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Last active December 9, 2017 19:21
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Meetup Ideas for Coderplex Hyderabad Community

Web Development

  • Web Components
  • Vue JS
  • Web Assembly
  • React Ecosystem
  • Modern Web Development
  • Angular Ecosystem
  • Mastering Dev Tools and Improving Website Performance
  • Session on Progressive Web Apps
  • Session on Firebase
  • Modern JavaScript
  • Laravel sessions / workshops
  • Understanding and using GraphQL


  • Working with React Higher Order Components
  • How to test your react application
  • How to route with React-Router
  • Lets talk about CSS-in-JS
  • Intro to Redux
  • Can we make our own Redux?
  • Lets talk about Modern Javascript and dinosaurs
  • Reading source code of React
  • Building our own small library

Mobile Development

  • React Native series
  • Hybrid apps with Ionic 2 series
  • Android Series (intermediate - advanced devs)
  • iOS gettings started

Decentralized Applications

  • Gettings started Ethereum/Blockchain
  • IPFS
  • Computer Networking
  • Cryptographey
  • Hackathon(s)

Data Science

  • Sessions
  • Workshops
  • Kagle competions
  • Data Science Hackathon


  • Sessions
    • Gettings started with ML
    • Building chat bots
    • Machine Learning
      • Neural Networks
      • Deep Learning
      • Natural Language Processing
      • Image Processing
  • Workshops
  • Hackathons

Computer Science

  • C programming
  • Computer Architecture
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Math for CS
  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Networking
  • Databases
  • Languages and Compliers
  • Distributed Systems

Programming Languages / Tech

  • Rust
  • Ruby
  • Go Lang
  • Haskell
  • Elm
  • Scala / Clojure
  • Python / R
  • OCaml / Reason
  • Erlang / Elixer
  • Swift
  • Kotlin

Information Security

  • Sessions / Workshops
  • CryptoParties
  • White Hat Competitions
  • Bug Bounties

Open Source

  • Getting started with open source development
  • Open Source Hackathon
  • Mini GSoC (for everyone, including non-college folks)
  • Open Source Day (Hackertoberfest Hyderabad type, once per month)

Functional Programming

  • Getting started with Haskell

Internet of Things

  • IoT 101 session
  • IoT Hackathon
  • Robotics workshop


  • Building VR Experiences
  • Building AR Experiences


  • Session on maintainable codebase and readability
  • Test Driven Development / Agile Methodology
  • Building a Language Compiler
  • Hacker Month 2.0
  • Hour of Code across schools in Hyderabad
  • Cross college coding competition
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