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Last active June 2, 2016 19:46
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How to Migrate an Ember.js 1.8.1 stack to 1.10.0 with HTMLBars on Grunt

Breaking changes


Dependency Version New Version Package manager
ember 1.8.1 1.10.0 Bower
ember-resolver 0.1.11 0.1.12 Bower
ember-data 1.0.0-beta.12 1.0.0-beta.14.1 Bower
grunt-ember-templates 0.4.21 0.5.0 Npm
-> handelbars 1.3.0 peerDependency (2.0.0) Npm
-> ember-template-compiler 1.6.1 peerDependency (1.10.0) Npm
bower cache clean
rm -rf node_modules
bower install && npm install


options :
  options: {
+    templateCompilerPath: 'app/assets/scripts/bower_components/ember/ember-template-compiler.js',
+    handlebarsPath: 'node_modules/handlebars/dist/handlebars.js',
+    templateNamespace: 'HTMLBars'

The task failes when a tag is not closed.

>>                          ^
>> Closing tag `div` (on line 10) did not match last open tag `p` (on line 9).
Warning: Ember Handlebars failed to compile app/assets/scripts/apps/import-contacts/templates/contacts/loading.hbs


Ember-data 1.0.0-beta.14.1

Many things have been done especially to improve performances.

see the release blog. see the changelog

  • store.update() method has been deprecated in favor of store.push().
  • ManyArray get('content') method has been deprecated in favor of .toArray()
  • .addRecord() and .removeRecord() method has been deprecated in favor of .addObject() / .removeObject() array methods.
// Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.12
// Ember Data 1.0.0-beta.14


Ember 1.10

All computed properties are cacheable by default. Please upgrade to Ember-data 1.0.0-beta.14.1 to avoid deprecation warnings

{{}} {{! available on the controller }}
{{#each cars as |car|}}
  {{#with car.manufacturer as |make|}}
    {{}} {{! still the controller scope }}
{{!-- Ember 1.10 Method --}}
{{#if isAtWork}}
  Ship that code!
{{else if isReading}}
  You can finish War and Peace eventually...



EmberJS is known to perform badly when rendering long list of dynamic contents, especially on mobile. With HTMLBars, they managed to shave off a significant amount of rendering time with a different approach.

Inline If Helper

Current Ember developers are familiar with the bind-attr syntax, used to declare an attribute binding on an HTML element. An original motivation for HTMLBars was to improve on this syntax.

<span {{bind-attr class="isActive:active :fl"}}></span>
{{!-- HTMLBar Method --}}
<span class="{{if category.isActive 'active'}} fl"></span>

Road to Ember 1.11

  1. Get rid of the {{bind}} helper
  2. Outlet should be {{outlet 'name'}} instead of {{outlet name}}
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