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Last active October 16, 2016 10:48
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First of all one needs to have a heroku account.
one can got into and create a free account
(make sure to have php and composer installed)
install the heroku CLI by typing in
wget -O- | sh
or you can choose other options according to your OS.
After installing Go inside of the laravel project
and type in your email and password after heroku login
now create a file name Procfile without any extension or anything.. and type in
web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public
and save it..
now initialize a git repository by doing git init inside your laravel project
then type in git add .
then git commit -m "with your message"
now to create heroku app
type in
heroku create --buildpack app_name
(it creates a sort of a placeholder for your app..if you choose to keep the app_name empty heorku will assign a random name for your app
after that we need to set a random hitting
php artisan key:generate
after that we need to config file by hitting
heroku config:set APP_KEY="random_key_generated_by_artisan_commad"
the final step now is git push heroku master...
this wil deploy your application..
To see if its correctly deployed one needs to type in heroku open in the terminal which on succesful deployment will cause the newly deployed site on your default browser.
Detail Documentation can be found at
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