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Created November 12, 2014 19:10
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Script to manage the request ticket for the provision of food from Storage
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/Controlciroaconn.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/XmlSerializer.class.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/TAuditoria.php");
//example below
* This is the main PHP file that process the HTTP parameters,
* performs the basic db operations (FIND, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)
* and then serialize the response in an XML format.
* XmlSerializer uses a PEAR xml parser to generate an xml response.
* this takes a php array and generates an xml according to the following rules:
* - the root tag name is called "response"
* - if the current value is a hash, generate a tagname with the key value, recurse inside
* - if the current value is an array, generated tags with the default value "row"
* for example, we have the following array:
* $arr = array(
* "data" => array(
* array("id_pol" => 1, "name_pol" => "name 1"),
* array("id_pol" => 2, "name_pol" => "name 2")
* ),
* "metadata" => array(
* "pageNum" => 1,
* "totalRows" => 345
* )
* )
* we will get an xml of the following form
* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
* <response>
* <data>
* <row>
* <id_pol>1</id_pol>
* <name_pol>name 1</name_pol>
* </row>
* <row>
* <id_pol>2</id_pol>
* <name_pol>name 2</name_pol>
* </row>
* </data>
* <metadata>
* <totalRows>345</totalRows>
* <pageNum>1</pageNum>
* </metadata>
* </response>
* Please notice that the generated server side code does not have any
* specific authentication mechanism in place.
* The filter field. This is the only field that we will do filtering after.
$filter_field = "codigo_recepcion";
* we need to escape the value, so we need to know what it is
* possible values: text, long, int, double, date, defined
$filter_type = "text";
* constructs and executes a sql select query against the selected database
* can take the following parameters:
* $_REQUEST["orderField"] - the field by which we do the ordering. MUST appear inside $fields.
* $_REQUEST["orderValue"] - ASC or DESC. If neither, the default value is ASC
* $_REQUEST["filter"] - the filter value
* $_REQUEST["pageNum"] - the page index
* $_REQUEST["pageSize"] - the page size (number of rows to return)
* if neither pageNum and pageSize appear, we do a full select, no limit
* returns : an array of the form
* array (
* data => array(
* array('field1' => "value1", "field2" => "value2")
* ...
* ),
* metadata => array(
* "pageNum" => page_index,
* "totalRows" => number_of_rows
* )
* )
function findAll() {
global $conn, $filter_field, $filter_type;
* the list of fields in the table. We need this to check that the sent value for the ordering is indeed correct.
$fields = array('codigo','Id_informe','codigo_proveedor','producto_generico','producto_espesifico','producto_surtido','cuenta','sub_cuenta','analisis','unidad_medida','precio_mlc','precio_mn');
// $where = "";
// if (@$_REQUEST['filter'] != "") {
// $where = "WHERE " . $filter_field . " LIKE " . GetSQLValueStringForSelect(@$_REQUEST["filter"], $filter_type);
// }
$query_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tarjeta_estiba_occurencia;";
$query_result = mysql_query($query_count,$conn);
$arreglo = mysql_fetch_array($query_result);
$limite = $arreglo[0] - 1;
$uno = 1;
//limit $limite,1;
//$CAMPOS_SELECCIONADOS = "t.codigo,t.producto_generico,t.producto_espesifico,t.producto_surtido,t.cuenta,t.sub_cuenta,t.analisis,t.unidad_medida,t.precio_mlc,t.precio_mn,u.seccion,u.estante,u.casilla ";
//$WHERE_AND = "where t.codigo = u.codigo $limite,1";
//$FROM = " FROM tarjeta_estiba t, ubicacion u, tarjeta_estiba_occurencia te LIMIT";
$locura = "SELECT DISTINCT t.codigo,t.Id_informe,t.codigo_proveedor,t.producto_generico,t.producto_espesifico,t.producto_surtido,
FROM tarjeta_estiba t ";
$order = "";
if (@$_REQUEST["orderField"] != "" && in_array(@$_REQUEST["orderField"], $fields)) {
$order = "ORDER BY " . @$_REQUEST["orderField"] . " " . (in_array(@$_REQUEST["orderDirection"], array("ASC", "DESC")) ? @$_REQUEST["orderDirection"] : "ASC");
//calculate the number of rows in this table
$rscount = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM `tarjeta_estiba` $where");
$row_rscount = mysql_fetch_assoc($rscount);
$totalrows = (int) $row_rscount["cnt"];
//get the page number, and the page size
$pageNum = (int)@$_REQUEST["pageNum"];
$pageSize = (int)@$_REQUEST["pageSize"];
//calculate the start row for the limit clause
$start = $pageNum * $pageSize;
//construct the query, using the where and order condition
$query_recordset = "$locura $order";
//$query_recordset = "SELECT codigo_recepcion,codigo,producto_generico,producto_espesifico,producto_surtido,cuenta,sub_cuenta,analisis,unidad_medida,precio_mlc,precio_mn,dia,mes,documento_numero_clave,entrada,salida,saldo FROM `tarjeta_estiba` $where $order";
//if we use pagination, add the limit clause
if ($pageNum >= 0 && $pageSize > 0) {
$query_recordset = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_recordset, $start, $pageSize);
$recordset = mysql_query($query_recordset, $conn);
//if we have rows in the table, loop through them and fill the array
$toret = array();
while ($row_recordset = mysql_fetch_assoc($recordset)) {
array_push($toret, $row_recordset);
//create the standard response structure
$toret = array(
"data" => $toret,
"metadata" => array (
"totalRows" => $totalrows,
"pageNum" => $pageNum
return $toret;
* constructs and executes a sql count query against the selected database
* can take the following parameters:
* $_REQUEST["filter"] - the filter value
* returns : an array of the form
* array (
* data => number_of_rows,
* metadata => array()
* )
function rowCount() {
global $conn, $filter_field, $filter_type;
$where = "";
if (@$_REQUEST['filter'] != "") {
$where = "WHERE " . $filter_field . " LIKE " . GetSQLValueStringForSelect(@$_REQUEST["filter"], $filter_type);
//calculate the number of rows in this table
$rscount = mysql_query("SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM `tarjeta_estiba` $where");
$row_rscount = mysql_fetch_assoc($rscount);
$totalrows = (int) $row_rscount["cnt"];
//create the standard response structure
$toret = array(
"data" => $totalrows,
"metadata" => array()
return $toret;
* constructs and executes a sql insert query against the selected database
* can take the following parameters:
* $_REQUEST["field_name"] - the list of fields which appear here will be used as values for insert.
* If a field does not appear, null will be used.
* returns : an array of the form
* array (
* data => array(
* "primary key" => primary_key_value,
* "field1" => "value1"
* ...
* ),
* metadata => array()
* )
function insert() {
global $conn;
$auditoria = new TAuditoria;
$p = $_REQUEST["producto_espesifico"];
$fecha2 = $_REQUEST["Fechaentrar"];
$dia2 = substr($fecha2,5,2);
$ano2 = substr($fecha2,0,4);
$um = $_REQUEST["unidad_medida"];
$saldo = $_REQUEST["saldo"];
if($um =='Kg' || $um == 'Lts')
$saldo =$saldo*1000;
//build and execute the insert query
$query_insert = sprintf("INSERT INTO `tarjeta_estiba` (codigo,Id_informe,codigo_proveedor,producto_generico,producto_espesifico,producto_surtido,unidad_medida,precio_mlc,precio_mn) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" ,
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["codigo"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["Code_Inform"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["Code_prov"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["producto_generico"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["producto_espesifico"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["producto_surtido"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["unidad_medida"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["precio_mlc"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["precio_mn"], "text") #
$ok = mysql_query($query_insert);
$query_insert3 = sprintf("INSERT INTO `tarjeta_estiba_occurencia` (codigo,dia,mes,ano,documento_numero_clave,entrada,salida,saldo,firma) VALUES (%s,'$dia2','$mes2','$ano2',%s,%s,%s,'$saldo',%s)" ,
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["codigo"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["documento_numero_clave"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["entrada"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["salida"], "text"), #
//GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["saldo"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["firma"], "text")#
$ok *= mysql_query($query_insert3);
$query_insert2 = sprintf("INSERT INTO `producto` (codigo,clasificacion,fecha_vencimiento,tipo_producto) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)" , //GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["codigo_recepcion"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["codigo"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["classif"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["fecha_venc"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["tipo_pro"], "text") #
$ok *= mysql_query($query_insert2);
if ($ok) {
// return the new entry, using the insert id
$auditoria->agregar_a_auditoria($_REQUEST["username"],"Insertó una nueva tarjeta estiba para el producto: " .$_REQUEST["producto_surtido"],"0");
$toret = array(
"data" => array(
"codigo_recepcion" => $_REQUEST["codigo_recepcion"],
"codigo" => $_REQUEST["codigo"], #
"producto_generico" => $_REQUEST["producto_generico"], #
"producto_espesifico" => $_REQUEST["producto_espesifico"], #
"producto_surtido" => $_REQUEST["producto_surtido"], #
"unidad_medida" => $_REQUEST["unidad_medida"], #
"precio_mlc" => $_REQUEST["precio_mlc"], #
"precio_mn" => $_REQUEST["precio_mn"], #
"dia" => $_REQUEST["dia"], #
"mes" => $_REQUEST["mes"], #
"documento_numero_clave" => $_REQUEST["documento_numero_clave"], #
"entrada" => $_REQUEST["entrada"], #
"salida" => $_REQUEST["salida"], #
"saldo" => $_REQUEST["saldo"]#
"metadata" => array()
} else {
// we had an error, return it
$toret = array(
"data" => array("error" => mysql_error()),
"metadata" => array()
return $toret;
function find_code_proveedor($pass_value)
global $conn;
$query_select = "SELECT codigo_proveedor FROM proveedor where organizacion = '$pass_value' ";
$query_result = mysql_query($query_select,$conn);
$saldo = mysql_fetch_array($query_result);
return $saldo[0];
function existe_prov_en_IR($pass_value)
global $conn;
$query_select = "SELECT * FROM informe_recepcion where codigo_proveedor = '$pass_value' ";
$query_result = mysql_query($query_select,$conn);
$saldo = mysql_fetch_array($query_result);
return $saldo[0];
function find_existe($pass_value,$fecha)
global $conn;
$query_select = "SELECT * FROM informe_recepcion where codigo_proveedor = '$pass_value' and fecha_recep='$fecha'";
$query_result = mysql_query($query_select,$conn);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($query_result);
return $num_rows;
function Insert_informe()
global $conn;
$pass_ = $_REQUEST["proveedor"];
$fecha_in =$_REQUEST["fecha_"];
$pass_value = find_code_proveedor($pass_);
if($find >0)
$toret = array(
"data" => array("error" => "Ya existe una acta de recepcion para este proveedor y la fecha."),
"metadata" => array() );
$query_insert = sprintf("INSERT INTO `informe_recepcion` (descripcion_informe,codigo_proveedor,fecha_recep) VALUES (%s,'$pass_value',%s)" ,
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["descripcion"], "text"), #
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["fecha_"], "text")#
$ok = mysql_query($query_insert);
function mostrar_detalle_tarjeta($codigo)
global $conn;
$query_select = "SELECT t.`codigo_occurencia`, t.`codigo`, t.`dia`, t.`mes`, t.`ano`, t.`documento_numero_clave`, t.`entrada`, t.`salida`, t.`saldo`, t.`firma` FROM tarjeta_estiba_occurencia t where t.codigo = '$codigo' ;";
$recordset = mysql_query($query_select,$conn);
//if we have rows in the table, loop through them and fill the array
$toret = array();
while ($row_recordset = mysql_fetch_assoc($recordset)) {
array_push($toret, $row_recordset);
$toret = array(
"data" => $toret,
"metadata" => array ());
return $toret;
function ObtenerSaldoTarjeta($pass_value)
global $conn;
$query_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tarjeta_estiba_occurencia where codigo ='$pass_value'";
$query_result = mysql_query($query_count,$conn);
$arreglo = mysql_fetch_array($query_result);
$limite = $arreglo[0] - 1;
$query_select = "SELECT saldo FROM tarjeta_estiba_occurencia where codigo = '$pass_value' LIMIT $limite,1 ";
$query_result = mysql_query($query_select,$conn);
$saldo = mysql_fetch_array($query_result);
return $saldo[0];
function Mostrarfechas()
$pass_value =$_REQUEST["proveedor"];
$ccc= existe_prov_en_IR($cc);
global $conn;
$query_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM informe_recepcion where codigo_proveedor ='$cc'";
$query_result = mysql_query($query_count,$conn);
$arreglo = mysql_fetch_array($query_result);
$limite = $arreglo[0] - 1;
$query_select = "SELECT Id_informe,fecha_recep,codigo_proveedor FROM informe_recepcion where codigo_proveedor ='$cc' LIMIT $limite,1 ";
$query_result = mysql_query($query_select,$conn);
$ok = mysql_query($query_result);
$toret = array();
while ($row_recordset = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_result)) {
array_push($toret, $row_recordset);
//create the standard response structure
$toret = array(
"data" => $toret,
"metadata" => array()
return $toret;
$toret = array(
"data" => array(),
"metadata" => array() );
function mostrar_proveedor()
global $conn;
$query_select = "SELECT codigo_proveedor,organizacion FROM proveedor where estado ='Activo'";
$query_recordset = mysql_query($query_select,$conn);
$toret = array();
while ($row_recordset = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_recordset)) {
array_push($toret, $row_recordset);
//create the standard response structure
$toret = array( "data" => $toret,
"metadata" => array() );
return $toret;
function Modificat_Tarjeta_estiba()
global $conn;
$auditoria = new TAuditoria;
$fecha2 = $_REQUEST["Fechaentrar2"];
$entrada =$_REQUEST["entrada2"];
$firma = $_REQUEST["username"];
$dia2 = substr($fecha2,5,2);
$ano2 = substr($fecha2,0,4);
$codigo = $_REQUEST["codigo"];
$query_recordset = "SELECT codigo FROM `tarjeta_estiba` WHERE codigo = '$codigo';";
$recordset = mysql_query($query_recordset, $conn);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($recordset);
if ($num_rows >= 1)
$saldo = ObtenerSaldoTarjeta($codigo);
$documento_numero_clave = $_REQUEST["documento_numero_clave2"];
// $entrada = $_REQUEST["saldos2"]; // aqui esta multiplicado el precio por la entrada
$total = $saldo + $entrada;
$query_insert = "insert into tarjeta_estiba_occurencia (codigo,mes,dia,ano,documento_numero_clave,entrada,saldo,firma)values('$codigo','$dia2','$mes2','$ano2','$documento_numero_clave','$entrada','$total','$firma')";
$auditoria->agregar_a_auditoria($_REQUEST["username"],"Modificó la tarjeta estiba para el producto: " .$_REQUEST["producto_surtido"]. " en : " .$_REQUEST["entrada2"],"0");
* constructs and executes a sql update query against the selected database
* can take the following parameters:
* $_REQUEST[primary_key] - thethe value of the primary key
* $_REQUEST[field_name] - the list of fields which appear here will be used as values for update.
* If a field does not appear, null will be used.
* returns : an array of the form
* array (
* data => array(
* "primary key" => primary_key_value,
* "field1" => "value1"
* ...
* ),
* metadata => array()
* )
function update() {
global $conn;
// check to see if the record actually exists in the database
$query_recordset = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `tarjeta_estiba` WHERE codigo_recepcion = %s",
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["codigo_recepcion"], "text")
$recordset = mysql_query($query_recordset, $conn);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($recordset);
if ($num_rows > 0) {
// build and execute the update query
$row_recordset = mysql_fetch_assoc($recordset);
$query_update = sprintf("UPDATE `tarjeta_estiba` SET codigo = %s,producto_generico = %s,producto_espesifico = %s,producto_surtido = %s,cuenta = %s,sub_cuenta = %s,analisis = %s,unidad_medida = %s,precio_mlc = %s,precio_mn = %s,dia = %s,mes = %s,documento_numero_clave = %s,entrada = %s,salida = %s,saldo = %s WHERE codigo_recepcion = %s",
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["codigo"], "text"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["producto_generico"], "text"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["producto_espesifico"], "text"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["producto_surtido"], "text"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["cuenta"], "int"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["sub_cuenta"], "int"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["analisis"], "text"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["unidad_medida"], "text"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["precio_mlc"], "int"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["precio_mn"], "int"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["dia"], "text"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["mes"], "text"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["documento_numero_clave"], "text"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["entrada"], "int"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["salida"], "int"),
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["saldo"], "int"),
GetSQLValueString($row_recordset["codigo_recepcion"], "text")
$ok = mysql_query($query_update);
if ($ok) {
// return the updated entry
$toret = array(
"data" => array(
"codigo_recepcion" => $row_recordset["codigo_recepcion"],
"codigo" => $_REQUEST["codigo"], #
"producto_generico" => $_REQUEST["producto_generico"], #
"producto_espesifico" => $_REQUEST["producto_espesifico"], #
"producto_surtido" => $_REQUEST["producto_surtido"], #
"cuenta" => $_REQUEST["cuenta"], #
"sub_cuenta" => $_REQUEST["sub_cuenta"], #
"analisis" => $_REQUEST["analisis"], #
"unidad_medida" => $_REQUEST["unidad_medida"], #
"precio_mlc" => $_REQUEST["precio_mlc"], #
"precio_mn" => $_REQUEST["precio_mn"], #
"dia" => $_REQUEST["dia"], #
"mes" => $_REQUEST["mes"], #
"documento_numero_clave" => $_REQUEST["documento_numero_clave"], #
"entrada" => $_REQUEST["entrada"], #
"salida" => $_REQUEST["salida"], #
"saldo" => $_REQUEST["saldo"]#
"metadata" => array()
} else {
// an update error, return it
$toret = array(
"data" => array("error" => mysql_error()),
"metadata" => array()
} else {
$toret = array(
"data" => array("error" => "Ninguna fila encontrado"),
"metadata" => array()
return $toret;
* constructs and executes a sql update query against the selected database
* can take the following parameters:
* $_REQUEST[primary_key] - thethe value of the primary key
* returns : an array of the form
* array (
* data => deleted_row_primary_key_value,
* metadata => array()
* )
function delete() {
global $conn;
$auditoria = new TAuditoria;
// check to see if the record actually exists in the database
$query_recordset = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `tarjeta_estiba` WHERE codigo = %s",
GetSQLValueString($_REQUEST["codigo"], "text")
$recordset = mysql_query($query_recordset, $conn);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($recordset);
if ($num_rows > 0) {
$row_recordset = mysql_fetch_assoc($recordset);
$query_delete3 = sprintf("DELETE FROM `ubicacion` WHERE codigo = %s",
GetSQLValueString($row_recordset["codigo"], "text")
$ok = mysql_query($query_delete3);
$query_delete = sprintf("DELETE FROM `tarjeta_estiba` WHERE codigo = %s",
GetSQLValueString($row_recordset["codigo"], "text")
$ok *= mysql_query($query_delete);
$query_delete3 = sprintf("DELETE FROM `tarjeta_estiba_occurencia` WHERE codigo = %s",
GetSQLValueString($row_recordset["codigo"], "text")
$ok *= mysql_query($query_delete3);
$query_delete2 = sprintf("DELETE FROM `producto` WHERE codigo = %s",
GetSQLValueString($row_recordset["codigo"], "text")
$ok *= mysql_query($query_delete2);
if ($ok) {
// delete went through ok, return OK
$auditoria->agregar_a_auditoria($_REQUEST["username"],"Elimino la tarjeta estiba para el producto: " .$_REQUEST["codigo"],"0");
$toret = array(
"data" => $row_recordset["codigo"],
"metadata" => array()
} else {
$toret = array(
"data" => array("error" => mysql_error()),
"metadata" => array()
} else {
// no row found, return an error
$toret = array(
"data" => array("error" => "Ninguna fila encontrado"),
"metadata" => array()
return $toret;
* we use this as an error response, if we do not receive a correct method
$ret = array(
"data" => array("error" => "Ninguna operación"),
"metadata" => array()
* check for the database connection
if ($conn === false) {
$ret = array(
"data" => array("error" => "Error con la base de datos. Ver Configuración !"),
"metadata" => array()
} else {
mysql_select_db($database_conn, $conn);
* simple dispatcher. The $_REQUEST["method"] parameter selects the operation to execute.
* must be one of the values findAll, insert, update, delete, Count
// execute the necessary function, according to the operation code in the post variables
switch (@$_REQUEST["method"]) {
case "FindAll":
$ret = findAll();
case "Insert":
$ret = insert();
case "Update":
$ret = update();
case "Delete":
$ret = delete();
case "Count":
$ret = rowCount();
case "ModificatTE":
$ret = Modificat_Tarjeta_estiba();
case "mostrar_detalle_tarjeta":
$ret = mostrar_detalle_tarjeta($_POST['codigo']);
case "mostrar_proveedor":
$ret = mostrar_proveedor();
case "Insert_informe":
$ret = Insert_informe();
case "Mostrar_fechas":
$ret = Mostrarfechas();
$serializer = new XmlSerializer();
echo $serializer->serialize($ret);
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