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Last active July 8, 2019 05:37
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  • Save duwaljyoti/2db22fe6bb42e5a42aa18ad4b05bdc46 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save duwaljyoti/2db22fe6bb42e5a42aa18ad4b05bdc46 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
namespace App\Modules\Core\Http\Controllers;
use App\Models\Item;
use App\Models\Permission;
use App\Models\projDesign;
use App\Models\Rma;
use App\Models\Task;
use App\Modules\Core\Http\Requests\CommentRequest;
use App\Modules\Core\Services\CommentService;
use App\Modules\Core\Traits\EmailTrait;
use App\Modules\CustomerRelations\Models\MasterShipment;
use App\Modules\CustomerRelations\Models\NqCredit;
use App\Modules\CustomerRelations\Models\Project;
use App\Modules\CustomerRelations\Models\PurchaseOrder;
use App\Modules\CustomerRelations\Models\QcAlert;
use App\Modules\CustomerRelations\Models\Shipment;
use App\Modules\Users\Services\UserService;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use App\Modules\Core\Models\Comment;
class SaveCommentActionController extends AuthController
use EmailTrait;
private $commentableId;
private $commentedBy;
private $commentableType;
private $comment;
private $commentService;
private $currentDateTime;
private $displayId = null;
private $emailFf = false;
private $emailRecipients = [];
private $emailVendor = false;
private $filledInt;
private $msg = '';
private $portalVendor;
private $pref = '';
private $subject = '';
private $typ = '';
private $userInfo;
private $userService;
private $sanitizedComment = '';
public function __construct(
UserService $userService,
CommentService $commentService
) {
$this->userService = $userService;
$this->commentService = $commentService;
$this->currentDateTime = Carbon::now();
private function formatPayload(CommentRequest $commentRequest, string $commentableType, int $commentableId): void
$this->commentedBy = $commentRequest->get('commented_by');
$this->userInfo = $this->userService->find($this->commentedBy);
$this->commentableId = $commentableId;
$this->commentableType = $commentableType;
$this->sanitizedComment = str_replace("\r", "", str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $commentRequest->get('comment')));
$this->filledInt = sprintf("%04d", $this->commentableId);
* @SWG\Post(
* path="/api/core/{commentable_type}/{commentable_id}/projects",
* summary="Create a comment.",
* tags={"CRM"},
* @SWG\Parameter(
* name="comment",
* type="string",
* required=true,
* in="path",
* ),
* @SWG\Parameter(
* name="commentable_id",
* type="number",
* required=true,
* in="path",
* ),
* @SWG\Parameter(
* name="commentable_type",
* type="string",
* required=true,
* in="path",
* ),
* @SWG\Parameter(
* name="commented_by",
* type="number",
* required=true,
* in="path",
* ),
* @SWG\Response(
* response=200,
* description="Create a customer."
* )
* )
* @param string $commentableType
* @param int $commentableId
* @param CommentRequest $commentRequest
* @param Str $str
* @return JsonResponse
public function store(
string $commentableType,
int $commentableId,
CommentRequest $commentRequest,
Str $str
): JsonResponse {
$this->formatPayload($commentRequest, $commentableType, $commentableId);
$dynamicMetaDataSetter = $str->camel($commentableType);
$comment = $this->commentService->save(new Comment(), [
'commentable_id' => $this->commentableId,
'commentable_type' => $this->commentableType,
'commented_by' => $this->commentedBy,
'comment' => $this->sanitizedComment
// This dynamically determines how the other related details for email and log should be set.
// Add to log
$this->userInfo->full_name . " has made a new comment: " . $this->sanitizedComment
return new JsonResponse(
private function getConcernedUserId($code): int
return $this->userService->getUsersByPermissionCode(
private function internalQuote(): void
$quoteInfo = Item::find($this->commentableId);
$quoteInfo->update(['last_updated_am' => $this->currentDateTime]);
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $quoteInfo->account_manager_id);
if ($quoteInfo->type === 'Manufacturing') {
$designAdminId = $this->getConcernedUserId(Permission::DESIGN_ADMIN);
$engineeringAdminId = $this->getConcernedUserId(Permission::ENGINEERING_ADMIN);
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $designAdminId, $engineeringAdminId);
} else {
$asiaAdminId = $this->getConcernedUserId(Permission::ASIA_ADMIN_CODE);
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $quoteInfo->assignee_id, $quoteInfo->asia_assignee_id, $asiaAdminId);
$this->emailFf = false;
$this->emailVendor = false;
$this->msg = $this->userInfo->full_name . ' posted the following comment:<br />' . $this->sanitizedComment;
$this->pref = 'proj_quote_internal_comments';
$this->subject = 'Quote ' . $this->filledInt . ' has a new comment';
$this->type = 'Quote';
private function vendorQuote(): void
$quote = Item::find($this->commentableId);
if ($this->commentedBy === $quote->account_manager_id) {
$quote->last_updated_am = $this->currentDateTime;
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $quote->account_manager_id);
if ($quote->portal_vendor === "OTHER") {
$asiaAdminId = $this->getConcernedUserId('asia-admin');
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $quote->assignee_id, $quote->asia_assignee_id, $asiaAdminId);
$this->displayId = $this->filledInt;
$this->emailFf = false;
$this->emailVendor = true;
$this->msg = $this->userInfo->full_name . ' posted the following comment: <br />' . $this->sanitizedComment;
$this->portalVendor = $quote->portal_vendor;
$this->pref = 'proj_quote_comments';
$this->typ = 'Quote';
$this->subject = 'Quote ' . $this->filledInt. ' has a new comment';
private function internalOrder(): void
$order = PurchaseOrder::where('po', '=', $this->commentableId)->first();
if ($this->commentedBy === $order->account_manager_id) {
PurchaseOrder::where('po', $this->commentedBy)->update(['last_updated_am' => $this->currentDateTime]);
$asiaAdminId = $this->getConcernedUserId('asia-admin');
$this->displayId = $this->commentableId;
$this->emailFf = false;
$this->emailVendor = true;
$this->msg = $this->userInfo->full_name . ' posted the following comment: <br /><br />' . $this->sanitizedComment;
$this->pref = 'proj_order_internal_comments';
$this->typ = 'Order';
$this->subject = 'PO' . $this->commentableId . ' has a new comment.';
private function vendorOrder(): void
$order = PurchaseOrder::where('po', '=', $this->commentableId)->first();
if ($this->commentedBy == $order->account_manager_id) {
PurchaseOrder::where('po', $this->commentableId)->update(['last_updated_am' => $this->currentDateTime]);
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $order->account_manager_id);
if ($order->portal_vendor === "OTHER") {
$asiaAdminId = $this->getConcernedUserId('asia-admin');
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $order->assignee_id, $order->asia_assignee_id, $asiaAdminId);
$this->displayId = $this->commentableId;
$this->emailFf = false;
$this->emailVendor = true;
$this->msg = $this->userInfo->full_name . ' posted the following comment: <br /><br />' . $this->sanitizedComment;
$this->pref = 'proj_order_comments';
$this->typ = 'Order';
$this->subject = 'PO' . $this->commentableId . ' has a new comment.';
$this->portalVendor = $order->portal_vendor;
private function shipment(): void
$shipment = Shipment::find($this->commentableId);
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $shipment->account_manager_id);
$this->displayId = $shipment->shipment_id;
$this->subject = 'Shipment ' . $this->displayId . ' has a new comment';
$this->msg = $this->userInfo->full_name . ' posted the following comment: <br /><br />' . $this->sanitizedComment;
$this->pref = 'proj_shipment_comments';
$this->typ = 'Shipment';
$this->emailVendor = false;
$this->emailFf = false;
private function masterShipment(): void
$logisticsUserId = $this->getConcernedUserId('logistics');
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $logisticsUserId);
$ms = MasterShipment::find($this->commentableId);
$this->portalVendor = $ms->ff;
$this->displayId = $this->filledInt;
$this->subject = 'Master Shipment ' . $this->filledInt . ' has a new comment';
$this->msg = $this->userInfo->full_name . ' posted the following comment: <br /><br />' . $this->sanitizedComment;
$this->pref = 'proj_master_shipment';
$this->typ = 'Master Shipment';
$this->emailVendor = false;
$this->emailFf = true;
private function design(): void
$design = projDesign::find($this->commentableId);
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $design->account_manager_id);
$this->displayId = $this->filledInt;
$this->subject = 'Design ' . $this->displayId . ' has a new comment';
$this->msg = $this->userInfo->full_name . ' posted the following comment: <br /><br />' . $this->sanitizedComment;
$this->pref = 'proj_designs';
$this->typ = 'Design';
$this->emailVendor = false;
$this->emailFf = false;
private function task(): void
$task = Task::find($this->commentableId);
$task->update(['waiting_for_response' => (int) ($this->commentedBy === $task->assignee)]);
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $task->creator, $task->assignee);
// Define Main Email Info
$this->displayId = $task->name;
$this->subject = 'Task "' . $this->displayId . '" has a new comment';
$this->msg = $this->userInfo->full_name . ' posted the following comment: <br /><br />' . $this->sanitizedComment;
$this->pref = 'tasks';
$this->typ = 'Task';
$this->emailVendor= false;
$this->emailFf = false;
private function project(): void
$project = Project::find($this->commentableId);
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $project->account_manager_id);
$this->displayId = $this->filledInt;
$this->subject = 'Project ' . $this->displayId . ' has a new comment';
$this->msg = $this->userInfo->full_name . ' posted the following comment: <br /><br />' . $this->sanitizedComment;
$this->pref = 'project';
$this->typ = 'Project';
$this->emailVendor = false;
$this->emailFf = false;
private function qcAlert(): void
$qcAlert = QcAlert::find($this->commentableId);
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $qcAlert->account_manager_id, $qcAlert->assignee_id);
$this->displayId = $this->filledInt;
$this->subject = 'QC Alert #' . $this->displayId . ' has a new comment';
$this->msg = $this->userInfo->full_name . ' posted the following comment: <br /><br />' . $this->sanitizedComment;
$this->pref = 'qc-alerts';
$this->typ = 'QC Alert';
$this->emailVendor = false;
$this->emailFf = false;
private function rma(): void
$rma = Rma::find($this->commentableId);
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $rma->account_manager_id, $rma->assignee_id);
$this->displayId = $this->filledInt;
$this->subject = 'RMA #' . $this->displayId . ' has a new comment';
$this->msg = $this->userInfo->full_name . ' posted the following comment: <br /><br />' . $this->sanitizedComment;
$this->pref = 'rmas';
$this->typ = 'RMA';
$this->emailVendor = false;
$this->emailFf = false;
private function nqCredit(): void
$credit = NqCredit::find($this->commentableId);
array_push($this->emailRecipients, $credit->account_manager_id, $credit->assignee_id);
$this->displayId = $this->filledInt;
$this->subject = 'NQ Credit/Debit #' . $this->displayId . ' has a new comment';
$this->msg = $this->userInfo->full_name . ' posted the following comment: <br /><br />' . $this->sanitizedComment;
$this->pref = 'nq_credit';
$this->typ = 'NQ-Credit';
$this->emailVendor = false;
$this->emailFf = false;
public function upload()
if (Request::file('file')) {
$file = Request::file('file');
$size = Request::file('file')->getSize();
$mime = Request::file('file')->getMimeType();
// Get file information
$file_name = Request::get('file_name');
$uploadable_id = Request::get('uploadable_id');
$uploadable_type = Request::get('uploadable_type');
$upload_type = Request::get('upload_type');
// email and notify settings
$email_recipients = [];
$object_id = $uploadable_id;
$display_id = $uploadable_id;
$portal_vendor = 0;
$subject = '';
$msg = '';
$pref = '';
$typ = '';
$email_vendor = false;
// Set comment to None if null or undefined
$comment = Request::get('comment');
if ($comment == null or $comment == 'undefined') {
$comment = "None";
$user_id = Request::get('uploaded_by');
$user_info = User::find($user_id);
$filled_int = sprintf("%04d", $uploadable_id);
if ($uploadable_type === 'quote') {
$quote = projQuote::find(Request::get('uploadable_id'));
// Show that quote has been updated
$quote->last_updated_am = Carbon::now();
// Add account manager, assignee and asia_assignee to email recipients
array_push($email_recipients, $quote->account_manager_id);
array_push($email_recipients, $quote->assignee_id);
array_push($email_recipients, $quote->asia_assignee_id);
// Define Main Email Info
$email_recipients = $this->add_quote_followers($email_recipients, $uploadable_id);
$display_id = $filled_int;
$portal_vendor = $quote->portal_vendor;
$subject = 'Quote ' . $display_id . ' has a new upload';
$msg = $user_info->full_name . " added an upload to Quote " . $display_id;
$pref = 'proj_quote_uploads';
$typ = 'Quote';
$email_vendor = true;
elseif ($uploadable_type === 'purchase-order') {
$poArray = projPurchaseOrder::where('po', '=', $uploadable_id)->get();
// Show that PO has been updated
foreach($poArray as $po){
$po->last_updated_am = Carbon::now();
$order = $poArray[0];
// Add account manager, assignee and asia_assignee to email recipients
array_push($email_recipients, $order->account_manager_id);
array_push($email_recipients, $order->assignee_id);
array_push($email_recipients, $order->asia_assignee_id);
// Define Main Email Info
$email_recipients = $this->add_order_followers($email_recipients, $uploadable_id);
$subject = 'PO' . $display_id . ' has a new upload';
$msg = $user_info->full_name . " added an upload to PO" . $display_id;
$portal_vendor = $order->portal_vendor;
$pref = 'proj_order_uploads';
$typ = 'Order';
$email_vendor = true;
elseif ($uploadable_type === 'shipment') {
$shipment_uploadable_id = $uploadable_id;
$shipment = projShipment::find($uploadable_id);
$uploadable_id = $shipment->shipment_id;
// Add account manager to email recipients
array_push($email_recipients, $shipment->account_manager_id);
// Define Main Email Info
$object_id = $shipment->id;
$display_id = $shipment->shipment_id;
$subject = 'Shipment ' . $display_id . ' has a new upload';
$msg = $user_info->full_name . " added an upload to Shipment " . $display_id;
$pref = 'proj_shipment_uploads';
$typ = 'Shipment';
$email_vendor = false;
elseif ($uploadable_type == "master-shipment")
// Get logistics users
$permission = Permission::with('users')->where('code_name', '=', 'logistics')->first();
foreach ($permission->users as $user) {
array_push($email_recipients, $user->id);
// Define Main Email Info
$display_id = sprintf("%05d", $uploadable_id);
$subject = 'Master Shipment ' . $display_id . ' has a new upload';
$msg = $user_info->full_name . " added an upload to Master Shipment " . $display_id;
$pref = 'proj_master_shipment';
$typ = 'Master Shipment';
$email_vendor = false;
elseif ($uploadable_type == "design") {
$design = projDesign::find($uploadable_id);
// Add account manager to email recipients
array_push($email_recipients, $design->account_manager_id);
// Define Main Email Info
$display_id = $filled_int;
$subject = 'Design ' . $display_id . ' has a new upload';
$msg = $user_info->full_name . " added an upload to Design " . $display_id;
$pref = 'proj_designs';
$typ = 'Design';
$email_vendor = false;
elseif ($uploadable_type == "qc-alert") {
$QcAlert = QcAlert::find($uploadable_id);
// Add account manager and assignee to email recipients
array_push($email_recipients, $QcAlert->account_manager_id);
array_push($email_recipients, $QcAlert->assignee_id);
// Define Main Email Info
$display_id = $filled_int;
$subject = 'QC Alert #' . $display_id . ' has a new upload';
$msg = $user_info->full_name . " added an upload to QC Alert #" . $display_id;
$pref = 'qc-alerts';
$typ = 'QC Alert';
$email_vendor = false;
if ($upload_type == "Certificate of Destruction") {
$QcAlert->certificate_of_destruction_uploaded = 1;
elseif ($uploadable_type == "rma") {
$Rma = Rma::find($uploadable_id);
// Add account manager and assignee to email recipients
array_push($email_recipients, $Rma->account_manager_id);
array_push($email_recipients, $Rma->assignee_id);
// Define Main Email Info
$display_id = $filled_int;
$subject = 'RMA ' . $display_id . ' has a new upload';
$msg = $user_info->full_name . " added an upload to RMA " . $display_id;
$pref = 'rmas';
$typ = 'RMA';
$email_vendor = false;
$file_path = $uploadable_type . "/" . $display_id . "/" . $file_name;
$file_contents = file_get_contents($file->getRealPath());
// Get HR Doc Arrays
$it_policy_docs = Upload::where('upload_type', 'it_policy')->get();
$utah_telecomm_policy_docs = Upload::where('upload_type', 'telecomm_policy_utah')->get();
$idaho_telecomm_policy_docs = Upload::where('upload_type', 'telecomm_policy_idaho')->get();
$cal_telecomm_policy_docs = Upload::where('upload_type', 'telecomm_policy_cal')->get();
$comm_policy_docs = Upload::where('upload_type', 'comm_policy')->get();
$utah_handbook_policy_docs = Upload::where('upload_type', 'ut_office')->get();
$utah_plant_handbook_policy_docs = Upload::where('upload_type', 'ut_plant')->get();
$cal_handbook_policy_docs = Upload::where('upload_type', 'california')->get();
$idaho_handbook_policy_docs = Upload::where('upload_type', 'idaho')->get();
// If gravatar make public - Also if HR documents then do this
if ($uploadable_type == 'gravatar') {
Storage::disk('s3')->write($file_path, $file_contents, ['visibility' => 'public']);
else if(count($it_policy_docs) != 0 && $upload_type == 'it_policy'){
$old_policy = Upload::where('upload_type', 'it_policy')->first();
$old_file_name = $old_policy->file_name;
$old_file_path = 'human-resources/0/' . $old_file_name;
$old_file = Upload::where('upload_type', 'it_policy')->first();
Storage::disk('s3')->write($file_path, $file_contents);
else if(count($utah_handbook_policy_docs) != 0 && $upload_type == 'ut_office'){
$old_policy = Upload::where('upload_type', 'ut_office')->first();
$old_file_name = $old_policy->file_name;
$old_file_path = 'human-resources/0/' . $old_file_name;
$old_file = Upload::where('upload_type', 'ut_office')->first();
Storage::disk('s3')->write($file_path, $file_contents);
else if(count($utah_plant_handbook_policy_docs) != 0 && $upload_type == 'ut_plant'){
$old_policy = Upload::where('upload_type', 'ut_plant')->first();
$old_file_name = $old_policy->file_name;
$old_file_path = 'human-resources/0/' . $old_file_name;
$old_file = Upload::where('upload_type', 'ut_plant')->first();
Storage::disk('s3')->write($file_path, $file_contents);
else if(count($cal_handbook_policy_docs) != 0 && $upload_type == 'california'){
$old_policy = Upload::where('upload_type', 'california')->first();
$old_file_name = $old_policy->file_name;
$old_file_path = 'human-resources/0/' . $old_file_name;
$old_file = Upload::where('upload_type', 'california')->first();
Storage::disk('s3')->write($file_path, $file_contents);
else if(count($idaho_handbook_policy_docs) != 0 && $upload_type == 'idaho'){
$old_policy = Upload::where('upload_type', 'idaho')->first();
$old_file_name = $old_policy->file_name;
$old_file_path = 'human-resources/0/' . $old_file_name;
$old_file = Upload::where('upload_type', 'idaho')->first();
Storage::disk('s3')->write($file_path, $file_contents);
else if(count($utah_telecomm_policy_docs) != 0 && $upload_type == 'telecomm_policy_utah'){
$old_policy = Upload::where('upload_type', 'telecomm_policy_utah')->first();
$old_file_name = $old_policy->file_name;
$old_file_path = 'human-resources/0/' . $old_file_name;
$old_file = Upload::where('upload_type', 'telecomm_policy_utah')->first();
Storage::disk('s3')->write($file_path, $file_contents);
else if(count($idaho_telecomm_policy_docs) != 0 && $upload_type == 'telecomm_policy_idaho'){
$old_policy = Upload::where('upload_type', 'telecomm_policy_idaho')->first();
$old_file_name = $old_policy->file_name;
$old_file_path = 'human-resources/0/' . $old_file_name;
$old_file = Upload::where('upload_type', 'telecomm_policy_idaho')->first();
Storage::disk('s3')->write($file_path, $file_contents);
else if(count($cal_telecomm_policy_docs) != 0 && $upload_type == 'telecomm_policy_cal'){
$old_policy = Upload::where('upload_type', 'telecomm_policy_cal')->first();
$old_file_name = $old_policy->file_name;
$old_file_path = 'human-resources/0/' . $old_file_name;
$old_file = Upload::where('upload_type', 'telecomm_policy_cal')->first();
Storage::disk('s3')->write($file_path, $file_contents);
else if(count($comm_policy_docs) != 0 && $upload_type == 'comm_policy'){
$old_policy = Upload::where('upload_type', 'comm_policy')->first();
$old_file_name = $old_policy->file_name;
$old_file_path = 'human-resources/0/' . $old_file_name;
$old_file = Upload::where('upload_type', 'comm_policy')->first();
Storage::disk('s3')->write($file_path, $file_contents);
else if($uploadable_type == 'company-directory') {
// Delete the existing directory
$directory = Upload::where('uploadable_type', 'company-directory')->first();
$old_file_path = 'company-directory/0/' . $directory->file_name;
Storage::disk('s3')->write($file_path, $file_contents);
else {
Storage::disk('s3')->write($file_path, $file_contents);
if ($uploadable_type === 'shipment') {
$uploadable_id = $shipment_uploadable_id;
$upload = new Upload;
$upload->file_name = $file_name;
$upload->file_size = $size;
$upload->file_type = $mime;
$upload->uploaded_by = Request::get('uploaded_by');
$upload->uploadable_id = $uploadable_id;
$upload->uploadable_type = $uploadable_type;
$upload->upload_type = $upload_type;
$upload->comment = $comment;
// Special scripts based on uploadable type
if ($uploadable_type == 'gravatar') {
$user_array = User::where('username', '=', $uploadable_id)->get();
$user_info = $user_array[0];
$user_info->gravatar = $file_name;
elseif ($uploadable_type == 'expense-statement') {
$exp_item_id = Request::get('upload_type');
if ($exp_item_id == 'orig-amex') {
// Do nothing
} elseif ($exp_item_id == 'approved-excel') {
// Do nothing
} elseif ($exp_item_id == 'amex-csv') {
// Do nothing
} elseif ($exp_item_id == 'other-csv') {
// Do nothing
} else {
// Receipt Uploads
// Update original expense item
$exp_item = ExpenseItem::find($exp_item_id);
$exp_item->receipt_uploaded = 1;
// Loop through and create addtional lines
$expense_lines = Request::get('expense_lines');
if ($expense_lines == null) {
// Do nothing
} else {
$expense_line_array = explode(',', $expense_lines);
foreach ($expense_line_array as $expense_line) {
$upload = new Upload;
$upload->file_name = $file_name;
$upload->file_size = $size;
$upload->file_type = $mime;
$upload->uploaded_by = Request::get('uploaded_by');
$upload->uploadable_id = $uploadable_id;
$upload->uploadable_type = $uploadable_type;
$upload->upload_type = $expense_line;
$upload->comment = $comment;
// Update this expense item
$exp_item = ExpenseItem::find($expense_line);
$exp_item->receipt_uploaded = 1;
// Write to log
$this->email_and_notify($email_recipients, $user_id, $object_id, $display_id, $portal_vendor, $subject, $msg, $pref, $typ, $email_vendor, false);
return Response::json(Upload::with('vendorUser.assignable', 'user', 'logisticsUser.assignable')->find($upload->id));
} else {
return Response::json("Fail!");
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