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Created October 14, 2016 09:31
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<title>YIPL Code task</title>
$file = fopen('example.log', 'r') or die ('File opening failed');
$line = fgets($file);
while (!feof($file)) {
$request_counter = 1;
$warning_counter = 0;
$error_counter = 0;
$parts = explode(' ', $line);
$date = substr($parts[0], 0, 10);
$message = substr($parts[7], 0, 10);
if (messagewarning($message)) $warning_counter++;
if (messageerror($message)) $error_counter++;
$line1 = fgets($file);
$parts1 = explode(' ', $line1);
$date1 = substr($parts1[0], 0, 10);
if ($date == $date1) {
$request_counter = 0;
$message = substr($parts1[7], 0, 10);
if (messagewarning($message)) $warning_counter++;
if (messageerror($message)) $error_counter++;
Goto l;
echo($date . " warning:" . $warning_counter . " error:" . $error_counter . "<br>");
$line = $line1;
function messagewarning($message)
return substr_count($message, "warning") > 0;
function messageerror($message)
return substr_count($message, "error") > 0;
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