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Case Studies in Python Memory Analysis using High-Watermark Testing
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import wraps
from inspect import signature
from itertools import islice, tee
from math import isclose
from shlex import quote
from subprocess import check_call, DEVNULL, CalledProcessError
from textwrap import dedent
from numpy import arange
nwise = lambda g, *, n=2: zip(*(islice(g, i, None) for i, g in enumerate(tee(g, n))))
def binary_search(values):
lidx, ridx = 0, len(values) - 1
while True:
if (ridx - lidx) <= 1:
if (yield values[(midx := (ridx - lidx) // 2 + lidx)]):
lidx = midx
ridx = midx
class BisectedRun(namedtuple('RunBase', 'signature result exception')):
sig = property(lambda s: s.signature)
res = property(lambda s: s.result)
exc = property(lambda s: s.exception)
@lambda cls: cls()
class args:
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
return namedtuple('Arguments', instance.sig.arguments.keys())(**instance.sig.arguments)
def support(cls, arguments, exceptions):
def dec(f):
sig = signature(f)
@lambda bisected: setattr(f, 'bisected', bisected)
def bisected(*arg_args, **arg_kwargs):
ci = binary_search(arguments(*arg_args, **arg_kwargs))
def inner(*f_fixed_args, **f_fixed_kwargs):
(f_args, f_kwargs), exc = next(ci), None
while True:
f_bound_args = sig.bind(
*f_fixed_args, *f_args,
**f_fixed_kwargs, **f_kwargs
res = f(*f_bound_args.args, **f_bound_args.kwargs)
except (*exceptions,) as e:
exc = e
exc = None
yield cls(f_bound_args, exc, res)
f_args, f_kwargs = ci.send(exc is not None)
except StopIteration:
return inner
return f
return dec
arguments=lambda min_vmem, max_vmem:
[((), {'vmem': m}) for m in arange(min_vmem, max_vmem, 1024, dtype=int)],
def run_python_ulimit(code, vmem):
return check_call([
'sh', '-c', f'''(
ulimit -v {vmem}
python -c {quote(code)}
], stderr=DEVNULL, stdout=DEVNULL)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#### Case Study: NumPy Import
if True:
print(' {} '.format('What is the minimum memory needed to `import numpy`?').center(120, '\N{box drawings light horizontal}'))
code = dedent('''
import numpy
for prev_run, curr_run in nwise(run_python_ulimit.bisected(0, 2**20)(code)):
bad_mem, ok_mem = sorted([prev_run.args.vmem, curr_run.args.vmem])
run_python_ulimit(code, ok_mem)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f'unanticipated failure with {ok_mem = }') from e
run_python_ulimit(code, bad_mem)
except Exception as e: pass
else: raise ValueError(f'unanticipated success with {bad_mem = }')
print(f'Need `ulimit -v ≥{ok_mem}` to `import numpy`.')
#### Case Study: Attribute Dictionaries
if True:
print(' {} '.format('What is the preferred implementation of `attrdict`?').center(120, '\N{box drawings light horizontal}'))
attrdict_protocols = dedent('''
# attrdict via dispatch to `dict.__*item__` protocols
class attrdict(dict):
__getattr__ = dict.__getitem__
__setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
__delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
attrdict_circular = dedent('''
# attrdict via circular reference on `self.__dict__`
class attrdict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__dict__ = self
simple_test = dedent('''
for _ in range(2):
d = attrdict({idx: None for idx in range(100_000)})
sustained_test = dedent('''
for _ in range(100):
d = attrdict({idx: None for idx in range(100_000)})
code = '\n'.join([attrdict_protocols, simple_test])
for prev_run, curr_run in nwise(run_python_ulimit.bisected(0, 2**20)(code)):
attrdict_protocols_ok_mem = max([prev_run.args.vmem, curr_run.args.vmem])
code = '\n'.join([attrdict_circular, simple_test])
for prev_run, curr_run in nwise(run_python_ulimit.bisected(0, 2**20)(code)):
attrdict_circular_ok_mem = max([prev_run.args.vmem, curr_run.args.vmem])
assert isclose(attrdict_protocols_ok_mem, attrdict_circular_ok_mem, abs_tol=1024), 'memory usage in simple test should be close (≤1MiB)'
code = '\n'.join([attrdict_protocols, sustained_test])
run_python_ulimit(code, attrdict_protocols_ok_mem)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f'unanticipated failure with {attrdict_protocols_ok_mem = } in sustained run') from e
code = '\n'.join([attrdict_circular, sustained_test])
run_python_ulimit(code, attrdict_circular_ok_mem)
except Exception as e: pass
raise ValueError(f'unanticipated success with {attrdict_circular_ok_mem = } in sustained run')
'Implementation with circular reference creates memory pressure as a result of cyclic garbage collection delay;',
'fails under sustained test with allocations in tight loop.'
#### Case Study: NumPy Memory Leak
if True:
print(' {} '.format("Is there a memory leak with circular reference of `numpy.ndarray` with `dtype='O'`?").center(120, '\N{box drawings light horizontal}'))
core_code = dedent('''
from numpy import array
def create_normal_array(size=100_000):
xs = array([None for _ in range(size)], dtype=object)
ys = array([None for _ in range(size)], dtype=object)
return xs, ys
def create_circular_array(size=100_000):
xs = array([None for _ in range(size)], dtype=object)
ys = array([None for _ in range(size)], dtype=object)
xs[0], ys[0] = ys, xs # circular reference
return xs, ys
baseline_test = dedent('''
for _ in range(2):
xs, ys = create_normal_array()
sustained_test = dedent('''
for _ in range(100):
xs, ys = create_circular_array()
verification_test = dedent('''
for _ in range(100):
xs, ys = create_normal_array()
code = '\n'.join([core_code, baseline_test])
for prev_run, curr_run in nwise(run_python_ulimit.bisected(0, 2**20)(code)):
ok_mem = max([prev_run.args.vmem, curr_run.args.vmem])
code = '\n'.join([core_code, verification_test])
run_python_ulimit(code, ok_mem)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f'unanticipated failure with {attrdict_protocols_ok_mem = } in sustained run') from e
code = '\n'.join([core_code, sustained_test])
run_python_ulimit(code, ok_mem)
except Exception as e: pass
raise ValueError(f'unanticipated success with {attrdict_circular_ok_mem = } in sustained run')
"There is a memory leak with circular references in `numpy.ndarray` with `dtype='0'",
"resulting from missing `tp_traverse` implementation in PyArray_Type",
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