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Last active October 28, 2018 16:29
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Sets media classes to HTML body tag. Example for mobile <body class="mobile not-tablet not-desktop">
# call just after body tag or $ -> window.MediaBodyClass.init()
# sets body class for
# mobile to "mobile not-tablet not-desktop"
# tablet to "not-mobile tablet not-desktop"
# desktop to "not-mobile not-tablet desktop"
@MediaBodyClass =
sizes: [['mobile'], ['tablet', 767], ['desktop', 1023]]
init: ->
for [name, size] in @sizes.reverse()
if !size || (size && window.innerWidth > size)
@set name
set: (name) ->
body = $(document.body)
for it in @sizes
body.removeClass it[0]
body.removeClass "not-#{it[0]}"
for it in @sizes
klass = if it[0] == name then name else "not-#{it[0]}"
body.addClass klass
for i in [0..(@MediaBodyClass.sizes.length - 2)]
name = @MediaBodyClass.sizes[i][0]
[next_name, next_size] = @MediaBodyClass.sizes[i+1]
window.matchMedia("(max-width: #{next_size}px)").addListener new Function 'e',
"window.MediaBodyClass.set(e.matches ? '#{name}' : '#{next_name}');"
this.MediaBodyClass = {
sizes: [['mobile'], ['tablet', 767], ['desktop', 1023]],
init() {
for (let [name, size] of this.sizes.reverse()) {
if (!size || (size && (window.innerWidth > size))) {
set(name) {
const body = $(document.body);
for (var it of this.sizes) {
return (() => {
const result = [];
for (it of this.sizes) {
const klass = it[0] === name ? name : `not-${it[0]}`;
return result;
for (let i = 0, end = this.MediaBodyClass.sizes.length - 2, asc = 0 <= end; asc ? i <= end : i >= end; asc ? i++ : i--) {
const name = this.MediaBodyClass.sizes[i][0];
const [next_name, next_size] = this.MediaBodyClass.sizes[i+1];
window.matchMedia(`(max-width: ${next_size}px)`).addListener(new Function('e',
`\window.MediaBodyClass.set(e.matches ? '${name}' : '${next_name}');\`
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