = }')

“Reference implementations over-specify.” (Nick Coghlan)

So what does this mean for us…?

Well, you would never…

class T:
    def initialise(self):

obj = T()
class T:
    def __init__(self):

obj = T()

Sure, that’s one fewer line of code, but this is the same amount of code (yet you would avoid it)…

class T:
    def size(self):
        return 0

obj = T()
print(f'{obj.size = }')
class T:
    def __len__(self):
        return 0

obj = T()
print(f'{len(obj) = }')

Of course, you know that you have to follow some rules (and some conventions):

class T:
    def __repr__(self):
        return 'T()'
    def __len__(self):
        return -1
        # return 1.2
        # return 0

obj = T()
print(f'{len(obj) = }')

For, __len__, “non-negative, integer size.”

In general:

  • unique or privileged
  • unambiguous
from pandas import DataFrame

df = DataFrame({
    'a': [1, 2, 3],
    'b': [4, 5, 6],

    # f'{len(df) = }',
    # f'{len(df.index)   = }',
    # f'{len(df.columns) = }',
    # f'{len(df._data)   = }',
    # f'{df.size         = }',
    sep='\n{}\n'.format('\N{box drawings light horizontal}' * 40)
from pandas import DataFrame

df = DataFrame({
    'a': [1, 2, 3],
    'b': [4, 5, 6],

for x in df:
    print(f'{x = }')


class T:
    def retrieve(self, key):

obj = T()
class T:
    def __getitem__(self, key):

obj = T()
class T:
    def __getitem__(self, key, *, flag=True):

obj = T()
obj[..., flag=True]
class T:
    def retrieve(self, key, *, flag=True):

obj = T()
obj.retrieve(..., flag=True)
class T:
    def retrieve(self, key, *, prod=False, timeout=1.5):

obj = T()

An aside: “bounded” vs “unbounded” modalities.

Bounded modality → nominal decomposition.

def f(data, *, mode):

f(..., mode=True)
f(..., mode=False)
def f_mode(data):

def f_nomode(data):

def f(data, *, mode):

mode = True
f(..., mode=mode)

def f_mode(data):

def f_nomode(data):

mode = True
(f_mode if mode else f_nomode)(...)
class T:
    def __init__(self, *, mode=False):
        if mode:
class T:
    def __init__(self, *, mode=False, mode2=False):
        if mode:
        elif mode2:
class Dataset:
    def __init__(self, filename, *, csv=True, json=False, xml=False):
        if csv:
        elif json:
        elif xml:
class Dataset:
    def from_csv(filename):
    def from_json(filename):
    def from_xml(filename):
from pandas import Series

s = Series([0, 1, 2], index=[0, 10, 20])

    f'{s.loc[0]  = }',
    f'{s.iloc[0] = }',
    sep='\n{}\n'.format('\N{box drawings light horizontal}' * 40)
class Loc:
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):

class T:
    loc = Loc()

print(f'{T.loc[...] = }')
from contextlib import contextmanager

class T:
    def context(self, mode):

obj = T()
with obj.context(...) as obj2:
class T:
    def hash(self):

obj = T()
print(f'{obj.hash() = }')
class T:
    def __hash__(self):
        return 0

obj = T()
print(f'{hash(obj) = }')
from sys import hash_info

print(f'{hash_info = }')

The object model provides either:

  • mechanisms for implementing a common vocabulary (for us)
  • mechanisms for hooking into the language runtime (not for us)

What if sys.hash_info changes?

So, what does this mean…?

Every small detail leads to a bigger story, if you dig & dig & dig…

int is to list as float is to tuple.

xs = [1, 2, 3]
for x in xs: pass
s = 'abc'
for c in s: pass
s = 'abc'
for c in s:
    assert isinstance(c, type(s))
xs = [1, 2, 3]
ys = [4, 5, 6]
zs = [*xs, *ys] # PEP-3132 (Python 3, Apr-2007)
    f'{xs = }',
    f'{ys = }',
    f'{zs = }',
from import Iterable

def flatten(data):
    if isinstance(data, Iterable) and not isinstance(data, str):
        for x in data:
            yield from flatten(x)
        yield data

print(f'{[*flatten([[[1, 2, 3], "abc"]])] = }')

What constitutes an entity is ambiguous itself…

from random import choice as py_choice
from numpy.random import choice as np_choice

    f'{py_choice("abc") = }',
    # f'{np_choice("abc") = }',
    sep='\n{}\n'.format('\N{box drawings light horizontal}' * 40)

Well, if str is the only builtin Iterable whose contents are of the same type as the container, then int is the only builtin container you can’t directly iterate over.

from sys import maxsize, int_info

    f'{maxsize  = }',
    f'{int_info = }',


  • Include/cpython/longintrepr.h:81

What makes a container?

  • decomposition
  • size-independence
xs = [1, 2, 3]

# xs.append(4)
# xs.clear()

for x in xs:
xs = [1, 2, 3, 'four']

for x in xs:
t = 'abc', 123


name, value = t
xs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


t = 'abc', 123, True


print(f'{t[2] = }')
from collections import namedtuple
Entity = namedtuple('Entity', 'name value flag')

t = Entity('abc', 123, True)


print(f'{t.flag = }')

Both are containers; both are iterable.

  • one is (loosely) homogeneous
  • one is heterogeneous

One represents…

  • data; a container of non-unique elements you iterate over in some order.
  • structure; a collection of fields related to one single entity.

In fact…

  • tuple: when you have one things.
  • list: when you have many things.

What is a dict?

# this represents a structure
d = {
    'name':  ...,
    'value': ...,


# this represents some data
d = {
    'a': 1,
    'b': 2,
    'c': 3,

for k, v in d.items():

Is float a container?

  • sign, significand, exponent
from numpy import frexp

# mantissa, exponent
print(f'{frexp(123.456) = }')

float is a structure (like tuple.) int is a container (like list.)

What more is there lurking beneath? I don’t know.

This keynote is not about learning anything new.

It’s about discovering meaning that you already knew, but sometimes you have to dig & dig & dig…

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dutc commented May 27, 2022

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