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Last active December 20, 2015 22:48
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Simple routed pjax
@Pjax =
skip_on: [],
push_state: false,
load_is_safe: false,
refresh: (func) -> Pjax.load(, { func:func, no_scroll:true })
init: (@full_page=false) ->
return alert "#full_page ID referece not defined in PJAX!\n\nWrap whole page in one DIV element" unless @full_page
if window.history && window.history.pushState
Pjax.push_state = true
# u chrome se automatski trigerrira popstate na kraju page rendera, i evo ti novog requesta. disable 1sec pjax load
setTimeout ->
Pjax.load_is_safe = true
, 1000
window.onpopstate = (event, href) ->
if event.state && event.state.body
console.log "Pjax.load (history cache hit): #{event.state.href}"
if /<form/.test(event.state.body)
Pjax.load(event.state.href, history:true);
Pjax.replace event.state.title, event.state.body
Pjax.load(levent.state.href, history:true);
$(document).trigger 'pjax:get'
$(document).trigger 'pjax:get'
console.log "Pjax.init() on #{@full_page} OK"
skip: ->
for el in arguments
Pjax.skip_on.push el
redirect: (href) ->
location.href = href
replace: (title, body) ->
document.title = title
$(@full_page).html body
$(document).trigger 'pjax:get'
load: (href, opts={}) ->
return alert "Pjax.init() #full_page ID referece not defined in PJAX!\n\nWrap whole page in one DIV element" unless @full_page
return false unless Pjax.load_is_safe
return false unless href
return if href == '#'
return @redirect(href) if /^http/.test(href)
return @redirect(href) if /#/.test(href)
return @redirect(href) unless Pjax.push_state
for el in Pjax.skip_on
switch typeof el
when 'object' then return @redirect(href) if el.test(href)
when 'function' then return @redirect(href) if el(href)
else return @redirect(href) if el == href
speed = $.now()
xhr = $.get(href).done( (data) =>
console.log "Pjax.load #{if opts.history then '(back trigger)' else ''} #{$.now()-speed}ms: #{href}"
console.log xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()
if loc = xhr.getResponseHeader('Location')
alert loc
obj = $ "<div>#{data}</div>"
body = obj.find(@full_page).html() || data
Pjax.replace obj.find('title').first().html(), body
unless opts['history']
if href == location.href
window.history.replaceState({ body:body, href:href, title:document.title}, document.title, href)
window.history.pushState({ body:body, href:href, title:document.title}, document.title, href)
# Google Analytics support
_gaq.push ['_trackPageview'] if window._gaq
opts.func() if opts.func
unless opts['no_scroll']
window.scrollTo(0, 0)
).error (ret) ->
Info.error ret.statusText
on_get: (func) ->
$(document).on 'pjax:get', -> func()
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