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Cumque ducimus accu
public function store(
User $userModel,
Logger $activityLogger,
Mailer $mailer
// valdating the user data
if ($data['first_name'] || $data['email']) {
throw new \Exception('Some required fields are missing!');
// save the user
// log the create event of the user.
$loggableId = $userModel->id;
$loggableType = get_class($userModel);
$message = 'User is created.';
if (!$activityLogger->save($loggableId, $loggableType, $message)) {
throw new \Exception('Activity Not saved exception.');
// send email to relavant people
if (
!$mailer->send('emails.default', $userModel->email, 'Welcome to our application.')
|| $mailer->send('users.confirmation', '', 'A new user has been added.')
) {
throw new \Exception('Something went wrong! Email not sent.');
// format the user.
$formattedUserData = [
'full_name' => $userModel->first_name . $userModel->last_name,
'email' => $userModel->email
// return necessary respone
return $formattedUserData;
public function store(
array $data,
UserService $userService,
ActivityLoggerService $activityLogger,
EmailService $emailService
) {
$validatedData = $this->validate($data);
$userModel = $userService->save($validatedData);
$activityLogger->log($userModel, 'User is created.');
$emailService->send($userModel->email, 'Welcome to our application');
return new UserTransformer($userModel);
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